In addition to the general criteria as stated above, the following land use regulations, development standards, and design criteria shall apply to the development of the PUD Parcels as designated on the Sketch Plan
A. The following permitted (P) or permitted conditional (Pc) uses are prohibited in all areas of the PUD:
1. SIC 15, 16, 17 Building Construction Contractor and operative builders offices.
2. SIC 4522 Heliport/Helistop.
3. SIC 47 Transportation Services.
4. SIC 55 Automotive Dealers, service stations, and auto and home supply stores.
5. SIC 75 Automotive Repair, Services, and Parking.
B. PUD Parcel A. This parcel is generally considered to be located in that area east of the eastern driveway into the site and the east property line. The parcel will be developed under the Regional Commercial (RC) zoning district standards and regulations, except as modified herein.
1. Building setbacks: any new building constructed in this PUD Parcel will follow the setbacks from the property line and ultimate right-of-way line as follows:
a. East Property Line = a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet.
b. North Property Line = a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from the ultimate right-of-way line if parking is proposed along the north property line. If the building is situated such that it is adjacent to the ultimate right-of-way, has a pedestrian friendly façade (entry doors, glass fronts, plaza areas, patios, etc. and not the back of the building) and no intervening parking between the ultimate right-of-way line and the building, the minimum building setback will be equal to fifteen (15) feet.
c. South property line = a minimum of forty-five (45) feet and out of the sewer easement that is located adjacent to the sanitary sewer line that is adjacent to the south property line.
d. Interior property lines = zero feet. If there are not any interior property lines, the separation between buildings, including accessory structures, will be a minimum of twenty (20) feet.
2. Height Restrictions: Maximum height at the minimum building setback line will be thirty-six (36) feet. An additional ten (10) feet in setback will be required for each twelve (12) feet in additional height of the building.
3. Parking: Parking spaces will be required according to Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 15, Off Street Parking and Loading, for each use in the East PUD Parcel. Except that parking rates as follows may be acceptable with City Council review and approval: Office and retail uses shall provide a minimum of one (1) parking space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area. Restaurants (both sit down and drive-thru) and drinking establishments shall provide a minimum of 1 parking space per one hundred and fifty (150) of gross floor area. Parking spaces located in the East PUD Parcel may also accommodate the uses in the Middle PUD parcel that reasonably will be using or needing parking in the East PUD Parcel. Shared parking easements and cross access agreements between lots within the East PUD Parcel will be established with the application and review of any Major Modification or Site Plan in the East PUD Parcel. With the approval of the City Council and the execution of an appropriate cross-parking easement, required spaces for one parcel may be located on a different parcel. If shared parking is utilized, the total parking spaces provided within the PUD must meet the minimum number of parking stalls for all uses in accordance with the city code or a specified above.
4. Parking Setback: The parking lot setback from the ultimate right-of-way will be equal to fifteen (15) feet. For parking spaces existing as of the date of this ordinance that do not meet this setback, the existing condition will be the setback for these spaces. New parking areas or full depth replacement of parking will meet the minimum fifteen (15)-foot setback from the ultimate right-of-way.
5. Parking Lot Landscaping: any reconfiguration, full depth replacement of pavement, or new parking spaces will be required to meet the parking lot landscape requirements outlined in Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 19, Landscaping, including the addition of three foot berms and year-round screening of the parking spaces facing the public street or interstate or the installation of hardscape (walls, large stones, etc.) or a mixture of both which meets the intent of screening the views of the parking from the public view.
6. Storm Water Management facilities: as part of the application and review of a Site Plan or Major Modification for a new or replacement building to be located within PUD Parcel A, storm water management facilities generally capturing the storm water running through the PUD Parcel A, as determined by a storm water management plan, will be required to be constructed.
C. PUD Parcel B: This parcel is generally considered to be located west of the eastern main driveway into the development. This PUD Parcel will be developed under the Professional Commerce Park (PCP) zoning district standards and regulations, except as modified herein. All use and bulk regulations for the PCP district shall apply to development of this PUD Parcel. (Ord. 2528, 7-18-2022)