(A)   In addition to connection charges, non-participant charges shall apply to all connections of improved properties and to the additional sewer service required for a property now or hereafter connected to the sewerage system as a result of an expansion or a change in the nature of the use of the property which results whether residential, commercial, industrial, or manufacturing, to an extension of a sewerage system constructed pursuant to a private contract providing for reimbursement of original cost when such properties were non-participants in the original cost.
   (B)   Prior to the connection to the sewerage system, recording of subdivision plat, if applicable, or issuance of a building permit by the County Building Department, the non-participant charge shall be paid in cash and in full.
   (C)   For a period of ten years after completion of construction, the proceeds of the non-participant charge shall be held in separate and distinct funds designated as the reimbursement fund for the sewer improvement, to be paid quarterly to the individual, organization, or agency of private enterprise that constructed the extension. After the ten-year period, the proceeds of the non-participant charges shall be deposited in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund.
(Ord. 97-104, passed 2-3-1997) Penalty, see § 50.999