155.01 Administrative Provisions | 155.07 Adoption of the 2020 National Electrical Code |
155.02 Adoption of the 2018 International Residential Code | 155.08 Adoption of the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code |
155.03 Adoption of the 2018 International Building Code | 155.09 Adoption of the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code |
155.04 Adoption of the 2018 International Existing Building Code | 155.10 Adoption of the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code |
155.05 Adoption of the 2018 International Mechanical Code | 155.11 Adoption of the 2018 International Fire Code |
155.06 Adoption of the 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code |
Administration of this chapter shall be as provided in this section and in the following sections of the several codes named, which are hereby adopted by reference to provide procedures for local enforcement of the codes, constituting the International Codes. The administrative official, or their designee, designated by the City Council, shall be responsible for the enforcement of the International Codes. They shall be accountable for the issuance of all applicable permits under this chapter, which shall include building permits issued in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City. The administrative official shall have the power to render interpretations of this code and to adopt and enforce rules and regulations supplemental to this code, subject to approval of the Council as they may deem necessary in order to clarify the application of the provisions of this code. Such interpretations, rules, and regulations shall be in conformity with the intent and purpose of this chapter.
Pursuant to published notice and public hearing, as required by law, the International Residential Code, 2018 Edition, published by the International Code Council, is hereby adopted in full, including Appendix Chapters E, H, J, and O, except for such portions as may hereinafter be deleted, modified or amended. The following amendments, modifications, additions, and deletions to the International Residential Code, 2018 Edition, are hereby made:
1. Insert Section R101.1 to read City of Waukee as the applicable jurisdiction.
2. Delete Section R105.2(1) and replace as follows:
1. One-story detached accessory structures, provided the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet; however, site plan approval shall be obtained from the Development Services Department.
3. Delete Sections R105.2(2), R105.2(4), R105.2(5), and R105.2(10). Replace Section R105.2(5) with the following language:
4. Sidewalks shall be permitted and installed in accordance with approved site plan for individual lot development.
5. Amend Section R105.6 to include the addition of R105.6.1 Revocation of Permit. Insert Section 105.6.1 to read as follows:
6. Revocation of Permit. It is the permit holder’s responsibility to schedule the required inspections and obtain final approvals. Failure to schedule the required inspections and received approval of work authorized by the permit before covering said work or at completion shall result in revocation of the permit and void any associated approvals granted by the City. This failure shall also equate to working without a permit in violation of City ordinance and no future permits shall be issued to any person or company who has outstanding violations of this code or any other laws or ordinances of the City. Failure to contact the City for any inspection or follow-up prior to expiration of a permit shall be deemed a violation of this code section. Failure to contact the City for any inspection or follow-up prior to expiration of a temporary certificate of occupancy shall also be deemed a violation of this code section. Allowing occupancy of a structure, for which a person or company holds a building permit, prior to or without a valid certificate of occupancy (temporary or final) shall be deemed a violation of this code section and no future permits shall be issued to any person or company who has outstanding violations of this code or any other laws or ordinances of the City.
7. Add the following to Section R108.2 Schedule of Permit Fees with the following language:
8. Permit fees will be derived from the City of Waukee Fee Schedule adopted on an annual basis.
9. Add the following to Section R108.3:
The Building Valuation will be derived from the construction costs for the total work submitted by the contractor, or the most current Building Valuation Data Schedule published by the International Code Council (ICC). Submitted contractor valuation shall not be less than derived valuation through ICC.
Published data is utilized by the Administrative Official in an effort to maintain consistency and fairness for permit fee calculations. It is not intended to reflect actual taxable value.
The method for determining the value of the additional listed residential items will be as follows: The square foot of the listed structure, times the Dwelling - Type V – Wood Frame value, times the percentage multiplier assigned to each listed item.
1. Open Decks – 8%
2. Screened Porches – 15%
3. In-Ground Pools – 17%
4. Above-Ground Pools – 8%
5. Three-Season Porches – 50%
10. Amend Section R108.5 to read as follows:
Fee Refunds. The administrative official may authorize refunding of any fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or collected.
The administrative official may authorize refunding of not more than 80 percent of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this code.
The administrative official may authorize refunding of not more than 80 percent of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan reviewing is done.
The administrative official shall not authorize refunding of any fee paid except on written application filed by the original permittee not later than 180 days after the date of fee payment.
