5-3-4: YARDS:
   (A)   Front Yards: A front yard shall be provided of a depth of not less than twenty feet (20') in occupied areas, except where a building exceeds thirty five feet (35') in height, in which case the front yard shall be increased one foot (1') in depth for each five feet (5') the building height exceeds thirty five feet (35').
   (B)   Rear Yards: A rear yard shall be provided of a depth of not less than thirty feet (30'), except where a building exceeds thirty five feet (35') in height, in which case the rear yard shall be increased one foot (1') in depth for each five feet (5') the building height exceeds thirty five feet (35').
   (C)   Side Yards: Side yards for residential uses shall be required. No part of any residence or attachment thereto, shall extend, or be, closer than seven feet (7') from the edge of the side property line. All parts of each residence, including eaves, shall be at least seven feet (7') from the side property line, measured as if the side property line extended vertically for an indefinite distance.
   (D)   Rear yard setbacks from the alley property line three feet (3') to any structure measured from the eve line.
   (E)   The minimum lot (parcel) area for uses other than residential shall not be less than 9,375 square feet. (Ord. 431, 10-24-2002; amd. Ord. 534-2018, 2-15-2018)