A Stormwater Management Plan will be required with the platting of this property. The developer will have said Stormwater Management Plan prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Iowa, in conjunction with the submittal of a preliminary plat for the development of the property. The Stormwater Management Plan shall comply with the City's current design standards for stormwater management. The method of stormwater management and the stormwater conveyance system shall be determined prior to City approval of a preliminary plat.
At time of platting, ownership and responsibility for all stormwater detention areas and private stormwater detention outlet structures will need to be established through the execution of a Stormwater Facility Maintenance Agreement prepared by the City with information provided by the developer. This agreement essentially provides that the property owner will maintain and repair their stormwater facilities. If they fail to do so, the City will make repairs or perform maintenance and assess all costs back to the property owner. As part of the maintenance agreement, the property owner will be responsible to provide a letter certifying the detention facility is in conformance with the approved Stormwater Management Plan. The property owner also will need to provide as-built drawings of the detention facilities. Both the letter and as-builts will need to be signed and sealed in accordance with chapter 6, 193c-6.1(542B) of the Iowa Code. (Ord. 2370, 7-1-2019)