The landscaping requirements specified herein are intended to create an aesthetically pleasing development which enhances the appearance and character of the City of West Des Moines, while protecting the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens. Landscaping is required to address the following primary aspects or consequences of development:
• Open space protection and enhancement,
• Creation of environments conducive and inviting to pedestrian activities,
• Street/parking side enhancement ("streetscapes"),
• Visual screening of undesirable views, activities and/or site elements, and
• Mitigation of paving expanses associated with off-street parking.
A. Open/Green Space: The intent of open space is to allow for a balance between natural areas and the built environment and to provide for the overall beautification and "greening" of the City. The minimum percentage of the site to be provided as open space shall comply with City Code for the respective zoning district for each parcel. All of the land within a site that is not occupied by buildings, on-street and off-street parking areas, or other vehicle use areas may be classified as open space. Plaza areas, water features and structures such as gazebos, arbors, pergolas, etc., that are associated with outdoor pedestrian use areas may be counted towards fulfilling the minimum open space requirement.
1. In order to ensure "green" within the development, vegetation must be incorporated at a rate of two (2) overstory trees, one understory or conifer tree, and three (3) shrubs for every three thousand (3,000) square feet of required open space.
a. One tree may be substituted for ten (10) shrubs.
b. A twenty (20) square foot mass planting of perennial flowers or ornamental grasses may be substituted for three (3) shrubs.
c. No substitution for required trees is allowed.
d. The incorporation of evergreen vegetation is encouraged to provide winter substance within the landscape.
2. Vegetation required as part of the open space may be placed into off-street parking areas or required buffers; however the open space vegetation is in addition to that which would be required of buffers or parking islands/pods and may not be counted towards fulfilling the minimum amount of vegetation required for these areas.
B. Buffer And Visual Screening: The implementation of vegetation is required as part of buffering/screening. This vegetation may be combined with other measures such as berming, low stone walls, decorative fencing, or any combination thereof to enhance the effectiveness of the buffering/screening. Buffers should be designed to achieve the maximum amount of screening from the maximum number of viewpoints with vegetation layered to ensure adequate blockage of views and to create depth.
1. A minimum thirty foot (30') wide buffer shall be required along Mills Civic Parkway. A combination of land forms, evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs, and tall grasses shall be used to visually buffer adjacent parking and negative ground level site improvements from public streets and from properties outside of the Sammons Financial Group PUD development. Land forms ranging from three feet (3') to four feet (4') in height with slopes not to exceed 3:1 are required. Land forms should undulate to create a natural appearance rather than being designed with a consistent height along the entire berm. One overstory tree, two (2) understory trees and six (6) shrubs shall be provided for an average of every thirty five (35) lineal feet of this buffer; of the required trees, one-fourth (1/4) shall be evergreen in nature.
a. Vegetation may be substituted at the following rate:
(1) One tree may be substituted for ten (10) shrubs as long as under-canopy views of parking and negative elements are mitigated.
(2) A sixty (60) square foot mass planting of perennial flowers or ornamental grasses may be substituted for six (6) shrubs.
(3) No substitution for required trees is allowed.
b. No parking lots, drive aisles, fences, or buildings are permitted within required buffers; however, sidewalks, trails, landscape features, pedestrian furniture, and permitted signage may be located within the buffers.
2. In addition to that specified above, the elements identified within the following section shall be buffered/screened regardless of use area:
a. Views of off-street parking areas, loading docks, and other vehicle related service areas from adjacent roadways, pedestrian paths and adjoining properties within and outside of the development shall be buffered and visually screened to a height of at least six feet (6'). Creative grading including land forms can be used to provide this screening, in conjunction with plantings or fencing. Loading docks must be located and oriented to minimize views into the dock/service area. Screening can be provided thru a combination of the placement of adjacent buildings, screen walls, land forms, and plantings.
b. Mechanical, utility meters, transformers, HVAC, and other similar undesirable elements/equipment which are located on, beside, or adjacent to any building shall be buffered and visually screened from streets, pedestrian pathways, and adjoining property within and outside of the development. A permanent screen that utilizes building materials and designs compatible and consistent with the architecture and materials of the principal building shall be implemented whenever possible. It is desired that raised parapets or elevated architectural features provide roof top mechanical screening rather than wrapping the units with screen walls. As much as possible, roof top mechanical units should be clustered rather than randomly placed on the roof. Additionally, roof top units should be located towards the center of the roof as much as possible to minimize views thereof. Equipment should be screened on all sides.
c. Sanitation/recycle enclosures shall be visually screened from view from streets, businesses, pedestrian pathways, and adjoining property within and outside of the development. The enclosure should incorporate the primary building material of the adjacent buildings on three (3) sides (brick or masonry material) and a durable gate material on the fourth side. (Ord. 2372, 7-1-2019)