11-9-2: FINDINGS:
The president and board of trustees make the following findings:
   A.   The village of Wayne is recognized as a community of distinctive character having been developed with a rural and country tradition and atmosphere; and
   B.   The village of Wayne is recognized for its natural, wooded streetscapes which are an essential part of the village's character; and
   C.   The Wayne comprehensive plan recognizes the rich and diverse range of trees and woodland plants in the village, including rare and endangered species and the forest canopy found in the village provides a vital contribution to the rural atmosphere and character of the village; and
   D.   The Wayne comprehensive plan includes the following goals and objectives:
      1.   To retain a balanced and healthful relationship between people and nature's life support systems through:
         a.   The conservation and enhancement of native trees and plants and other compatible vegetative cover, especially woodlands;
         b.   The nurturing of desirable and endangered wildlife and aquatic species and the enhancement of their habitats;
         c.   The mitigation of adverse impacts of air pollutants, pesticides and fertilizers, odors, sounds and artificial lights.
      2.   To retain the unique qualities of a rural residential community through:
         a.   Assuring that the predominant scale, arrangement and appearance of development will be compatible with a rural residential environment;
         b.   Giving special attention to the design and maintenance of all roads, highways, and utility rights of way consistent with the desired rural residential environment, level of safety and function. Maintain and enhance roadside vegetation, and encourage the electric and telephone companies and developers to bury their wires wherever possible;
         c.   Locating and designing utilities so as not to disrupt land uses, create a hazard, or adversely impact the environment. Encourage the electric and telephone companies to bury their main wires wherever possible;
         d.   Encouraging the private contribution of lands, development rights, or conservation easements to appropriate public or quasi- public organizations;
         e.   Endorse programs and actions to preserve the area's natural resources, especially those which are visible from roadways and pathways, and those along the Fox River.
   E.   The village of Wayne has previously enacted the historic and rural preservation program under title 9, chapter 2 of this code "for the purpose of allowing the village to finance studies, research and other activities which may assist in the preservation of the rural and historic character of the village and protect the village from any potential adverse impact of future development"; and
   F.   Growth in the community, changes in residential neighborhoods, trends toward larger residences and an increasing number of accessory structures including pools and tennis courts, the demolition of existing structures, and new development and redevelopment of properties threaten the destruction of mature trees and native vegetation which have special historic, community, and aesthetic significance and value; and
   G.   The preservation of mature trees and native vegetation is necessary and desirable to preserve the rural and historic character of the village of Wayne, maintain and enhance property values, and to provide for the general well being of the citizens of Wayne; and
   H.   The presence of trees and other vegetation aids in storm water management, helps to prevent erosion, improves air quality, conserves energy, provides wildlife habitat, and preserves and enhances property values; and
   I.   The preservation and replacement of trees throughout the village is necessary to safeguard the ecological environment, and to continue the village's long tradition of establishing regulations to preserve the special character of Wayne. (Ord. 04-01, 2-17-2004)