The following terms are defined for use in this chapter:
1. “Collection” means the transportation of municipal waste from the place it is generated, and includes all activities up to the time the waste is delivered to a recycling facility or solid waste disposal site.
2. “Commingled recyclables” means source separated, non-putrescible recyclable materials that have been mixed at the source of generation, i.e., placed in the same container.
3. “Designated recyclable materials” means newsprint; corrugated cardboard; high-grade paper; bimetal and tin cans; clear, green, or brown glass; aluminum; steel; and No. 1 and No. 2 plastics.
4. “Mobile home park” means any site, lot, field or tract of land, under common ownership, zoned as R-6, upon which two or more occupied mobile homes, manufactured homes, modular homes, or a combination of the homes are harbored, either free of charge or for revenue purposes, and shall include any building, structure, tent, vehicle or enclosure used or intended for use as part of the equipment of such mobile home park.
5. “Multi-family dwelling” means any building under one roof which contains two or more complete dwelling units.
6. “Municipal waste” means any garbage, refuse, industrial lunchroom or office waste, and other material, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous material resulting from the operation of multi-family dwellings.
7. “Nearby” means adjoining, adjacent, or contiguous.
8. “Non-recyclable material” means any material not defined as “recyclable material.”
9. “Premises” means real property on which any multi-family dwelling unit or combination of units sharing common driveways are located.
10. “Source separation” means the separation of recyclable materials from the municipal waste stream at the point of waste generation.
1. Established. There is hereby established a recycling program for the source separation, separation, collection, and recycling of designated recyclable materials generated within the City from all multi-family dwellings of four or more units and from mobile home parks.
2. Frequency of Collection. Collection of designated recyclable materials pursuant to this section shall be made at least twice a month, or more often as necessary, as determined by the Public Works Director, or other designee of the City Administrator, and the storage of said designated recyclable materials shall not result in the creation of a public nuisance.
3. Mandatory Participation. All multi-family dwellings of four or more units and mobile home parks that are not presently a part of existing residential recycling collection programs shall be required to provide the facilities for the source separation of all designated recyclable materials generated on the premises and shall arrange for the collection of said materials to be transported to a recycling facility.
4. Responsibility For Implementation of Program. The development of a program and its implementation and operation shall be the responsibility of the same entity that contracts for the private collection and disposal of solid waste on the premises, or another licensed waste hauler contracted by the owner of the multi-family dwelling or mobile home park.
5. Right to Amend List of Recyclable Materials. The City reserves the right to amend the list of designated recyclable materials at any time.
It is the responsibility of all commercial waste haulers collecting solid waste or designated recyclable materials generated in the City to submit a recycling report to the City on a semiannual basis. Said report shall identify individual establishments being served and the total weight of recyclable materials collected as well as identification of the processor of each recovered recyclable material. All such reports shall be submitted on forms provided by the City Administrator by January 31 and July 31 for the previous six months, respectively. The City reserves the right to require any additional information deemed necessary by the Public Works Director, or other designee of the City Administrator.