Landscaping must be provided in accordance with City Code unless otherwise modified within this ordinance. Details regarding specific varieties, exact quantities, and the minimum size at time of planting shall be provided and approved as part of the site plan submittal and shall meet the general guidelines in respect to the minimum plant sizes traditionally applied to development within the City. The minimum vegetation quantities specified within this ordinance will need to be provided. The provision of additional vegetation above the minimum amount required may be necessary to fulfill the intent (i.e., visual mitigation/screening) of the required landscaping.
Once site plan approval is gained on a particular parcel, any alteration to that shown on the approved site plan must be reviewed and approved by the City's Development Services Department prior to the changes being implemented.
A. Open/Green Space: Due to the nature of the intended redevelopment in respect to existing development patterns, uses, and densities, the amount and locations of open space and green space/vegetation within the redevelopment area will vary. As a general rule, the maximum amount of "green" (open lawn areas and vegetation) should be provided within a site. To allow the most flexibility in planning, collectively, the development shall attempt to provide a minimum of twenty five percent (25%) open space across the PUD area; however, no less than fifteen percent (15%) open space or more than eighty five percent (85%) impervious surface will be allowed within any one PUD parcel. Plaza and streetscape areas along with any areas associated with outdoor pedestrian use may be counted toward fulfilling the minimum open space requirement. Plazas and outdoor pedestrian use areas to be counted toward fulfilling minimum open space requirements may be paved (impervious) as long as the paving is part of a planned hardscape and landscape enhancement of the plaza or pedestrian area.
B. Streetscaping: A landscaped edge with pedestrian elements or "streetscape" shall be provided along 8th Street. The streetscape is intended to provide desired green to the City, reinforce a district identity, provide visual screening of parking and other negative site elements, bring human scale to adjoining buildings and provide traffic calming benefits. The streetscape shall include vegetation and pedestrian furniture fixtures. Incorporation of art or other development defining elements are encouraged but may not be used to promote the identity of the development or a tenant within the development. Pedestrian elements such as patios and walkways may encroach into the streetscape area; however, no buildings or off-street parking may encroach. (Ord. 2387, 11-18-2019)