Whereas, section 6 of ordinance 497 amended ordinance 430 by creating article XX(a), PUD district establishes certain regulations and guidelines pertaining to accompanying information required on a final site plan and final site plan documents. Now, therefore, the following conditions, restrictions and regulations are adopted as part of this approval, to wit:
A. General Conditions: The sketch plan incorporates a maximum of sixty (60) residential dwelling units which shall be distributed by types and location according to the sketch plan as presented.
In addition, the following general site plan criteria are integrated into and made a part of the sketch plan document and its recommendation for approval:
1. All subdivisions, streets, street right of way and general development shall adhere to the standards and design criteria set forth in the West Des Moines subdivision ordinance pertaining thereto unless otherwise stated within this ordinance. (Ord. 733, 6-18-1984)
2. The development shall comply with article XXV (site plans) of the West Des Moines zoning ordinance, and article XX(a) (PUD) sections 6 and 8. No final building or site plan review by the planning and zoning commission and city council shall be required for individual EU-1, R-1 and R-1-A lots. (Ord. 789, 5-27-1986)
3. In all areas involving potential flood hazards, no residential, office, commercial or industrial structure shall be erected which has a lowest floor, including basements, less than one foot (1') above the determined level of the 100-year return frequency rainfall event.
4. The petitioners seeking this rezoning, their successors and assigns, if any, shall pay all construction and engineering costs for the interior development of the planned unit development, as required by this ordinance or the subdivision ordinance of the city of West Des Moines, Iowa, for all streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, drainageway improvements, creek crossing structures, City-owned utilities, buffers and other improvements within the PUD as may be required by the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances.
B. Land Use Design Criteria: In addition to the general criteria as stated in subsection A above, the following land use design criteria shall apply to the development areas designated on the sketch plan. The sketch plan document which is made a part of this rezoning action per Section 004-02 herein, delineates four (4) parcels of the PUD as Parcels A, B, C and D for application of the specific development standards and use regulations. The following development standards and use regulations shall apply to each of the four (4) development parcels: (Ord. 733, 6-18-1984)
1. Parcel A: All general use regulations, performance standards and provisions set forth in Article VIII of Ordinance 430 for the R-1-A Single-Family Residential District shall apply to any development proposal for all property within Parcel A as shown on the sketch plan of Heatherwood Estates 2 PUD; provided, however, the front yard setback may be a minimum of thirty feet (30'). This area shall involve approximately twenty (20) acres with a maximum of thirty one (31) dwelling units.
2. Parcel B: All general use regulations, performance standards and provisions set forth in Article VII of Ordinance 430 for the R-1 Single-Family Residential District shall apply to any development proposal for all property within Parcel B as shown on the sketch plan of the Heatherwood Estates 2 PUD; provided, however, the front yard setback may be a minimum of twenty five feet (25'). The area shall involve approximately twenty four (24) acres with a maximum of twenty seven (27) dwelling units.
At the time of the final plat review, the developer and City shall agree upon the appropriate restrictions to be placed on the use of that area of the parcel south and southwest of the one hundred foot (100') Iowa Power and Light easement for the preservation of open space and protection of the extreme topography within said area, which property is to act as a scenic open space and buffer against the ground southerly, zoned as ICP Industrial Commerce Park. (Ord. 789, 5-27-1986)
3. Parcel C: All general use regulations, performance standards and provisions set forth in Article IX of Ordinance 430 for the EU-1 Estate Use Single-Family Residential District shall apply to any development proposal for all property within Parcel C as shown on the sketch plan of Heatherwood Estates 2 PUD. This area shall involve approximately ten (10) acres with a maximum of two (2) dwelling units.
4. Parcel D: This area shall involve no greater than seventeen (17) acres and shall be developed in accordance with ICP Industrial Commerce Park District use regulations, performance standards and provisions as may be set forth as part of the establishment of said zoning district classification within the Zoning Ordinance which is proposed by the City's comprehensive plan. Development within this parcel shall have access and frontage to public streets which are designed to accommodate a continuity of traffic circulation with ICP projects that may be proposed to the east and south of this site. (Ord. 733, 6-18-1984)
C. Corner Lots: Within Parcel A and Parcel B corner lots shall not be less than twenty feet (20') greater in lot frontage than the minimum required lot frontage for each development parcels so as to permit adequate building setbacks on both front and side streets. (Ord. 789, 5-27-1986)
D. Iowa Power And Light Easement: No residential building shall be located within the one hundred foot (100') Iowa Power and Light easement which crosses Parcel A and B of the planned unit development.
E. Building Restrictions, Easements And Covenants: Where the City deems appropriate, and with the approval of the City Council, the developer shall on each particular area, adopt building restrictions, easements and/or covenants.
F. Soil Test Requirements: The developer shall be responsible for supplying to the City, information prepared by a qualified soils engineering firm, indicating that existing soil conditions are adequate in stability and strength for construction of public and private improvements proposed, or if determined by the soils engineering firm that adequate soils conditions do not exist, measures shall be taken by the developer to achieve adequate soil strength and stability for both public and private improvements.
G. Cul-De-Sac Lengths: The extreme terrain associated with the development of this planned unit development has made it necessary to allow for cul-de-sac streets in Parcels A and B to be longer than the maximum allowed by the City Subdivision Ordinance. During final plat or site plan review the City shall determine maximum allowable cul-de-sac lengths.
H. Street Design For Fuller Road Access: At the time of the platting of that part of parcel A located between Fuller Road and parcel B the design of the street providing access to the development shall be determined. The city shall determine the proper design and pavement widths for the street in order to assure adequate year round access for emergency vehicles.
I. All Areas To Be Platted: Prior to development within any portion of the PUD, the area to be developed shall first be platted in accordance with the city's subdivision ordinance. (Ord. 733, 6-18-1984)