A.   Parkway Trees: Parkway trees shall be provided on the public or private right of way of any parcel to be developed. Parkway trees shall be provided in accordance with the following standards:
      1.   Quantity: Parkway trees shall be provided at the equivalent of not more than forty feet (40') apart in the right of way adjacent to the parcel, unless different spacing is appropriate based on the varieties chosen from table I, section 11-9-14 of this chapter, but in no event shall such spacing exceed fifty feet (50'). Tables I, II and III are set out in section 11-9-14 of this chapter.
      2.   Spacing: Such trees may be clustered or spaced linearly in the right of way as determined appropriate by the village board. Such placement shall not endanger the safety of vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
      3.   Size: All new or replacement trees provided shall have a minimum trunk diameter of two and one-half inches (21/2"), as measured twelve inches (12") above the established ground level, upon installation.
      4.   Form And Quality: All trees shall be park grade or better and shall have the proper height, crown width, height to first branch, root ball width and branch distribution for the species.
      5.   Guarantee: All parkway trees shall be guaranteed for eighteen (18) months after planting by the developer or applicant.
      6.   Species: Species for parkway planting shall be selected and/or approved by the board of trustees with the intention of creating an aesthetically pleasing landscape and avoiding large monocultures, encouraging diversity for public benefit. Trees which are suitable, and which are not suitable for parkway use, are listed in section 11-9-14 of this chapter. Tables I, II and III are set out in section 11-9-14 of this chapter.
      7.   Planting Details: All parkway trees shall be properly installed with respect to depth of planting, hole size and quality of soil, and thereafter maintained to ensure upright growth and form. Parkway trees shall be planted within or near the right of way or adjacent utility easements as approved by the village engineer and the board of trustees.
      8.   Inspection And Acceptance: Final inspection and acceptance of parkway trees shall be made by the board of trustees by appropriate resolution.
   B.   Areas To Be Graded And Sodded: Parkways within the public or private right of way, swales draining two (2) or more lots, and those areas specifically referenced by this title, shall be graded and sodded. Areas to be sodded shall be graded smooth and topped with at least four inches (4") of black dirt after compacting and removal of stumps, trees that cannot be saved, boulders and other debris. Swales which require sodding shall have a minimum sodding width of ten feet (10'). (Ord. 04-01, 2-17-2004)