Whereas, title 9, chapter 9, "Planned Unit Development District", of the City Code, establishes certain regulations and guidelines pertaining to accompanying information required on plat and site plan documents. In addition, the following conditions, restrictions, and regulations are adopted as part of this approval:
A. General Conditions: In addition to the PUD sketch plan map, the following general development criteria shall be integrated into and made a part of this planned unit development.
1. General Conformance To Subdivision Ordinance: All subdivisions, public and private streets and street rights-of-way and general development shall adhere to the standards and design criteria set forth in the West Des Moines subdivision ordinance and/or established city policies pertaining thereto, unless otherwise stated within this ordinance.
2. General Conformance To Zoning Ordinance: Unless otherwise specified herein, the development of the Grand Valley PUD shall comply with the provisions of title 9, "Zoning", of the city code or any other applicable codes.
3. Flood Hazard: In all areas within a 100-year frequency flood hazard zone, or adjoining drainageways, and detention ponding areas involving potential flood hazards, no building shall be erected which has a minimum opening elevation (including top of window well) less than two feet (2') above the determined level of the 100-year frequency flood event. Buildings shall only be permitted within twenty five feet (25') of any easement or property boundary of a major drainageway, stormwater detention basin or pond if said location is approved as part of the development entitlement by the city council and said building is structurally designed accordingly.
4. Developer Responsibilities: The developer, their successors and/or assigns, if any, shall pay all planning, engineering, and construction costs for the development of the planned unit development, as required by this ordinance and approved site plans and the cost of all streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, drainageway improvements, detention basins, water mains, buffers and other improvements as required for rights of way or public easements within the Grand Valley PUD, unless otherwise approved by the city council.
5. Public Street Improvements And Right Of Way Dedication: At time of subdivision platting within the PUD, the subdivider shall be responsible for construction and/or installation of all required public infrastructure improvements in accordance with the city's subdivision ordinance, as indicated herein, and/or as indicated on the approved Grand Valley PUD sketch proposal. With any subdivision plat within the PUD, the subdivider shall be responsible for constructing and/or installing the public infrastructure necessary to support development within the subdivision in a manner that will assure that the public infrastructure functions at an acceptable level of service (per the city's comprehensive plan) and that complies with all city ordinances.
6. Sanitary Sewer: Any proposed change in approved land use densities for the PUD will require an analysis of the downstream sanitary sewer capacity to assure that adequate capacity is available for the proposed change in approved land use densities.
7. Street Lighting: The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the installation of public streetlights within or adjacent to any area proposed to be platted or included within a development.
8. Mailboxes: The developer shall be responsible for installation of any required cluster box units (CBUs) as per the local U.S. postal service post office. (Ord. 2075, 12-15-2014)
An area of land calculated by a set formula based upon the size and density of the proposed development will be required to be dedicated for purposes of a public park and greenbelt areas. A park land dedication agreement, acceptable to the park and recreation department, detailing the specifics related to the provision of park land dedication requirements for the development of each area contained within the PUD will be required to be executed prior to the approval of each plat or site plan for parcels within the development. (Ord. 2075, 12-15-2014)
If necessary, when the first plat within this development is recorded, proper action shall be taken to establish a master property owners' association with said property into the Grand Valley property owners' association and all building restrictions, covenants, and other associated conditions attached to the PUD shall be made to also apply to said property. The Grand Valley property owners' association shall be responsible for the ongoing upkeep and maintenance of any privately owned common grounds such as the buffer parks, stormwater detention facilities, greenbelts, parks and other common space, as outlined in the association documents and any other specific development improvements noted as their responsibility in this ordinance. (Ord. 2075, 12-15-2014)
In addition to the general criteria as stated previously, the following land use design criteria shall apply to the development areas designated on the sketch plan. The following development standards and use regulations shall apply to the development parcels:
A. Parcel A: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, Zoning of the West Des Moines city code for residential single-family (R-1) zoning district shall apply to any development proposal for property in Parcel A as shown on the sketch plan, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. Setbacks: All residential structures shall comply with a thirty foot (30') front yard setback and a thirty five foot (35') rear yard setback as measured from the boundary of Parcel A. Side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of five feet (5') as measured to the closest element including egress window wells, roof overhangs, bay windows, chimney bump outs, etc.
2. Porches: Front porches shall have a usable area that is no less than five feet (5') in width and depth. Porches may be allowed to extend into the front yard building setback, but shall be no closer than twenty five feet (25') to the front property line.
3. Maximum Height: The maximum height in Parcel A shall not exceed two (2) stories. (Ord. 2075, 12-15-2014)
B. Parcel B And Parcel C: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the West Des Moines City Code for Residential Medium Density (RM-7) or Residential Single-Family (RS-5), as follows, shall apply to any development proposal for property in Parcels B or C, as shown on the sketch plan, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance. Parcels B and C may be developed with either traditional single-family detached dwellings on individual lots or with horizontally attached multi- family dwelling units with a maximum of four (4) dwellings per building and two (2) stories or less. Multi-family dwelling units may be located on either one large parcel of common ground or postage stamp lots. The first plat within each parcel will determine the type of dwelling unit for that parcel; both single- family detached and multi-family attached dwellings shall not be allowed within the same PUD parcel.
1. Bulk Regulations:
a. Single Family Detached: All single family detached residential structures shall comply with the following:
(1) Front Yard Primary Building Setback: Minimum twenty five feet (25'), excluding porches. Porches are allowed to extend a maximum of six feet (6') into the front yard setback.