11. In Section R110.1, to add the following at the end of the paragraph:
On all new construction, all necessary walks, drives and approaches, and all seeding and sodding are to be installed before a final Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
For one- and two-family residential lots, two trees (one inch caliper or greater) must also be planted.
12. Table R301.2(l) to read as follows:
Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria
Ground Snow Load | WIND DESIGN | SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY | SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM | Winter Design Temp | Flood Hazards | Air Freezing Index | Mean Annual Temp | ||||||
Speed MPH | Topographic Effects | Special Wind Region | Wind-Borne Debris Zone | Weathering | Frost Line Depth | Termite | Ice Barrier Underlayment Required | ||||||
30 PSF | 115 | NO | NO | NO | A | SEVERE | 42 | MODERATE | 0 | YES | Dec. 2007 | 2000 | 48.6 |
13. In Section R301.2.1.3 add the following:
For purposes of determining wind loads, the minimum basic wind speed shall be considered as 115 miles per hour, except when referenced documents are based on fastest mile wind velocities, Table R301.2(1) shall be used.
14. In Section R301.2.3 add the following:
For purposes of determining snow loads, the minimum ground snow load for design purposes shall be 30 pounds per square foot. Subsequent increases or decreases shall be allowed as otherwise provided in this code, except that the minimum allowable flat roof snow load may be reduced to not less than 80 percent of the ground snow load.
15. Amend Section R302.3 to read:
For purposes of fire-resistive separation, two-family dwelling units shall be considered as townhouses and shall be constructed in accordance with R302.2.
16. Modify IRC Table 302.6 and replace with the following table:
17. TABLE R302.6
1. From the residence and attics | 2. Not less than 5/8-inch “X” gypsum board or equivalent applied to the garage side | |
1. From habitable rooms above the garage and structure(s) supporting floor/ceiling assemblies used for separation required by this section | 3. Not less than 5/8-inch “X” gypsum board or equivalent | |
1. Garages located less than 5 feet from a dwelling unit on the same lot | 4. Not less than 5/8-inch “X” gypsum board or equivalent applied to the interior side of exterior walls and ceilings within the garage |
1. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm.
19. Delete Section R302.13.
20. Amend Section R305.1.1 Exception to read:
Except basements not having a height as specified in this section are allowed to be finished with a ceiling height that is not decreased more than the minimal measurement created by applying a finished ceiling of gypsum board or acoustical ceiling tiles.
21. Amend Section R310.2.2 to add the following exception:
A landing may be provided to meet the maximum sill height of 44 inches above the floor or landing provided. The landing shall be not less than 36 inches wide, not less than 12 inches out from the exterior wall, and not more than 24 inches in height. The landing shall be permanently affixed to the floor below or the wall under the window it serves.
22. Amend Section R310.6 Exception to read:
23. New habitable spaces created in an existing basement shall be provided with emergency escape and rescue openings in accordance with Section R310.1.
24. Amend Section R311.3.2 Exception to read:
25. A top landing is not required where a stairway of not more than four rises is located on the exterior side of a door, provided the door does not swing over the stairway.
26. Amend Section R311.7.5.1 to add Exception 3 with the following language:
The dimension of the top and bottom riser of a stair may vary up to one inch (25.4 mm) from the stairway riser dimension; however, in no case shall the riser height exceed seven and three-quarter inches.
27. Amend Section R311.7.8.4 to add Exception 3 with the following language:
28. Handrails within a dwelling unit or serving an individual dwelling unit shall be permitted to be interrupted at one location in a straight stair when the rail terminates into a wall or ledge and is offset and immediately continues.
29. Delete Section R313.1 and replace with the following:
313.1 Townhouses automatic fire sprinkler systems. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in townhouses.
1. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required where additions or alterations are made to existing townhouses that do not have an automatic residential fire sprinkler system installed.
2. Townhouse structures where the conditioned square footage of the entire building is less than 12,000 square feet. For purposes of this section, conditioned space shall be defined as space that can be occupied but shall not include garages or attics.
3. For townhouses under 12,000 square feet, both a front and rear egress shall be provided; otherwise, an automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed.
30. Delete Section R313.2 and replace with the following:
313.2 One and two-family dwelling automatic fire sprinkler systems. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings.
1. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required where additions or alterations are made to existing buildings that are not already provided with an automatic residential fire sprinkler system.
2. One- and two-family dwellings containing less than 8,000 square feet of floor space, excluding attached garages and other unenclosed areas.
