(A)   Streets: Names, location and right of way widths.
   (B)   Easements: Location, width and purpose of all easements.
   (C)   Proposed Streets: Location of official plan lines of projected streets or highways as shown on the official master plan of the city.
   (D)   Lots: Approximate dimensions of all lots and proposed lot and block numbers.
   (E)   Uses: Proposed uses of the property, including sites, if any, for multi-family dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks and playgrounds, or other public or semipublic uses.
   (F)   Improvements: Statement of the subdivision improvements proposed to be made or installed, including sidewalks, curbs, gutters, street improvements, sewer drains and the time such improvements are to be made or completed.
   (G)   Sewage Disposal: Method of sewage disposal.
   (H)   Written Statement: Such of the foregoing information as may not be shown practically on the maps may be shown in separate statements accompanying the preliminary plan. (Ord. 266, 4-10-1975)