(2) Rear Yard Primary Building Setback: A minimum thirty five foot (35') rear yard setback as measured from the perimeter boundary of Parcel B or Parcel C, respectively, except when adjacent to a required buffer. A twenty five foot (25') setback shall be allowed on lots abutting a buffer as measured from the interior edge of buffer to the primary structure.
(3) Side Yard Primary Building Setbacks: The minimum of any one side yard shall be no less than five feet (5') and the minimum sum of both side yards shall be at least twelve feet (12'), as measured to the foundation. The minimum separation between single family detached residential structures shall be ten feet (10'), as measured between the foundations. Building projections may encroach up to two feet (2') into the setback as long as the structures comply with all applicable Building Codes on fire resistive construction. No window well or any ground mounted mechanical equipment may be located in a side yard that is less than seven feet (7') in width.
(4) Accessory Structures: Accessory structures shall comply with regulations for the Residential Single-Family (RS-5) Zoning District.
(5) Minimum Lot Width: Minimum lot width shall be fifty feet (50').
b. Horizontally Attached Multi Family: Shall abide by City Code for the Residential Medium Density (RM-7) District.
2. Porches And Balconies: Front porches or balconies for both single-family and multi-family shall have a usable area that is no less than six feet (6') in width and depth. Porches and balconies may be allowed to extend into the front yard building setback a maximum of six feet (6').
3. Maximum Height: The maximum height of dwelling buildings within Parcels B and C shall not exceed two (2) stories.
C. Parcel D: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the West Des Moines City Code for Residential Medium Density (RM-7) shall apply to any development proposal for property in Parcel D, as shown on the sketch plan, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. Setbacks: All residential structures shall comply with all general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the City Code for Residential Medium Density District, as well as, zoning district transitioning and compatibility as identified in the Zoning Code, chapter 5, section 7, with the following exceptions:
a. The setback from the common boundary line of Parcel D and Parcel E shall be fifteen feet (15') when Parcel E is utilized as detention or open space and not otherwise incorporated into a residential lot that is to be developed. In any circumstance in which Parcel D directly borders a developable residential lot (Parcels A, B, or C), minimum setbacks shall abide by City Code for the Residential Medium-Density District and zoning district transitioning and compatibility as identified in chapter 5, section 7 of this title.
b. Open space required for Parcel D shall be twenty percent (20%) when Parcel E is utilized as detention or open space, or twenty five percent (25%) if Parcel E is developed with anything other than detention or open space.
2. Balconies: Balconies may extend a maximum of five feet (5') into the front and rear yard building setback.
3. Maximum Height: The maximum building height shall not exceed three (3) stories. (Ord. 2347, 2-19-2019)
D. Parcel E: Parcel E as shown on the sketch plan shall be reserved and used for stormwater detention. (Ord. 2195, 2-6-2017)
The total number of dwellings within the Grand Valley PUD shall not exceed seven (7) dwelling units per acre or two hundred forty one (241) dwelling units. Parcels A, B and C shall not exceed a maximum of five (5) dwelling units per acre. Any unused density from Parcels A, B, and C, may be located in Parcel D. The density allotment from Parcel E can be used on Parcel D, which may result in the density of Parcel D exceeding maximum density for the zoning district. If Parcel D is developed before Parcels A, B, and/or C, the density of the remaining undeveloped parcels shall be reduced as necessary as they are developed such that the total number of units within the PUD does not exceed two hundred forty one (241). (Ord. 2195, 2-6-2017)
The intent is to create building designs throughout this development that are varied and articulated to provide visual interest and appropriate context for the natural character along with appropriate scale for the pedestrian elements of the residential development. Architectural design for residential units shall accomplish this by careful attention to the use of exterior building materials and details, locations of windows and doors, and change in building mass within the footprint and roof design. Care should be taken in the design of the buildings to keep grading and tree removal to a minimum.
Buildings shall use materials such as brick, stone, vertical or lap siding, shakes and stucco, combining materials along with trim and details to provide visual interest within the development. Use of natural materials is encouraged, composite materials such as fiber cement and wood composites are appropriate substitutions. All material, trim and details for a building shall be designed appropriately for the chosen architectural style. When used, masonry materials shall be appropriately utilized to present the appearance of three- dimensional elements and authenticity to the materials.
In addition, architectural design for Parcel D shall attempt to have several elements that carry to provide visual continuity and cohesiveness; however it is preferred that not all buildings be identical. All buildings shall use the following in all building design:
A. Fenestration (door and window openings) shall be sized to the scale of the building and detailed appropriately to the pedestrian theme. Use of repeating window patterns and details are encouraged to unify the design.
B. Each building of the development should carry a consistent appearance while varying the color or style of brick, stone and siding to distinguish between buildings.
C. Entrances into buildings should be easily identified through the use of building design and detailing. Projected or recessed entryways, higher rooflines, awnings or changes in building material are examples that can create this effect.
D. Materials and trim used on the front facade shall be continued around all sides of the building.
E. To the degree possible and logical, materials should change with the change in building planes.
F. Trim and structural elements such as posts or columns shall be sized to the scale of the building and detailed appropriately to the architectural style.
G. Garages or accessory structures should incorporate architecture details with the use of windows, doors, and other facade detailing. (Ord. 2075, 12-15-2014)