31. Amend Section R317.1 to add the following:
8. Fences. Residential fences shall be chain link, ornamental iron, PVC/composite, or approved wood not more than six feet higher than grade at the fence line. The face of the fence shall be equally attractive on both sides. However, if one side of the fence is considered less attractive because of structural members, etc., the less desirable side of the fence shall be directed toward the developing property or away from the public thoroughfare. Wood used in fences shall be treated wood, or approved wood of natural resistance to decay.
32. Replace Table R403.1(1), (2), (3) with the following:
TABLE R403.1
Number of Stories | Thickness of Foundation Walls Unit Concrete Masonry | Minimum Width of Footing (inches) | Thickness of Footing (inches) | Minimum Depth of Foundation Below Natural Surface of Ground and Finish Grade (inches) | |
1 | 8 | 8 | 16 | 8 | 42 |
2 | 8 | 8 | 16 | 8 | 42 |
3 | 10 | 10 | 18 | 12 | 42 |
33. Delete Section R403.1.4.1 Exception 1 and replace with the following:
Accessory structures up to 200 square feet may be constructed on a four-inch wood deck or four-inch concrete slab. Protection for detached garages and other accessory structures 600 square feet or less in size, with a maximum height or 18 feet, located more than 10 feet from a dwelling, attached garage, or other principal structures, may be accomplished with a floating slab (monolithic). The floating slab shall include a thickened slab edge or a minimum 18 inches thick. Twelve inches of the thickened slab shall be below grade and six inches shall be above finished grade. The bottom portion of the thickened slab area shall be 12 by 12 inches. Two #4 rebar shall be placed within the thickened edge continuous around the perimeter of the slab. The floor shall be Portland cement concrete not less than four-inches thick. Garage floor areas shall have all sod or debris removed. For detached garages and accessory structures exceeding 600 square feet, a frost protected footing and foundation shall be required.
34. Delete Section R403.1.4.1 Exception 2.
35. Amend Section R404.1 to add the following:
1. Scope. Notwithstanding other design requirements of Sections R404.1 - R404.1.5.2 of the International Residential Code, foundation retaining walls for one- and two-family dwelling occupancies of Type V construction may be constructed in accordance with this section, provided that use or building site conditions affecting such walls are within the limitations specified in this section. Concrete foundation walls shall be selected and constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section R404.1.3. Masonry foundation walls shall be selected and constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section R404.1.2. If backfill prior to a poured in place floor slab is desired, one of the following methods to provide bottom lateral support shall be completed:
(1) A full depth (minimum 1-1/2”) nominal 2” x 4” keyway may be formed into the footings to secure the bottom of the foundation wall; or,
(2) 36” long vertical #4 rebar may be embedded a minimum of 6” into the footings not to exceed 7’ on center spacing.
36. Amend Code to Add Code Section: IRC R404. Insert the following language and table:
37. R404. Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Wood Construction. Concrete and masonry foundation walls shall be permitted to be designed in accordance with the following Table ‘Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Construction’ may be used: Table R404. – ‘Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Construction’
1. Table R404. – ‘Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Construction’
1. Height of Foundation Wall (Net measured from top of basement slab to top of foundation wall)* | 1. Thickness of Foundation Walls | 1. Reinforcement Type and Placement within Foundation Wall** | 1. Reinforcement Type and Placement within Foundation Wall** (maximum 12’ span between corners and supporting cross walls) | 1. Type of Mortar | ||
1. 2. Unit1. 1. 1. | ||||||
1. Gross | 3. Net | 2. Concrete | 2. Masonry | 2. Concrete | 1. Masonry | 1. Masonry |
1. | 4. 7’ 8” | 3. 7 Y2” | 3. 8” | 3. | 2. | 2. |
1. 8 | 5. | 4. | 4. | 4. Y2” horizontal bars, placement in the middle, and near the top and bottom – Y2” bars at 6’ max vertically | 3. 0.075 square inch bar 8’ o.c. vertically in fully grouted cells. If block is 12” nominal thickness, may be unreinforced. | 3. Type M or S. Grout and Mortar shall meet provisions of Chapter 21 IBC |
1. 9 | 6. 8’ 8” | 5. 8” | 5. See Chapter 18 IBC | 5. Y2” bars 2’ o.c. horizontally and 20” vertically o.c. | 4. See Chapter 18 IBC | 4. Same as above. |
1. 10 | 7. 9’ 8” | 6. 8” | 6. See Chapter 18 IBC | 6. (5/8” bars 2’ o.c. horizontally and 30” vertically o.c.) | 5. See Chapter 18 IBC | 5. Same as above. |
1. *Concrete floor slab to be nominal 4”. If such floor slab is not provided prior to backfill, provide 1) 36” vertical embedded in the footing at maximum 7’ O.C. spacing; and/or 2) full depth nominal 2” depth x 4” width keyway in footing.
