In addition to the general criteria as stated above, the following land use regulations, development standards, and design criteria shall apply to the development of all areas designated on the sketch plan:
A. Parcel A: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, Zoning of the West Des Moines City Code for Residential Single Family (RS-5) Zoning District shall apply to Parcel A as identified on the PUD sketch (exhibit A), unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. All lots shall be a minimum of fifty feet (50') in width, except corner lots which shall provide an additional twenty five feet (25'). No additional lot width shall be required on those non-corner lots which exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet in lot size.
2. Side yard setbacks will be seven feet (7') minimum to the foundation of the building, no portion of the structure (overhangs, eaves, bay windows, fire boxes, egress windows, and the like) shall encroach into this setback more than two feet (2'). (Ord. 2290, 4-16-2018)