Whereas, Title 9, Chapter 9, Planned Unit Development District of the City Code, establishes certain regulations and guidelines pertaining to accompanying information required on plat and site plan documents. In addition, the following conditions, restrictions, and regulations are adopted as part of this approval:
A. General Conditions: In addition to the PUD Sketch Plan Map, the following general development criteria shall be integrated into and made a part of this planned unit development.
1. General Conformance to Subdivision Ordinance: All subdivisions, public and private streets and street rights-of-way and general development shall adhere to the standards and design criteria set forth in the West Des Moines Subdivision Ordinance and/or established City policies pertaining thereto, unless otherwise stated within this Ordinance.
2. General Conformance to Zoning Ordinance: Unless otherwise specified herein, the development of the Dowling Catholic High School PUD shall comply with the provisions of the Title 9, "Zoning", of the city code or any other applicable codes.
3. Flood Hazard: In all areas within a Base Flood (100 Year), or adjoining drainage ways, and detention ponding areas involving potential flood hazards, all buildings proposed to be located in a flood hazard area must be elevated and designed in accordance with the American Society of Civil Engineers publication ASCE 24 and no building shall be erected which has a minimum opening elevation (including top of window well) less than one foot (1') above the determined level of the Base Flood. In areas where historical high-water levels are above the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Base Flood Elevation or special conditions exist, the City may require a Design Flood Elevation be calculated and used as the Base Flood Elevation for determination of elevation requirements. Buildings shall only be permitted within twenty-five feet (25') of any easement or property boundary of a major drainageway, storm water detention basin or pond if said location is approved as part of the development entitlement by the city council and said building is structurally designed accordingly.
4. Developer Responsibilities: The Developer, their successors and/or assigns, if any, shall pay all planning, engineering, and construction costs for the development of the planned unit development, as required by this Ordinance and approved site plans and the cost of all streets, alleys, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, drainageway improvements, detention basins, water mains, buffers and other improvements as required for rights-of-way or public easements within the Dowling Catholic High School PUD, unless otherwise approved by the City Council.
5. Public Street Improvements and Right-Of-Way Dedication: At time of subdivision platting of ground within the PUD or in conjunction with site development, whichever occurs first, the subdivider/developer shall be responsible for construction and/or installation of all required public and private infrastructure improvements necessary to support development in a manner that will assure that the infrastructure functions at an acceptable level of service and in accordance with all city ordinances.
6. Sanitary Sewer: Any proposed change in approved land use densities for the PUD will require an analysis of the downstream sanitary sewer capacity to assure that adequate capacity is available for the proposed change in approved land use densities.
7. Fire Access:
a. All access drives, internal drive aisles and parking lots shall permit the travel of the Fire Department's largest vehicle, including adequate accommodation of the vehicle's turning needs. Approval of unique design solutions to accommodate fire access may be granted by the City Council if the solutions proposed are acceptable to and recommended for approval by the West Des Moines Fire Department.
b. At the discretion of the City's Fire Marshal, "No Parking Fire Lane" areas may be established as necessary to ensure efficient movement and access of the fire trucks. The developer shall be responsible for the procurement and erection of approved fire lane signage.
c. A minimum of fourteen feet (14') of vertical clearance over the travel portion of all vehicle travel ways shall be maintained at all times.
d. The property owner or its designee shall be responsible for enforcement of no parking lanes and maintaining adequate clearance of structures and vegetation along and above all vehicle travel ways, regardless if public or private.
e. Adequate fire accesses as determined by the City's Fire Marshal shall be provided at all times to those areas under construction.
8. Loading areas, undesirable building elements (transformers, HVAC equipment, electrical equipment, gas meters, etc.) and trash enclosures shall be screened in accordance with city code. Roof mounted HVAC screening shall be incorporated into the design of the building using raised parapets, screening walls, penthouse elements, or other acceptable solutions as identified during the review of the site plan. Wall mounted mechanical equipment, including meter banks shall be visually screened through architectural components, wing walls, free standing fencing, or evergreen landscaping that is of sufficient height at time of installation to effectively screen views of the equipment. Code requires trash receptacles and dumpsters shall be screened on all sides using a permanent enclosure, with gates for disposal truck access. The enclosure shall be comprised of materials consistent with the primary building materials (brick or stone) of the main building(s). The enclosure shall also be landscaped to minimize the presence of the enclosure and help anchor the element into the site.
9. Street Lighting: The Developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation of public streetlights within or adjacent to any area proposed to be platted or developed. (Ord. 2389, 12-2-2019)