A Traffic Impact Study (Traffic Report) dated May 3, 2018, has been prepared by the City of West Des Moines for the Cedar Ridge development. The Traffic Report caps the traffic generated from all ground within this PUD at one thousand nine hundred sixty eight (1,968) average daily trips, with one hundred twenty eight (128) A.M. peak hour trips and one hundred sixty one (161) P.M. peak hour trips. Prior to, or in conjunction with the development of any parcel, or portion of a parcel, the developer shall have the traffic report reviewed by the City's traffic consultant to ensure that the provisions and assumptions of the original traffic report are still valid and applicable. Approval of this proposed PUD does not constitute a guarantee that the proposed plan can be implemented. Development of all parcels will be limited by the available number of trips. Should anticipated traffic exceed the total trips allocated for the Cedar Ridge development prior to full build out, further development of parcels may be limited or prohibited. Alternate uses to those planned within the Traffic Report and approved as part of PUD may be allowed, following completion of an amended traffic study analyzing the proposed alternative and appropriate City approval of an amendment to the respective PUD and/or map, if necessary, if the existing uses and the proposed change(s) collectively do not exceed the allocated trips identified above. (Ord. 2311, 6-25-2018)