10-1-13-11: PROHIBITED ACTS:
A licensee, or any person acting on behalf of a licensee, or any agent of a licensee, shall not:
   (A)   Shout, make an outcry, blow a horn, ring a bell or use any sound device or musical instrument, including any loud speaking radio or sound amplifying system, on any of the streets, alleys, parks, or other public places of the city, or on any private premises within the city, where sound of sufficient volume is emitted or produced therefrom, to be capable of being plainly heard on the streets, avenues, alleys, parks or other public places for the purpose of attracting attention to any goods, wares, or merchandise which such licensee proposes to sell.
   (B)   Have any mechanical devices in human or animal form or otherwise designed to create lights, sound or motion to attract passersby.
   (C)   Have any exclusive right to any location in the public streets, shall not be permitted a stationary location and shall not be permitted to operate in any congested area where licensee's operations might impede or inconvenience the public. For purposes of enforcement of this chapter, the judgment of any police officer, exercised in good faith, shall be deemed conclusive as to whether or not an area is congested or the public is impeded or inconvenienced by the presence of the licensee.
   (D)   Sell or offer for sale goods, wares, or merchandise from vehicles on any of the public streets of the city. Licensees shall not be allowed to double park or in any way impede the normal flow of traffic or create a hazard or a nuisance upon any public roadway.
   (E)   Be allowed to solicit or peddle from sundown to nine o'clock (9:00) A.M., or at any time when a sign has been clearly posted on a fence, driveway, front, back or side yard, or doorway which clearly informs a licensee that there shall be no solicitors or no peddlers, either using those words or in words to that effect. Providing, however, that a licensee may call upon the occupant of a residence at other times when he has expressed prior permission from such occupant to do so.
   (F)   Make any representation that he or she is soliciting or peddling for any nonprofit organization or for charitable or religious purposes if he or she in any way shall personally benefit by the funds or properties solicited.
   (G)   Cast, throw, distribute, deposit, scatter, pass out, give away, circulate or deliver any commercial or business handbills, dodgers, circulars, or other advertising materials or devices to any residents or businesses, or leave the same upon any porch, doorstep, entryway, vestibule or in any yard or public hallway, or in any vacant lot or upon other private property in the city, without first having obtained the expressed consent of the owner or lessee, or without the written or expressed request of any adult resident or occupant thereof.
   (H)   Make any false statement or claims as to the quality, value, origin, condition, durability, or purpose as to any product.
   (I)   Make false representations as to any product which he is soliciting for or peddling.
   (J)   No licensee shall distribute, sell, or hand out as a sample any consumable food products which have not been properly approved by the state health district, the South Central Public Health District, the federal trade commission or any other state or federal agency which has jurisdiction as to the quality or wholesomeness of any foodstuffs designed for human consumption. (Ord. 542-2021, - -)