Each customer shall pay for water service provided by the City based upon use of water as determined by meters provided for in Chapter 91. Each location, building, premises or connection shall be considered a separate and distinct customer whether owned or controlled by the same person or not.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 384.84)
Water service shall be furnished at the following monthly rates per meter within the City limits:
1. Beginning July 1, 2023, a minimum monthly bill of $13.81 shall be charged for zero to 1,000 gallons of metered water usage per month.
2. Beginning July 1, 2023, water usage in excess of the minimum (1,000 gallons) will be charged at a rate of $9.38 per 1,000 gallons per month.
3. Water will not be furnished outside the limits of Waukee without consent of Des Moines Water Works. Water furnished to users outside the City limits of the City of Waukee shall be furnished at the same rate that is charged for water furnished for users within the City limits of the City of Waukee.
4. Minimum posting fees for non-paid utilities and minimum fees for installation of water meters on new construction shall be set by resolution of the Council.
5. Water Surcharges. A $100.00 surcharge shall be imposed for violations of mandatory water usage policies or restrictions implemented under the Water Conservation Plan. In addition, an additional $5.00 surcharge per 1,000 gallons used in excess of the respective allotments for residential and commercial users pursuant of the Water Conservation Plan. Said surcharges shall be charged to the customer in the next billing cycle.
(Section 92.02 – Ord. 3076 – May 23 Supp.)
A surcharge in an amount set by resolution of the Council shall be imposed for violations of mandatory water usage policies or restrictions implemented under the water conservation plan. In addition, an additional surcharge set by resolution of the Council shall be imposed for each 1,000 gallons used in excess of the respective allotments for residential and commercial users pursuant to the water conservation plan. Said surcharges shall be charged to the customer in the next billing cycle.