All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, “Zoning”, of the city code for the Community Commercial district (CMC), shall apply to any development proposal for the Wendy’s PUD ordinance, unless noted elsewhere within this ordinance.
A. Allowed Uses: Uses to be allowed in the Wendy’s PUD shall be those uses identified as permitted or permitted conditional for the Community Commercial (CMC) district, except the following uses normally allowed in the Community Commercial (CMC) district shall be prohibited in the Wendy’s PUD:
SIC 4522 Heliport/helistop.
SIC 4925 Mixed, manufactured, or liquefied petroleum gas production and/or distribution (except: production and manufacturing).
SIC 554 Gasoline service stations.
SIC 592 Liquor stores.
SIC 5999 Adult entertainment establishment.
SIC 75 Automotive repair, services, and parking. (Ord. 2469, 5-3-2021)