2. **All reinforcement bars shall meet ASTM A6175 grade 40 minimum and be deformed. Placement of bars shall be in the center of wall and meet the provisions of Chapter 18, 19, and 21 of the International Building Code.
3. NOTE: Cast in place concrete shall have a compressive strength of 3,000 lbs at 28 days. Footings shall contain reinforcement of minimum 2 – Y2” diameter rebar throughout. Placement of reinforcement and concrete shall meet the requirements of Chapter 19 of the International Building Code.
4. NOTE: Material used for backfilling shall be carefully placed granular soil of average or high permeability and drained with an approved drainage system as prescribed in Section 1805.4 of the International Building Code. When containing a high percentage of clay, fine silt or similar materials of low permeability or expansive soils are where backfill materials are not drained or an unusually high surcharge is to be placed adjacent to the wall, a designed wall shall be required.
5. NOTE: Foundation plate or sill anchorage shall be installed in accordance with the respective codes as applicable.
38. Amend Chapter 11 Energy Efficiency -- Energy Efficiency, of the IRC is hereby amended by deleting this chapter and inserting the following:
Provisions of the International Energy Conservation Code as currently adopted and amended by the Iowa State Building Code Bureau shall apply to all matters governing the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency. Administration shall be prescribed in “this code” and the regulations shall be known as the Waukee Energy Code.
39. Amend Section R1601.4 to add the following:
Section 1601.4 Installation. Duct installation shall comply with Sections M1601.4.1 through M1601.4.11.
Section 1601.4.11. Air plenum and duct separation. Air plenums and ducts located in floor and wall cavities shall be separated from unconditioned spaces by construction with sufficient insulation to meet energy code requirements. These areas include but are not limited to exterior walls, cantilevered floors, and floors above garages.
40. Delete Section R G2414.5.2 (403.5.2) and replace with the following:
41. Section G2414.5.2 (403.5.2): Corrugate Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST). Only CSST with an Arc resistant jacket or covering system listed in accordance with ANSI LC-1 (Optional Section 5.16)/CSA 6.26-2016 shall be installed in accordance with the terms of its approval, the conditions of listing, the manufactures instructions and this code including electrical bonding requirements in Section G2411. CSST shall not be used for through wall penetrations from the point of delivery of the gas supply to the inside of the structure. CSST shall not be installed in locations where subject to physical damage unless protected in an approved manner.
42. Delete Section R G2414.5.4 (403.5.5) and replace with the following:
Section G2414.5.4 (403.5.5): Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing. Arc resistant corrugated stainless steel tubing shall be listed in accordance with ANSI LC 1 (Optional Section 5.16)/CSA 6.26.
43. Amend Section P2603.5.1 Sewer Depth. Building sewers that connect to private sewage disposal systems shall not be less than 66 inches below finished grade at the point of septic tank connection or as approved by Dallas County Environmental Health. Building sewers shall not be less than 66 inches below grade.
44. Add Code Section IRC E3704.7 and insert the following language:
3704.7 Prohibited Locations. Feeders supplying a townhome shall not cross a property line other than the individual unit served. For the purposes of this provision, the term townhome shall mean a single-family dwelling unit constructed in a group of two or more attached units in which each unit extends from foundation to roof and with a yard or public way on not less than two sides.
Exception: If a recorded easement is established in a concealed space or attic within the townhome unit, feeds are allowed within the easement.
Pursuant to published notice and public hearing, as required by law, the International Building Code, 2018 Edition, published by the International Code Council, is hereby adopted in full, to include Appendix K, except for such portions as may hereinafter be deleted, modified, or amended. The following amendments, modifications, additions, and deletions to the International Building Code, 2018 Edition, are hereby made:
1. Insert Section 101.1 to read City of Waukee.
2. Delete Sections 105.2(2), 105.2(5), 105.2(6).
3. Amend Section R105.6 to include the addition of R105.6.1 Revocation of Permit. Insert Section R105.6.1 to read:
4. Revocation of Permit. It is the permit holder’s responsibility to schedule the required inspections and obtain final approvals. Failure to schedule the required inspections and receive approval of work authorized by the permit before covering said work or at completion shall result in revocation of the permit and void any associated approvals granted by the City. This failure shall also equate to working without a permit in violation of City ordinance and no future permits shall be issued to any person or company who has outstanding violations of this code or any other laws or ordinances of the City. Failure to contact the City for any inspection or follow-up prior to expiration of a permit shall be deemed a violation of this Code section. Failure to contact the City for any inspection or follow-up prior to expiration of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall also be deemed a violation of this code section. Allowing occupancy of a structure, for which a person or company holds a building permit prior to or without a valid Certificate of Occupancy (temporary or final) shall be deemed a violation of this code section and no future permits shall be issued to any person or company who has outstanding violations of this code or any other laws or ordinances of the City.
