   (A)   A capacity charge shall be applicable to all connections of improved property to a sewerage system, or extension thereof, constructed by revenue financing and for the additional sanitary sewer service requirements for a property now or hereafter connected to the sewerage system as a result of an expansion or a change in the nature of the use of the property which results in an increased discharge to the sewerage system.
   (B)   Prior to the construction to the sewerage system, recording of subdivision plat, if applicable, or issuance of a building permit by the County Building Department, the capacity charge shall be paid in full.
(Ord. 97-104, passed 2-3-1997) Penalty, see § 50.999
   A supplemental sanitary sewer connection charge may be applicable to areas dependent upon a pump station to be provided sanitary sewer service and for the additional sanitary sewer service requirements for a property now or hereafter connected to the sewerage system as a result of an expansion or a change in the nature of the use of the property which results in an increased discharge to the sewerage system. The supplemental sanitary sewer connection charge, if applicable, shall be paid prior to connection to the sewerage system, recording of a subdivision plat, or issuance of a building permit.
(Ord. 97-104, passed 2-3-1997) Penalty, see § 50.999
§ 50.147 TAPPING FEE.
   (A)   Upon request, the Utilities Department will provide an estimate for the following, together with any pavement repair or surface restoration required, provided that manpower and materials are available to do the work:
      (1)   Tapping the water main and installation of a corporation stop, water service line from the main to the easement area, installation of a curb stop and curb box, water meter pit, and water meter setter; and/or
      (2)   Tapping the sanitary sewer main and installation of a sanitary sewer service lateral from the main to the easement area including riser pipe;
   (B)   The applicant shall make a deposit with the Finance Director in the amount of the estimate in cash, or by certified or cashier’s check payable to the village, prior to construction of the work. Should the actual cost of the work be either higher or lower than the estimate, the applicant will either pay the difference or be entitled to a refund as the case may be.
(Ord. 97-104, passed 2-3-1997)
   (A)   Upon the effective date of this section, all new water utility customers in the village shall be required to pay a water tower fee. Such water tower fee is to be paid at the time connection permits are issued, and before connection to the water system is made.
   (B)   This water tower fee shall be as set forth in the village's fee schedule, as adopted by reference in § 36.05.
   (C)   The proceeds of this water tower fee shall be held in a separate and distinct fund, designated the "Water Tower Improvement Fund", and shall be encumbered along with interest earned for the purpose of financing capital improvements to the water supply system to meet increased demand, improve system efficiency, or meet federal, state, and local regulations.
(Ord. 95-190, passed 12-4-1995; Ord. 97-104, passed 2-3-1997; Ord. 97-168, passed 11-17-1997; Ord. 2019-043, passed 9-3-2019) Penalty, see § 50.999
   (A)   When requested or petitioned, the Village Council may agree to extend any water supply or sewerage system. The financing of any such additions or extensions may be provided by revenue bonds issued in full compliance with the terms of existing bond resolutions and trust agreements; special assessments, levied against benefitted properties; general obligation revenues bonds; the Replacement and Improvement Fund or surplus funds; cash payments by benefitted property owners; or some combinations of the above, as determined by the Village Council.
   (B)   The village, upon application by an individual, organization, or agency of private enterprise, may, by resolution, grant permission to such individual, organization, or agency to construct, at its cost, water supply or sewerage improvements by private contract under the supervision of the Village Engineer, as discussed in §§ 50.080 through 50.087.
   (C)   All water supply or sewerage systems, or extensions thereof, shall be constructed in accordance with the detail plans and specifications prepared by a professional engineer and approved by the Village Engineer.
   (D)   All water supply or sewerage systems, or extensions thereof, shall be constructed across the property to which service is to be provided in all situations where further extensions are possible in the future.
   (E)   Connections to the water supply or sewerage systems shall not be permitted until:
      (1)   Construction of the sanitary sewer or water system is completed and approved by the village, and maintenance bond is posted;
      (2)   Verification of “as-built” locations, alignments, depths, and grades of all new public water and sanitary sewers is provided; and
      (3)   As-built reproducible drawings must be submitted within two months of first connection being made to the water or sewerage systems.
(Ord. 97-104, passed 2-3-1997) Penalty, see § 50.999