4-1-1: Building Codes
4-1-2: Electrical Code
4-1-3: Plumbing Code
4-1-4: Fire Code
   (A)   Building Codes Adopted: The 1997 or latest editions of the following codes as published by the International Conference of Building Officials, excluding table 1-A, building permit fees, are hereby adopted by the city, as follows:
      1.   1997 uniform code for the abatement of dangerous buildings.
      2.   1997 uniform housing code.
      3.   1998 Idaho commercial building energy code.
      4.   1997 uniform mechanical code and related appendix.
      5.   1997 uniform administrative code.
      6.   1997 edition of the uniform code for building conservation appendix chapter 13, energy conservation in new building construction, appendix chapter 14, reroofing, appendix chapter 19, protection of residential concrete exposed to freezing and thawing.
   One copy of the adopted codes, together with adopted appendices, are on file with the office of the city clerk and may be inspected by any interested person during regular business hours. (Ord. 418, 4-25-2001)
   (B)   International Codes Adopted:
      1.   Specified: The approved editions of the following nationally recognized codes, as adopted by the state, are adopted as the official building codes of the city, except as provided in subsection (B)2 of this section:
         (a)   International building code, including appendices A–J, excepting sections R103.2 and R103.3.
         (b)   International residential code, parts I–IV and IX, including appendices A–K, excepting E, I and sections R103.2 and R103.3.
         (c)   International energy conservation code, including appendix, except that in chapter 7, the reference to the ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 standard shall be the 2001 edition of such standard.
         (d)   International existing building code, including appendix A and B.
   The adopted versions of the foregoing codes shall be deemed superseded by successive codes as they are adopted or approved by the state, effective on the date any such codes are made effective.
      2.   Amendments:
         (a)   Amendments to the codes must "establish at least an equivalent level of protection to that of the adopted building code".
         (b)   The following amendments shall be applicable to the adopted building codes:
   To the international building code:
   Section 903.2.7 shall be amended to read as follows: Shall be replaced with sections 903.2.7, 903.2.8, and 903.2.9 of the 2000 international building code as adopted by the state of Idaho.
      3.   Ground Snow Load: The ground snow load shall be thirty (30) PSF.
      4.   Minimum Frost Depth For Footings: The minimum frost depth for footings shall be twenty four inches (24").
      5.   Permit Fees: Applicants shall pay permit and plan review fees in amounts to be determined by resolution of the city council. All permits required under this subsection require fees to be paid prior to a permit being issued, unless specified otherwise herein.
      6.   Manufactured Homes Installation Permits: Placement of mobile/manufactured homes shall require an installation permit. The permit applicant shall supply to the building official the same site information required from an applicant seeking a building permit for a single-family dwelling and shall pay a permit fee as set by resolution of the city council.
      7.   Exemptions: "Agricultural buildings", as defined by the international building code, are exempt from the building codes adopted herein, but shall remain subject to placement requirements and permits established by zoning regulations. (Ord. 444, 2-3-2005)
All work of electrical wiring, installation and construction, and the materials, apparatus and fixtures used therein, shall be in accordance with the rules established in the 1999 edition of the national electrical code hereby adopted for the city. The Idaho state division of building safety shall inspect such work and report violations to the building official. (Ord. 423, 9-26-2001)