5. Add the following to Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees with the following language:
Permit fees will be derived from the City of Waukee Fee Schedule adopted on an annual basis.
6. Add the following to Section R109.3:
7. The Building Valuation will be derived from the construction costs for the total work submitted by the contractor, or the most current Building Valuation Data Schedule published by the International Code Council (ICC). Submitted contractor valuation shall not be less than derived valuation through ICC.
Published data is utilized by the Administrative Official in an effort to maintain consistency and fairness for permit fee calculations. It is not intended to reflect actual taxable value.
8. Delete Section 308.5.4 and replace with the following:
308.5.4 Eight or fewer persons receiving care in a dwelling unit. A facility such as the above within a dwelling unit and having eight or fewer persons receiving custodial care shall be classified as a Group R-3 occupancy or shall comply with the International Residential Code.
Exception: Day care facilities that provide custodial care for 16 or fewer persons for less than 24 hours per day in a single family dwelling, and where registered with the Sate of Iowa Department of Human Services as a child development home on or before January 1, 2017, are permitted to comply with the International Residential Code.
9. Delete Section 310.4.1 and replace with the following:
310.4.1 Care Facilities Within A Dwelling. Care facilities within a dwelling shall adhere to Section 308.5.4
10. Delete Code Section: IBC 419.1 and replace with the following language:
11. 419.1 General. A live/work unit shall comply with Section 419.1 through 419.9.
12. Exceptions:
1. Dwelling or sleeping units that include an office that is less than 10 percent of the area of the dwelling unit are permitted to be classified as dwelling units with accessory occupancies in accordance with Section 508.2.
2. Detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses that include an office that is less than 20 percent of the area of the dwelling unit and constructed in accordance with the International Residential Code are not required to comply with Sections 419.1 through 419.9.
13. Amend Code Section: IBC 419.1.1 Item #3 to contain the following language:
14. The nonresidential area function shall be limited to floors of the live/work unit with exit at the 1st story or a basement walkout of the live/work unit.
15. Amend Code Section: IBC 419.2 to include Exception #2 with the following language:
16. 2. Live/work units located within detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhomes may be constructed in accordance with the International Residential Code.
17. Amend Section 423.4 to delete entire section including Subsections 423.4.1 and 423.4.2 and replace with the following language:
423.4 Group E Occupancy. In areas where the shelter design wind speed for tornadoes is 250 mph in accordance with Figure 304.2(1) or ICC 500, all Group E occupancies with a program occupancy load of 50 or more shall have a storm shelter constructed in accordance with Chapters 1 through 5 and 8 of ICC 500.
1. Group E day care facilities.
2. Group E occupancies accessory to place of religious worship.
3. Buildings meeting the requirements for shelter design in ICC 500.
4. Accessory structures to existing Group E sites where the occupancy classification of said structures are classified as Groups A-5 and U.
423.4.1 Required Occupant Capacity. The required occupant capacity of the storm shelter shall include all buildings classified as a Group E occupancy on the campus or site (whichever is larger) and shall be the greater of the following:
1. The total occupant load of the classrooms, vocational rooms and offices in Group E occupancy.
2. The occupant load of any indoor assembly space that is associated with the Group E occupancy.
1. Where a new building is being added on an existing Group E site, and where the new building is not of sufficient size to accommodate the required occupant capacity of the storm shelter for all of the buildings on-site, the storm shelter shall at a minimum accommodate the required capacity for the new building.
2. Where approved by the code official, the required occupant capacity of the shelter shall be permitted to be reduced by the occupant capacity of any existing storm shelters on the campus or site.
423.4.2 Location. Storm shelters shall be located within the buildings they serve, or shall be located where the maximum distance of travel from not fewer than one exterior door of each building to a door of the shelter serving that building does not exceed 1,000 feet.
