A.   Purpose: The landscaping and screening requirements specified herein are intended to foster aesthetically pleasing development which will protect and preserve the appearance, character, general health, safety and welfare of the community. Specifically, these regulations are intended to increase the compatibility of adjacent uses requiring a buffer or screen between uses and, in doing so, minimize the harmful impact of noise, dust and other debris; motor vehicle headlight glare or other artificial light intrusions, and other objectionable activities or impacts conducted or created by an adjoining or nearby use.
   B.   Landscape Plan Required: Where submittal of a site plan is a condition of review and approval of a petition or application for a building permit, or where a preliminary plat of subdivision or planned development has been submitted for approval, a landscape plan shall be concurrently submitted in accordance with the requirements of this section.
   C.   Standards And Requirements: All developments requiring site plan approval shall provide landscaping and screening in accordance with the standards and requirements set forth in this chapter.
   D.   Waiver: Because of the complexities and possible variations inherent in the development of land and different land use situations, making it difficult to establish requirements that are universally practical, the village board may grant a waiver of certain requirements of this chapter based upon undue or unreasonable hardship, after considering the attempts made by the applicant or petitioner to preserve existing trees, the reasons given for needing removal, the explanation submitted as to why tree replacement should be waived, and the landscape plan details submitted with the plan, so long as such waiver does not frustrate the purpose set forth in subsection A of this section.
   E.   Estimated Costs Submitted; Subdivisions: The estimate of costs to implement an approved landscape plan relating to a preliminary plat of subdivision shall be provided to the village engineer by the developer or applicant for his review and acceptance and, as approved by the village engineer, shall be included in the cost of public improvements subject to the performance guarantee requirements of the subdivision regulations.
   F.   Estimated Cost Submitted; Other Sites: The estimate of costs to implement an approved landscape plan relating to a nonresidential building permit application or pursuant to site plan approval shall be submitted to the village engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. The village engineer, after accepting the estimated cost as being reasonable, may also require the applicant to make a cash deposit equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the estimated cost to implement a landscape plan, as a performance guarantee with respect to the requirements in this chapter for the maintenance and survival of plant material and trees, which shall include an estimate of any arborist's fee required pursuant to subsection I of this section. In the event the applicant wishes to obtain a certificate of occupancy before completion of the installation of all landscaping, the village engineer may require the applicant to make a cash deposit equal to the cost to complete the landscaping.
   G.   Guarantee And Maintenance Of Landscaping: Appropriate care and maintenance of plant material, including trees, shall be provided to keep such growth alive and in good condition for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of planting. Diseased or dead plant material shall be replaced by the developer or applicant at no cost to the village. Plant materials, including trees, required for screening purposes as set forth in subsections L and M of this section, must be maintained or replaced by the owner of the property as a condition of the continued use of the property for other than single-family detached residential purposes.
   H.   Clear Site Distance: Any clear site distance required by village regulations for public safety shall supersede landscape requirements of this chapter when so certified by the village engineer.
   I.   Fees: The village board, plan commission or building and zoning department may, at its option, based on the particular site, and after providing written notice and a written estimate to the applicant, require the services of an arborist certified in the state of Illinois, for consultation, advice and inspection, in which event the applicant shall reimburse the village for the fee charged by the arborist for such consultation. The applicant shall also reimburse the village for any other review fees incurred by the village in connection with this chapter.
   J.   Landscape Plan Details: Landscape plans shall include, at a minimum, the following details:
      1.   Location and dimensions of existing and proposed buildings and structures, including adjacent lot lines.
      2.   The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed parking lots and drives, roadways, entryways and rights of way, sidewalks, equestrian trails, bicycle paths, ground signs, refuse disposal areas, bicycle parking areas, fences, freestanding electrical equipment, freestanding HVAC/mechanical equipment and other freestanding structural features.
      3.   Species, size and location of existing trees and woodlands, hedgerows, floodways and floodplains and proposed plant material which will be part of the final landscape design. Existing trees in excess of five inches (5") in diameter to be removed must be clearly designated by species, trunk size and location.
      4.   Quantity of each type of existing and proposed plant material and trees which will be part of the final landscape design.
      5.   Landscape treatment such as berming, contouring, shaping, ornamental lighting, paving materials, nonplant elements, fences, planters, etc. All berming and contouring of land shall be identified by one foot (1') contours on the landscape plan.
      6.   Method of screening waste disposal areas (trash enclosures) and elevations with construction design.
      7.   As applicable, the area (square footage) of the following must be included on all landscape plans:
         a.   Total lot area;
         b.   Total landscaped area;
         c.   Total area of parking lots and driveways; and
         d.   Total area of interior parking lot landscaping.
      8.   Elevations, cross sections, and other details as may reasonably be required.
      9.   A written statement stating how the plan meets the design criteria contained in subsection K of this section.
   K.   Design Criteria:
      1.   Preservation Of Existing Trees: The developer or applicant shall make every reasonable effort to save all healthy trees and tree and hedgerow lines, as well as bushes and undergrowth in wooded areas, floodways and floodplains.
