The planning commission may, after notice and public hearing, permit the following uses where such uses are deemed essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare. The commission shall have the authority to impose such conditions and safeguards as it deems necessary to protect the best interests of the surrounding property or neighborhood from damage, hazard, nuisance or other detriment:
The following special uses may be permitted in a residential zone:
   Duplexes, multi-family and manufactured home parks.
   Home occupations in conformance with section 5-13-1 of this title; provided, however, that any individual operating a Home Occupation, without first obtaining a special use permit, which was in existence and operating prior to March 02, 2023, shall be permitted to continue operating said Home Occupation upon registering with the city clerk or designee on or before April 07, 2023, and by providing such information regarding the Home Occupation as may be required by the city. Failure to register with the city clerk or designee on or before April 07, 2023, shall result in termination of the right to continue operating a Home Occupation without first obtaining a special use permit.
   Neighborhood commercial uses serving the local residents.
   Nursing or convalescent homes, assisted living facilities.
   Planned unit developments.
   Private kindergarten or daycare or nursery, private schools.
   Public utilities and public service uses or structures.
   Religious institutions, including places of worship, schools and convents.
   Other uses deemed similar by the city to the uses above may be considered under a special use application. (Ord. 431, 10-24-2002; amd. Ord. 534-2018, 2-15-2018; Ord. 547-2023, 3- -2023)