The installation of portable buildings for utilization on the campus or site for educational purposes is considered new construction and classified as Group E occupancies.
Exception: existing schools undergoing alterations, additions, or construction of new accessory buildings.
20. Delete Code Section: IBC 502.1 (Correlation IFC 505.1) and replace with the following language:
502.1 Address Identification. New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall be black or white and shall contract with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in greater dimension or additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Number and letters shall be a minimum height and minimum stroke width as dictated by Table 502.1. Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole, or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained.
Table 502.1
Minimum Height and Stroke Width
Distance From the Centerline of the Public Way (ft) | Minimum Height (in) | Minimum Stroke Width (in) | ||
Less than 100 | 4 | ½ | ||
100 | 199 | 6 | ¾ | |
200 | 299 | 8 | 1 | |
For each additional 100 | Increase 2 | Increase 1/2 |
a Exterior suite identification, minimum height shall be four inches and stroke width shall be ½ inch.
b Interior suite identification, minimum height shall be two inches and stroke width shall be ¼ inch.
21. Amend IBC 707.5 to add Exception 3 with the following language:
22. 3. Shafts required to be constructed as per Section 713.3.2 having exterior walls that are not required to be fire rated per Section 707.4 shall be permitted to be constructed of materials permitted by the building type of construction so long as a complete noncombustible separation of two hours is provided between the shaft and adjoining structure. In addition, the provisions of Section 1023.7 shall be met.
23. Delete IBC 713.3 and replace with the following language:
24. 713.3 Materials. Shaft enclosures shall be of material and constructed in accordance with Sections 713.3.1 and 713.3.2.
25. Add code Section IBC 713.3.1 with the following language:
26. 713.3.1 One Hour Shaft Enclosures. Shafts that are allowed to have a fire resistance rating of one hour or less are allowed to be constructed of materials permitted by the building type of construction.
27. Add code Section IBC 713.3.2 with the following language:
28. 713.3.2. Two Hour Shaft Enclosures. Shafts that are required to have a fire resistance rating of two hours or more serving interior exit stairs or interior exit ramps shall be constructed of concrete or masonry for Types III, IV, and V construction. Interior exit stairs or interior exit ramps in Type I and II construction and all other shafts that are required to have a fire resistance rating of two hours or more shall be constructed of non-combustible materials.
29. Modify IBC Section 716.2.6.1 to add the following language after the last sentence:
30. Automatic, self-closing, UL listed hinges may only be installed on the dwelling room entry door.
31. Add Section 902.1.1.1 (Correlation 901.4.6.1) to include the following language:
32. 902.1.1.1 Fire Sprinkler Riser Room. A fire sprinkler riser room shall be separated from the electrical room. The riser room shall have no electrical panels, devices, or apparatus inside the room other than the outlets or support equipment (lighting, air compressor, and heater) required for the use of the fire sprinkler system and/or the alarm panel. The sprinkler riser room shall not be accessed from the electrical room, but the electrical room may be accessed from the fire riser room.
33. Add new code Section IBC 902.1.5 (Correlation IFC 901.4.6.5 DD) to include the following language:
34. 902.1.5 Temperature Sensor. Provide a low temperature sensor in the fire sprinkler riser room. Low temperature sensor shall be monitored to prevent freezing.
35. Delete Section 903.2 and replace with the following:
903.2 Where required. Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings and structures shall be provided in the locations described in Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.12. consistent with adopted amendments to the 2018 International Fire Code for the City of Waukee.
1. An approved automatic fire extinguishing system is required if the gross square footage of a building is equal to or greater than described in Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.12.
2. The square footage used for calculating total “gross square footage” of a building or structure shall be measured using the outside dimensions of the total building or structure to include attached or detached buildings or structures.
3. To exempt detached buildings or structures from the total gross square footage from meeting the requirements to have fire sprinkler systems installed, the buildings or structures per legal lot or contiguous lots under common ownership, must be separated by 20’ and have one-hour rated exterior walls on both buildings or structures so as not to have the combined total of their gross square footage applied to this section of the code.
4. For the purposes of Section 903.2, “fire separations” shall not be permitted to reduce the total gross square footage of a building or area for the purpose of calculating the fire sprinkler square footage requirements.
5. For the purposes of Section 903.2, “story” shall be defined as any level of a structure, whether above or below grade capable of occupancy.
