In addition to the general conditions as stated in sections above, the following land use design criteria shall apply to this development. The allowed uses are those permitted and permitted conditionally under the medium density residential district. The maximum density allowed is four (4) dwelling units per acre. These parcels combined shall be no more than five (5) acres.
A. Setbacks: All setbacks for the principal structure are measured from the property line.
1. Front yard: Twenty five feet (25').
2. Rear yard: Five feet (5').
3. Side yard: Five feet (5') as measured to any portion of the building.
B. Deck Setback: Decks located in the rear yard may have a setback of zero feet (0') except where buffer parks are required. Decks or front porches in the front or side yard must meet the setback of the principal setback.
C. Lot Width: The minimum lot width shall be no less than forty five feet (45') in width. (Ord. 1656, 10-24-2005)