Exhibit A identifies the Grand Avenue redevelopment plan street network and general accesses as it relates to the Fareway PUD area.
A. Future Public/Private Streets: The Fareway PUD will be required to provide access across the site to provide connection and design continuity to the future roads within the area and adjacent to PUD, as illustrated in exhibit A and shall meet the following:
1. These future roads may be public or private in ownership.
2. No road closures are allowed regardless if private or public without prior permission of the city of West Des Moines.
3. Future access through the Fareway PUD is intended to be concurrent with the widening of Grand Avenue and the installation of medians. A cross access easement delineating the future access shall be approved as part of the site plan for Fareway.
4. All future private streets shall be maintained and function (including timely snow removal) in a fashion similar to the public expectations of a public street. The developer and the city shall execute a public access easement at the time of street construction in which the rights and responsibilities of the involved parties for the streets with the Grand Avenue redevelopment plan shall be delineated.
B. Signalized Intersections: Traffic signals may be upgraded at the intersection of Grand Avenue and 4th Street located immediately southwest of the Fareway PUD area at such time when traffic warrants as determined by the city. The city may facilitate upgrade of this signal, but the city shall have no responsibility for any cost of upgrading this signal. Dedication of permanent right of way to accommodate the placement of signals and appurtenances shall be provided to the city upon request by the city and at no cost to the city. Temporary construction easements shall also be provided at no cost to the city. The city will endeavor to structure the construction of the public improvements in such a manner as to minimize the impact on the business operations of Fareway.
C. Site Access:
1. Grand Avenue: A permanent access drive to the Fareway PUD area from Grand Avenue shall be allowed and located in the interim adjacent to the west property line of lot 8, McCurinin Place. Initially, this access will allow for full turning movements; however, at such time that a median is constructed on Grand Avenue, the access will need to be relocated and shall be restricted to a right in/right out access only.
2. 4th Street: Two (2) permanent access drives to the Fareway PUD area from 4th Street shall be allowed, the southern one shall be aligned with the intersection of Valhigh Road and the northern one shall be located approximately one hundred thirty feet (130') south of the centerline of Ashworth Road.
3. Ashworth Road: A permanent access drive to the Fareway PUD area from Ashworth Road shall be allowed and located approximately one hundred eighty five feet (185') east of the centerline of 4th Street.
4. Future Streets: A future cross access connection shall be provided across the Fareway PUD as a continuation of the future east-west street as illustrated in exhibit A. Design and location of said access shall be determined at such time the east/west street adjacent to the PUD is designed. (Ord. 2026, 4-21-2014)