A. Preliminary Plat/Final Plat: Prior to or in conjunction with development of any portion of the property covered by this PUD, said area shall be replatted in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance to delineate the ground associated with each building, unless a Lot-Tie Agreement is executed which permanently ties the properties together into one (1) parcel. If lot-tied, no building may be sold separately from another until the property is replatted through the City's Subdivision process.
B. Site Plan Development Applications: Site plans for buildings within the Midtown Redevelopment PUD must meet the intent of the PUD. With the exception of grading done under a City approved grading Permit, prior to development of the respective PUD or platted parcel, site plans for development shall be submitted to the City for review through the development review process and approval by the appropriate approval body. (Ord. 2387, 11-18-2019)