6. Additions to buildings or structures shall comply with all of the requirements of Section 903.2 of this code for new buildings or structures. The entire building or structure, existing and proposed additions, shall comply with all of the requirements of the fire sprinkler Section 903.2 of the fire code for new buildings and structures, when the total of all the additions to the building or structure made exceeds 25 percent of the gross area of the building or structure.
7. When a building is used for more than one occupancy purpose or use, the entire building shall meet the requirements of the fire sprinkler Section 903.2 of the fire code based on the requirements for the most restrictive occupancy group as defined in Chapter 2 of the International Fire Code, 2018 Edition.
Exception: Spaces or areas in telecommunications buildings used exclusively for telecommunications equipment, associated electrical power distribution equipment, batteries and standby engines, provided those spaces or areas are equipped throughout with an automatic smoke detection system in accordance with Section 907.2 and are separate from the remainder of the building by not less than one-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the International Building Code or not less than two-hour horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711 of the International Building Code, or both.
36. Delete Section 903. and replace with the following:
903. Basements. Where any portion of a basement is located more than 75 feet from openings required by Section 903.2.11.1, the basement shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
37. Add Section 903. with the following language:
38. 903.1.1.3 Sprinkler Installed Under Exterior Projections. A canopy covering a door that is required to be marked as an exit shall be required to have fire sprinklers installed outside that door if the canopy extends more than four feet out from the door and is 12 feet or less in height from the ground regardless of whether the canopy is combustible or non-combustible. Canopies that have vehicle access under them with door opening shall be required to have fire sprinklers installed under the total canopy regardless of whether the canopy is combustible or non-combustible.
39. Delete Section 903.4.2 and replace with the following:
903.4.2 Alarms. An approved weather proof audible device suitable for outdoor use with 110 candela visual signal shall be connected to every automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water-flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Alarm devices shall be provided on the exterior of the building in an approved location. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system.
40. Add the following Section 905.3.9:
905.3.9 Building Footprint and Access. Where the most remote portion of a floor or story is more than 400 feet from a hose connection or Fire Department access road, the fire code official is authorized to require standpipes to be provided in approved locations. Class I manual standpipes shall be allowed.
41. Add the following Section 907.1.4:
907.1.4 FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panels)
Each building shall have no more than 1 FACP.
Installation of fire alarm panel shall not exceed six feet in height measured from the floor to the top of the unit.
Exception: Suppression system releasing panels are not required to meet the height requirement or the limitation in the number of panels.
42. Amend Section 907.2 to add the following exception:
3. Fire Area and Occupant Load Amendments, refer to 2018 IFC amendments.
43. Delete Section 907.6.6 and replace with the following:
907.6.6 Monitoring. Fire alarm systems required by this chapter or by the International Building Code shall be monitored at a central station approved and listed under UL 827 in accordance with NFPA 72.
Exception: Monitoring station is not required for:
1. Automatic sprinkler and fire alarm systems in one- and two-family dwellings.
44. Delete Section 910.2.1 and replace with the following:
910.2.1 Group F-1 or S-1. Smoke and heat vents installed in accordance with Section 910.3 or a mechanical smoke removal system installed in accordance with Section 910.4 shall be installed in buildings and portions thereof used as a Group F-1 or S-1 occupancy having more than 30,000 square feet (2,787 square meters) of undivided area. In occupied portions of a building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with 903.3.1.1, where the upper surface of the story is not a roof assembly, a mechanical smoke removal system in accordance with Section 910.4 shall be installed.
Exception: Group S-1 aircraft repair hangars.
45. Delete Section 1008.3.3 to add the following locations with sequential numbering:
5. Public restrooms containing more than one water closet/urinal or that are accessible.
6. Meeting and conference rooms with an area greater than 400 square feet.
7. Classrooms in an E occupancy with an area greater than 400 square feet.
46. Amend Section 1009.2 to add the following:
11. Components of exterior walking surfaces shall be concrete, asphalt, or other approved hard surface.
47. Add Section 1010.1.6.1 with the following language:
1010.1.6.1. For landings required by Section 1010.1.5 to be at the same elevation on each side of the door, exterior landings at doors shall be provided with frost protection.
48. Amend Section 1010.1.9.1 to add the following:
Thumb turn locks shall not be allowed.
49. Add the following Section 1013.1.1:
1013.1.1 Additional Exit Signs. Exit signs may be required at the discretion of the Administrative Official to clarify an exit or exit access.
