The trees in table I are recommended for planting
in public and private parkway spaces.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Variety
Common Name | Scientific Name | Variety
Freeman maple | Acer freemanii | "Marmo" |
Crimson king Norway maple | Acer plantanoides | "Crimson king" |
Emerald luster Norway maple | Acer plantanoides | "Emerald luster" |
Schwedler Norway maple | Acer plantanoides | "Schwedler green" |
Green Mountain sugar maple | Acer saccharum | "Green Mountain" |
Marshall seedless green ash | Fraxinum pennsylvanica | "Marshall's seedless" |
Summit green ash | Fraxinus pennsylvanica | "Summit" |
Ginko | Ginko biloba | Male only |
Skyline honey locust | Gledista triacanthos | "Skyline" |
Kentucky coffee tree | Gymnocladus dioicus | Male only |
Golden rain tree | Koelreuteria paniculata | |
Tulip tree | Lirodendron tulipifera | |
Tupelo | Nyssa sylvatica | |
Swamp white oak | Quercus bicolor | |
Shingle oak | Quercus imbricaria | |
Bur oak | Quercus macrocarpa | |
Chinkapin oak | Quercus muhlenbergii | |
Chestnut oak | Quercus prinus | |
Shumard oak | Quercus shumardii | |
Peking tree lilac | Syringa pekinensis | |
Japanese tree lilac | Syringa reticulata | "Ivory silk" |
American basswood | Tilia americana | |
Littleleaf linden | Tilia chordata | "Greenspire" |
Redmond linden | Tilia euchlora | "Redmond" |
Accolade hybrid elm | Ulmus wareii | "Accolade" |
Japanese zelkova | Zelkova serrata | "Village green" |
The trees in table II are recommended for planting in parks, golf
courses, other green space, public areas or pursuant to
subdivision or landscape approval.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Variety
Common Name | Scientific Name | Variety
White fir | Abies concolor | |
Hedge maple | Acer campestre | |
Amur maple | Acer ginnala | |
Red maple | Acer rubrum | "Red sunset" |
Silver maple | Acer saccharinum | |
Ohio buckeye | Aesculus glabra | |
Black alder | Alnus glutinosa | |
River birch | Betula nigra | |
American hornbeam | Carpinus caroliniana | |
Shagbark hickory | Carya ovata | |
Chinese chestnut | Castaea mollissima | |
Common hackberry | Celtis occidentalis | |
Katsura tree | Cercidiphyllum japonicum | |
White fringe tree | Chionanthus virginicus | |
Yellowwood | Cladrastis lutea | |
Cornelian cherry dogwood | Cornus mas | |
Turkish hazel | Corylus colurna | |
Cockspur hawthorn | Crataegus crus-galli | |
Washington hawthorn | Crataegus phaenopyrum | |
Dotted hawthorn | Crataegus punctata | |
Persimmon | Diospyros virginiana | |
Blue ash | Fraxinus quadrangulata | |
European larch | Larix decidua | |
Sweet gum | Liquidamber styraciflua | |
Tulip tree | Liriodendron tulipifera | |
Magnolia | Magnolia x loebneri | "Merrill" |
Crab apple | Malus sp. | "Adams" |
Crab apple | Malus sp. | "Red baron" |
Crab apple | Malus sp. | "Sentinal" |
Crab apple | Malus sp. | "Zumi" |
Dawn redwood | Metasequoia glyptostroboides | |
Ironwood | Ostraya virginiana | |
Amur cork tree | Phellodendron amurense | |
Norway spruce | Picea abies | |
Colorado blue spruce | Picea pungens | |
Limber pine | Pinus flexilus | |
Eastern white pine | Pinus strobus | |
Scotch pine | Pinus sylvestris | |
Himalayan pine | Pinus wallichiana | |
Sycamore | Platanus occidentialis | |
Sargent cherry | Prunus sargentii | |
Douglas fir | Pseudosuga menziesii | |
Wafer ash | Pteleas trifoliata | |
Ussurian pear | Pyrus ussuriensis | |
Red oak | Quercus rubra | |
Bald Cypress | Taxodium disticum | |
American arborvitae | Thuja occidentalis | |
Silver linden | Tilia tomentosa | |
Canad hemlock | Tsuga canadensis | |
Japanese elm | Ulmus japonica | |
Lace bark elm | Ulmus parvifolia | |
Willow | ||
(Plus all trees in table I) | ||
The trees in table III are not permitted
to be planted in the village of Wayne.
Common Name | Scientific Name
| |
Common Name | Scientific Name
| |
Box elder maple | Acer negundo | |
Tree of heaven | Ailanthus altissima | |
Russian olive | Elaeagnus augstifolius | |
Honey locust | Gleditsia triacanthos | |
Mulberry | Morus species | |
London plane tree | Platanus acerfolia | |
Black locust | Robinia pseudo-acacia | |
American elm | Ulmus americana | |
Siberian elm | Ulmus pumila | |
Cottonwood | ||
(Ord. 04-01, 2-17-2004)
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