      2.   Compatible Plantings: The developer or applicant shall ensure that all plantings are compatible to soil, weather and environmental conditions which exist.
      3.   Scale And Nature Of Landscape Material: The scale and nature of landscape material should be appropriate to the site and structures.
      4.   Selection Of Plant Material: Plant material should be selected for its form, texture, color and concern for its ultimate growth.
      5.   Evergreens: Evergreens shall be incorporated into the landscape treatment of a site, particularly in those areas screening parking lots from dedicated public rights of way or property zoned for residential use.
      6.   Softening Of Walls And Fences: Plant materials should be placed intermittently against long expanses of building, walls, fences and other barriers to create a softening effect.
      7.   Planting Beds: Planting beds should be mulched with bark, chips or similar materials.
      8.   Detention/Retention Basins And Ponds: To the maximum extent possible, trees and natural vegetation shall be preserved around detention/retention basins and ponds.
   L.   Landscaping And Screening Requirements; General:
      1.   Shade Trees: Shade trees of approved varieties shall be provided at the equivalent of not more than forty feet (40') apart along the abutting property lines and roadways unless different spacing is appropriate based on the varieties chosen from table I, section 11-9-14 of this chapter, but in no event shall such spacing exceed fifty feet (50'). Such trees may be clustered or spaced linearly as determined appropriate by the village engineer so as to not conflict with existing or proposed utility locations. Tables I, II and III are set out in section 11-9-14 of this chapter.
      2.   Other Planting Materials: Other landscaping materials, ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges, and/or other live materials may be provided at appropriate locations along the abutting property line.
      3.   Total Coverage Required: Except for woodlands preserved in a natural state and except as otherwise specified, all areas of the site which are not paved shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, flowers, ground cover and/or sod or grass to retard water runoff. Where applicable, front and side yard areas not otherwise landscaped shall be sodded and rear yards, if not sodded, must be grass seeded.
      4.   Additional Screening: Screening may be required at the back of any commercial, limited business or business district site or multiple-family building. Screening requirements will be compatible with the overall design of the project and the adjacent uses within sight distances. The opacity of required screening shall be up to one hundred percent (100%) as approved by the village board.
      5.   Screening Of Refuse Disposal Areas: All refuse disposal areas shall be completely screened on all four (4) sides by a wood or decorative masonry fence or an equivalent material to a height of not less than six feet (6') but not more than seven feet (7') with appropriate landscaping on three (3) sides.
      6.   Detention/Retention Basins And Ponds: When retained natural landscaping around detention basins or ponds is absent or inadequate, additional landscaping shall be required. Such landscaping should include shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges and/or other live planting materials, and other materials as required by the village engineer to prevent erosion at the water line. The board of trustees may require landscaping in an amount of up to twenty percent (20%) of the estimated cost of construction of said ponds, which estimated costs shall be submitted to the village engineer when applicable to a subdivision and the building and zoning department when applicable to a building permit.
All such estimated costs, including the cost of required landscaping, shall be considered part of the public improvements for a subdivision or planned development and included in the performance guarantee requirements of the subdivision regulations.
In the case of a permit application for a building or approved use, a deposit equal to the cost of required landscaping of such required retention/detention pond shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit.
      7.   Foundation Landscaping: A landscaping area, a minimum of ten feet (10') in width, ("foundation landscaping area") may be required by the board of trustees to be located around the perimeter of all proposed buildings shown on required site plans. A wider area may be required around buildings with sufficient bulk to make such a requirement appropriate and reasonable. Such landscaping shall be in accordance with the standards listed as follows:
         a.   Retain Open Foundation Landscape Areas: Required foundation landscaping areas shall remain open and free of obstructions, buildings and paving except for those areas shown on the site plan by the applicant to be essential to the use of the proposed structure.
         b.   Landscaping Materials: Such landscaping shall consist of shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges, and/or other live planting materials. Particular attention shall be paid to the screening of mechanical equipment, bicycle parking areas and loading docks; softening large expanses of building walls; and accenting building entrances and architectural features.
   M.   Additional Landscaping And Screening Requirements:
      1.   Sites Subject To Additional Requirements: Additional landscaping and screening may be required by the board of trustees where the subject property abuts or is across a public or private right of way from property zoned or with a designated use in the comprehensive plan which is different than the subject property in any of the following situations:
Nonresidential property versus nonresidential property.
Nonresidential property versus single-family detached residential property.
Nonresidential property versus residential property other than single-family detached residential property.
Residential property other than single-family detached residential property versus single-family detached residential housing.
      2.   Inadequate Adjacent Landscaping: In the event the landscaping and screening are inadequate or absent on abutting property or across a public or private right of way from any developed property which would, to meet the requirements of this chapter, be required to provide such landscaping or screening, any applicant for other than a single-family detached residential permit may be required by the board of trustees to provide such landscaping and screening along the perimeter of the applicant's property where applicable.
