A. Off-Street Parking:
1. All off-street parking areas shall be sited and landscaped to screen their visibility from street rights-of-way, pedestrian pathways, and adjoining property outside of Sammons Financial Group PUD development.
2. Excluding parking structures, parking stalls measurements and drive aisle widths shall conform to title 9, chapter 15 of the City's Zoning Ordinance.
3. If parking structures are proposed, architectural design and vehicle functionality, including emergency services access and maneuverability, shall be reviewed in conjunction with site plan review.
4. If a proposed parking stall is designed to allow the bumper of the vehicle to overhang an open area or center median which does not include a pedestrian pathway, the length of both the parking stall and island may be reduced by that overhang amount or a maximum of two feet (2'). If the proposed overhang is over a sidewalk less than seven feet (7') wide rather than natural green space, that sidewalk width shall be increased two feet (2') to accommodate pedestrian movements and vehicle overhang.
5. It is desired that all off-street parking areas be aesthetically improved to reduce obtrusive characteristics that are inherent to their function. Multiple landscape islands combined with vegetation shall be incorporated to effectively eliminate a "sea of asphalt/concrete" and to provide shade thus decreasing heat reflection back into the environment. Landscape islands/tree pods and associated vegetation shall be implemented in accordance with the following:
a. Islands or open areas shall be located at the terminus end of all parking rows. Terminal islands shall measure at least ten feet (10') in width and shall match, at a minimum the stall length.
b. Linear parking islands that run the length of the parking row shall be implemented every six (6) rows. Said linear islands may be used as pedestrian pathways and shall measure an average of ten feet (10') in width. These areas may also serve as bioswales/detention areas.
c. No more than ten (10) continuous parking stalls are allowed in a single row without being interrupted by landscape areas. Landscape islands or landscape pods shall be incorporated at least every ten (10) parking stalls per row. Islands shall measure a minimum of ten feet (10') in width and shall match, at a minimum the stall length. Each 10' x 17' landscape island or landscape pod shall contain at least one overstory tree and vegetated groundcover (turf, perennials, ornamental grasses or shrubs), except for parking islands associated with lower levels within a parking structure. As an alternative to the implementation of pods within a linear row of parking, the terminal islands at each end of the row of parking may be increased in width by five feet (5') for every two (2) pods within the row which are eliminated. In no instance however, should there be greater than eighteen (18) parking stalls in a row uninterrupted by a landscape island or pod. The width of landscape islands within a linear row of parking need only match the minimum width of a parking stall. In the event landscape islands are increased in size, one overstory tree shall be required for every one hundred fifty (150) square feet of landscape area in those larger islands.
B. Parking Ratios:
1. A minimum of one space per two hundred seventy five (275) square feet of gross floor area (gfa) shall be provided within each lot/parcel.
2. At the discretion of the Director of Development Services, a less stringent parking calculation may be used provided the applicant can demonstrate a parking rate less than that required by code is adequate due to the type of potential use, shared uses or off-peak uses. (Ord. 2372, 7-1-2019)