All proposed exterior signage requires a sign permit issued by the City of West Des Moines through normal sign review procedures prior to installation of the sign. Unless otherwise prescribed herein, signage shall abide by the standards and regulations as set forth in title 9, chapter 18, "Signs", of the City Code for the Office (OF) District.
A. Monument Signs:
1. Primary Monument Entrance Sign: One monument sign shall be allowed at the primary entrance to area 1 from Mills Civic Parkway (east entrance). The sign shall not exceed twelve feet (12') in height, a maximum size for the total structure of ninety six (96) square feet and a maximum sign copy of thirty five (35) square feet per side. The sign shall be set back a minimum of twenty feet (20') from the ultimate street right-of-way line.
2. Secondary Monument Entrance Sign: One monument sign shall be allowed at the secondary entrance to area 1 from S. 81st Street (north entrance). The sign shall not exceed seven feet (7') in height, a maximum size for the total structure of seventy seven (77) square feet and a maximum sign copy of twenty (20) square feet per side. The sign shall be set back a minimum of twenty feet (20') from the ultimate street right-of-way line.
3. Other Monument Signs: All other monument signs within area 1 shall comply with current City Sign Code.
4. Area 2 Monument Signs: Area 2 of the Sammons Financial Group PUD shall comply with current City Sign Code for allowed monument signs.
B. Landscape Signs: Landscape signs shall be allowed at the corner of each perimeter public street intersection for both area 1 and area 2. The signs shall be designed according to the current City Sign Code.
C. Directional Signs: Directional signs shall be allowed according to the current City Sign Code for both area 1 and area 2.
D. Wall Signs: Building wall signage shall comply with current City Sign Code for both area 1 and area 2. (Ord. 2372, 7-1-2019)