      3.   Example Of Additional Landscaping And Screening:
Nonresidential property abutting residential property.
Continuous landscaping, a minimum of three feet (3') in height at installation, and in a design satisfactory to the board of trustees, shall be provided along that portion of the abutting property line from the front building setback line to the front lot line of the abutting residential property. Such landscaping shall consist of berms, trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges and/or other live planting materials.
Screening to a minimum of six feet (6') in height at installation, and in a design satisfactory to the board of trustees shall be provided along the length of the abutting property line to the front building setback line of the abutting residential property. Such screening shall consist of landscaped berms, wood or decorative masonry fence, wall or other comparable barrier with appropriate landscaping.
   N.   Parking Lot Landscaping: All parking lots, considered in total for the site, designed for six (6) or more parking spaces shall provide landscaping in accordance with the requirements listed as follows:
      1.   Interior Area:
         a.   Minimum Area Defined: For areas with six (6) or more parking spaces, not less than five percent (5%) of the interior of a parking lot shall be devoted to landscaping. The "interior" of a parking lot shall be defined as the area between the back of curbs of the parking lot. Landscaping areas located along the perimeter of a parking lot as required herein shall not be included toward satisfying this requirement, nor shall this landscaping be counted toward any minimum landscape area required elsewhere in this chapter.
         b.   Minimum Size Of Landscape Area: Interior parking lot landscaping areas shall be a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) square feet in area. Such landscaping areas shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') in width.
         c.   Landscaping Areas, Design And Materials:
            (1)   Dispersion: Interior parking lot landscaping areas shall generally be dispersed throughout the parking lot in a design satisfactory to the board of trustees.
            (2)   Landscaping Material:
   (A) Type: The primary landscaping materials used in parking lots shall be trees which provide shade or are capable of providing shade. Ornamental trees, shrubbery, hedges, and other live planting materials may be used to supplement the tree landscaping but shall not be the sole contribution to the landscaping.
   (B) Quantity: One shade tree shall be provided for every one hundred eighty (180) square feet of landscaping area.
   (C) Ground Cover: A minimum of seventy five percent (75%) of every interior parking lot landscaping area shall be comprised of live landscaping, exclusive of grass.
      2.   Perimeter:
         a.   Front And Corner Side Yards:
            (1)   Across From Residential Property: Where a parking lot is located on the opposite side of a dedicated public right of way from property zoned for any residential use, continuous landscaping shall be provided across one hundred percent (100%) of the street frontage (excluding any curb cuts) to a minimum height of three feet (3') at installation. Such landscaping shall consist of berms, shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges and/or other live planting materials.
            (2)   Across From Nonresidential Property: Where a parking lot is located on the opposite side of a dedicated public right of way from property zoned for nonresidential use, landscaping shall be provided proportionally to provide fifty percent (50%) coverage of the street frontage to a minimum height of three feet (3') at installation. Such landscaping shall consist of berm, shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, and/or other live planting materials.
         b.   Rear And Interior Side Yards:
            (1)   Abutting Residential Property: Where a parking lot abuts property zoned for residential use, landscaping and screening may be required as follows:
   (A) Screening: Screening to a minimum of six feet (6') in height at installation, and in a design satisfactory to the board of trustees, shall be provided along that portion of the parking lot abutting the residential property. Such screening shall consist of a continuous landscaped berm, solid wood or decorative masonry fence, or other comparable barrier. If the parking lot extends beyond the front building setback line of the abutting residential property, for the portion the parking lot extending beyond such setback line to the front property line, the board of trustees may require continuous landscaping, a minimum of three feet (3') in height at installation, and in a design satisfactory to the board of trustees, in lieu of the aforementioned fence or wall. Such landscaping shall consist of berms, trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges and/or other live planting materials.
   (B) Shade Trees: Shade trees shall be provided at the equivalent of not more than forty feet (40') apart along that portion of the parking lot abutting the residential property unless different spacing is appropriate based on the varieties chosen from table I, section 11-9-14 of this chapter, but in no event shall such spacing exceed fifty feet (50'). Such trees may be clustered or spaced linearly as determined appropriate by the board of trustees and the village engineer. Tables I, II and III are set out in section 11-9-14 of this chapter.
   (C) Other Planting Material: Other landscaping material including ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges and/or other live planting materials shall be provided at intermittent locations along that portion of the parking lot abutting the residential property.
            (2)   Abutting Nonresidential Property: Where a parking lot abuts property zoned for nonresidential use, landscaping shall be provided proportionally to provide fifty percent (50%) coverage of that portion of the parking lot abutting the property line to a minimum height of three feet (3') at installation. Such landscaping shall consist of berms, shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges and/or other live planting materials. This landscaping is equivalent to the placement of shrub clusters, containing seven (7) to nine (9) shrubs per cluster, spaced at intervals of approximately thirty five feet (35') along the property line. (Ord. 04-01, 2-17-2004)