In addition to the general conditions requirements stated within this document, the following land use design criteria shall apply to development areas, Parcels A, A-1, A-2, B, and C as indicated on the sketch plan.
A. Land Use:
1. Parcels A, A-1, and A-2: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the West Des Moines City Code for the Residential Medium Density (RM-12) District, shall apply to any development proposal for this parcel as shown on the sketch plan for the PUD ordinance, unless noted elsewhere within this ordinance. A maximum of seventeen (17) dwelling units shall be allowed within the former Phenix School Building.
a. Uses:
(1) Ancillary space within the building (gymnasium) shall abide by the following:
(A) Unless otherwise modified here within, any permitted (P) or permitted conditional (Pc) use otherwise allowed per City Code within the Residential Medium Density (RM) Zoning District shall be allowed with approval by the appropriate review body if it is demonstrated that the proposed use will not have a negative effect on the surrounding single-family residential neighborhood. Negative effects will include, but are not limited to inadequacies in parking resulting in excessive on-street parking, noise audible to the surrounding neighborhood, late evening or early morning activities that are atypical and potentially disruptive to traditional residential neighborhoods, etc.
(B) Public uses under the direction of any department of the City shall be allowed, with the exception of law enforcement holding facilities, if adequate on-site parking facilities are provided and exterior impacts of the use are negligible.
(C) No dwelling uses may be located within the gymnasium.
(2) The following uses shall be prohibited within the former Phenix School Building:
(A) Any use not otherwise permitted or permitted conditionally per City Code in the RM Zoning District.
(B) Commercial and noncommercial greenhouses.
(C) Funeral services of any nature (SIC 7261).
(D) Individual and family social services (SIC 8322).
(E) Job training - vocational rehabilitation services (SIC 8331).
(F) Social services not elsewhere classified (SIC 8399).
2. Parcels B and C: These parcels shall remain as open space. Recreational and uses beneficial to the community such as community gardens may be allowed with proper City approvals.
B. Minimum Lot Size And Frontage:
1. Phenix school and related parking shall be provided within a lot which is a minimum of eighty thousand (80,000) square feet in size and provides a minimum of one hundred fifty feet (150') of street frontage.
2. Parcels B and C shall have no minimum lot size requirements as long as they are used as open space and/or for recreational or community uses.
C. Building Setbacks:
1. Phenix Building:
a. Existing building: Minimum ten foot (10') setback from any property line.
b. New structures or additions to existing building: Minimum thirty foot (30') front and side yard setback, minimum thirty five foot (35') rear yard setback.
D. Building Height: All exterior modifications or building additions to the Phenix Building shall not exceed the current height of the building, excluding roof-top mechanical unit (RTU) enclosures, communication equipment, and penthouse elements. Accessory structures shall comply with the height requirements as noted in title 9 of City Code.
E. Parking:
1. Required:
a. Phenix dwelling parking:
(1) 1.5 spaces per efficiency unit.
(2) 2.0 spaces per 1 - 2 bedroom unit.
(3) 2.5 spaces per 3+ bedroom unit.
(4) One space per one hundred (100) square feet GFA of multi- purpose recreational use areas.
(5) Unless otherwise waived by the City Council, any dwelling which is owner-occupied, shall provide a minimum of one (1) 9' x 19' enclosed parking space.
b. Phenix gymnasium parking: Per City Code for the primary, or highest generating use if multiple activities/uses are implemented.
c. Parking for Parcels B and C shall be provided on-street unless the use of the property is determined to warrant more parking than can be safely provided on-street. Minimum off-street parking requirements for Parcels B and C shall be as determined by the City Council.
2. Setbacks: Off-street parking lots shall be set back so as to provide a minimum of fifteen feet (15') from the ultimate street right-of-way of the surrounding streets and fifteen feet (15') from any common property line with single family developed property.
3. Landscaping: A landscaped edge or "streetscape" shall be provided to screen parking lots adjacent to a street. These streetscapes are intended to provide desired green to the City and provide visual screening of parking and other negative site elements. Landscape vegetation shall be implemented within the area to provide screening of off-street parking areas to a minimum height of three feet (3'). To aid in achieving this, a minimum of two (2) trees and ten (10) shrubs shall be required for every fifty (50) linear feet of streetscape distance. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the shrubs shall be evergreen in nature. Of the required number of trees, at least one-half (1/2) must be overstory in nature unless prevented by overhead utilities or underground utility easements. No substitution of shrubs for required trees shall be allowed. Landscaping plan must accommodate required vision clearances at street and drive intersections.
4. New Parking Lots: Dimension, design, landscaping, and surfacing of new parking lots shall be in accordance with City Code.
F. Buffers: No buffers to separate different land uses shall be required between the former Phenix School Building and adjacent properties.
G. Lighting: As a part of the review of any site plan, if new exterior lighting is proposed, a photometric plan must be submitted. During the review, the applicant must demonstrate how lighting will not adversely affect adjoining properties or patrons utilizing the public street system.
1. Site Lighting: Fixtures shall be of a design to direct light downward (full cut-off) and shall not have bulbs which are exposed and extend below the frame of the light fixture. Said fixtures shall not exceed twenty five feet (25') in height as measured from the ground to the top of the light structure.
2. Building Lighting: No wall packs, or floodlighting without shields to direct the light to its intended target are allowed. In addition to cut-off fixtures, particular attention shall be given to eliminate hot spots and light glare. Decorative building lighting is allowed and will be reviewed as part of a site plan.
H. Screening Of Negative Site Elements: Electrical transformers, trash dumpsters, service areas and loading docks, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, generators, utility meters, and other mechanical equipment which is located on, besides or adjacent to any building shall be visually screened from views from adjacent roadways and properties.
I. Open Space: Due to the nature of the intended redevelopment in respect to existing development patterns and improvements, the amount and locations of open space and green space/vegetation within the redevelopment area will vary. As a general rule, the maximum amount of "green" (open lawn areas and vegetation) should be provided within a site. To allow the most flexibility in planning, Parcel A shall attempt to provide a minimum of twenty five percent (25%) open space; however, no less than twenty percent (20%) open space or more than eighty percent (80%) impervious surface will be allowed. Vegetation required as part of the open space is in addition to, streetscape and parking areas or required landscape for screening. Required open space landscape can utilize existing plant material, with the remainder needed to be in conformance with City Code to be installed within PUD Parcel A prior to issuance of a temporary occupancy permit for any dwelling unit within the former Phenix School Building. (Ord. 2241, 8-7-2017)