10-1-13-3: APPLICATIONS:
Applications for licenses by solicitors and peddlers shall be made to the city clerk, to his designee or to the chief of police or other applicable law enforcement agency, and shall be sworn in writing and shall contain the following information:
   (A)   Name of applicant;
   (B)   Permanent address of applicant;
   (C)   Temporary address of applicant, if any;
   (D)   Idaho state sales tax license number and, if applicable, Idaho corporation license number;
   (E)   A brief description of the nature of the business to be conducted and the goods to be sold, and if the goods are farm or orchard products, a statement as to the point of origin for the product;
   (F)   If the products are imported into the state from an area outside the state, the person receiving the application may require a certificate that the product is disease free, insect free, properly fumigated and will in no way spread any disease, fungi, bacteria, insect or animal illnesses or diseases of any kind;
   (G)   A statement as to whether the applicant is self-employed or working for an employer;
   (H)   If the applicant is selling goods for another, a statement as to who the owners of the goods are;
   (I)   A two inch by two-inch (2" x 2") photograph showing the head and shoulders in a clear and distinguishable manner of the applicant and the person selling, delivering, conveying, carrying, transporting goods, wares, merchandise, food or like merchandise of the applicant or offering to perform services in the present or future for applicant;
   (J)   A statement that in the event that the product causes any damage to any resident of the city, the applicant acknowledges the jurisdiction of the Idaho courts to resolve any disputes;
   (K)   The length of time for which the license requested shall be needed;
   (L)   A description of the vehicle to be used in the solicitation, peddling or vending, together with the license number thereof;
   (M)   A statement as to whether or not the applicant or applicant's employer has been convicted of any crime in violation of any consumer protection laws or of any peddlers' or solicitors' ordinances. (Ord. 542-2021, - -)