A. Lot Size: No minimum lot size shall be required.
B. Building Height: The height of a building shall conform to the limits prescribed by the zoning code.
C. Building Setbacks:
1. Unless otherwise specifically stated, setbacks shall be measured from the ultimate right of way for line of parcels that abut a public street. Setbacks along boundaries that do not abut a street shall be measured from the lot boundary.
2. Building setbacks are to the main plane of the building excluding canopies and pedestrian arcades. Building setbacks shall be as per title 9, chapter 7 of the city code for community commercial (CMC) district except that setbacks from street rights of way shall be a minimum of thirty feet (30').
a. Nothing herein, however, shall be construed as permitting the location of a building that will interfere with sidewalks, trails, plazas, or maintenance of utilities.
3. A minimum thirty foot (30') building separation shall be maintained between buildings as measured to the closest points of buildings including canopies, unless said buildings are physically connected.
4. Setbacks for detached accessory structures shall abide by code for community commercial (CMC) district as appropriate.
D. Off Street Parking Lot Setbacks: Parking lots shall be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from the adjacent property line or fifteen feet (15') from the back of curb of an adjoining private street unless a similar use or an open space of at least twenty feet (20') in width abuts the lot, in which case the parking lot setback shall be zero. (Ord. 1879, 8-9-2010)