50. Delete Sections 1013.5 and 1013.6 including 1013.6.1, 1013.6.2 and 1013.6.3.
51. Add the following Section 1028.5.1:
1028.5.1 Components of exterior walking surfaces shall be concrete, asphalt, or other approved hard surface.
52. Add the following Section 1030.5.3:
1030.5.3 Window Well Drainage. All window wells shall be provided with approved drainage.
53. Modify code Section IBC 1301.1 and replace with the following language:
54. Section 1301.1 Scope. The provisions of the International Energy Code as currently adopted and amended by the Iowa State Building Code Bureau shall apply to all matters governing the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency. Administration shall be as prescribed in Chapter 1 of the currently State adoption of the IECC and these regulations shall be known as the Waukee Energy Code.
55. Amend Section 1608.2 to add the following:
For purposes of determining snow loads, the minimum ground snow load for design purposes shall be 30 pounds per square foot. Subsequent increases or decreases shall be allowed as otherwise provided in this code, except that the minimum allowable flat roof snow load may be reduced to not less than 80 percent of the ground snow load.
56. In Section 1609.1.1 add the following:
For purposes of determining wind loads, the minimum basic wind speed shall be considered as 115 miles per hour; except when referenced documents are based on fastest mile wind velocities, Table 1609.3(1) shall be used.
57. Add the following to Section 1807.1 Foundation Retaining Walls for Group R Occupancies:
1. Scope. Notwithstanding other design requirements of Chapters 18, 19, and 21 of the International Building Code, foundation retaining walls for Group R occupancies of Type V construction may be constructed in accordance with this section, provided that use or building site conditions affecting such walls are within the limitations specified in this section.
2. Specifications. General specifications for such foundation retaining walls shall be as follows:
Table – Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Construction
Height of Foundation Wall (Net measured from top of basement slab to top of foundation wall)* | Thickness of Foundation Walls | Reinforcement Type and Placement Within Foundation Wall** | Reinforcement Type and Placement Within Foundation Wall** (maximum 12’ span between corners and supporting cross walls) | Type of Mortar | ||
Unit | ||||||
Gross | Net | Concrete | Masonry | Concrete Y2” horizontal bars, placement in the middle, and near the top and bottom – Y2” bars @ 6’ max. vertically | Masonry | Masonry Type M or S. Grout and Mortar shall meet provisions of Chapter 21 IBC |
8 | 7’ 8” | 7 Y2” | 8” | 0..075 square inch bar 8’ o.c. vertically in fully grouted cells. If block is 12” nominal thickness, may be unreinforced. | ||
9 | 8’8” | 8” | See Chapter 18 IBC | Y2” bars 2’ o.c. horizontally and 20” | See Chapter 18 IBC | Same as above |
10 | 9’ 8” | 8” | See Chapter | See Chapter 18 IBC | Same as above | |
18 IBC | (5./8” bars 2’ o.c. horizontally and 30” vertically o.c.) | |||||
*Concrete floor slab to be nominal 4”. If such floor slab is not provided prior to backfill, provide 1) 36” embedded in the footing @ maximum 7’ O.C. spacing and/or 2) full depth nominal 2” depth x 4” width keyway in footing. **All reinforcement bars shall meet ASTM A6175 grade 40 minimum and be deformed. Placement of center of wall and meet the provisions of Chapters 18,19, and 21 of the International Building Code. | ||||||
NOTE: Cast in place concrete shall have a compressive strength of 3,000 lbs @ 28 days. Footings shall reinforcement of minimum 2 – Y2” diameter rebar throughout. Placement of reinforcement and requirements of Chapter 19 of the International Building Code. | ||||||
NOTE: Material used for backfilling shall be carefully placed granular soil of average or high permeability and drained with an approved drainage system as prescribed in Section 1805.4 of the International Building Code. When containing a high percentage of clay, fine silt, or similar materials of low permeability or expansive soils, or where backfill materials are not drained, or an unusually high surcharge is to be placed adjacent to the wall, a designed wall shall be required. | ||||||
NOTE: Foundation plate or sill anchorage shall be installed in accordance with the respective codes as applicable. | ||||||
58. Replace Table 1809.7 with the following:
TABLE 1809.7
Number of Stories | Thickness of Foundation Walls Unit Concrete Masonry | Minimum Width of Footing (inches) | Thickness of Footing (inches) | Minimum Depth of Foundation Below Natural Surface of Ground and Finish Grade (inches) | |
1 | 8 | 8 | 16 | 8 | 42 |
2 | 8 | 8 | 16 | 8 | 42 |
3 | 10 | 10 | 18 | 12 | 42 |
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