It is unlawful for any person to:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 306A.3 and 321.366)
1. Cross Dividing Line. Drive a vehicle over, upon, or across any curb, central dividing section, or other separation or dividing line on such controlled access facilities.
2. Turns. Make a left turn or a semicircular or U-turn except through an opening provided for that purpose in the dividing curb section, separation, or line.
3. Use of Lanes. Drive any vehicle except in the proper lane provided for that purpose and in the proper direction and to the right of the central dividing curb, separation, section, or line.
4. Enter Facility. Drive any vehicle into the controlled access facility from a local service road except through an opening provided for that purpose in the dividing curb or dividing section or dividing line that separates such service road from the controlled access facility property.
No person shall have any right of egress and ingress to, from or across the controlled access facilities established in Section 140.03 of this chapter except at existing points of access, or at such points as may be hereafter jointly established by the Iowa Department of Transportation and the City. The existing points of access are:
1. Iowa Highway 6. The centerline intersection of Iowa Highway 6 and 6th Street is Station 257+51. Stationing increases from west to east. The following are existing points of access along Iowa Highway 6 from the west corporate limits to the east corporate limits:
Station | Access |
Station | Access |
241+79 | Ashworth Drive north |
241+83 | Ashworth Drive south |
243+94 | Driveway south |
246+56 | Driveway south |
250+92 | Driveway north |
251+53 | Driveway south |
525+60 | Driveway north |
253+68 | Driveway north |
253+83 | Driveway south |
257+31 | Driveway north |
257+51 | 6th Street south |
261+86 | Driveway south |
263+91 | Driveway south |
265+81 | Driveway south |
265+90 | 4th Street south |
267+71 | Driveway south |
267+99 | Driveway north |
291+84 | Driveway south |
294+47 | East Street |
310+25 | Driveway south |
312+73 | Driveway south |
313+31 | Driveway south |
332+67 | Driveway south |
347+25 | 162nd Street |
264+25 | Driveway south |
371+25 | Driveway south |
2. University Avenue. The centerline intersection of University Avenue and Ashworth Drive is Station 34+50. Stationing increases from west to east. The following are existing points of access along University Avenue from Ashworth Drive east to the east corporate limits:
Station | Access |
Station | Access |
34+50 | Ashworth Drive |
48+11 | Field entrance north |
51+50 | Field entrance north |
55+71 | Driveway north |
70+65 | 162nd Street north |
83+80 | Field entrance north |
90+03 | Driveway north |
92+00 | Driveway north |
103+05 | Field entrance north |
105+12 | Field entrance north |
110+41 | Field entrance north |
123+08 | Field entrance north |
123+52 | 152nd Street north |
123+84 | Field entrance north |
130+27 | Field entrance north |
132+91 | Driveway north |
133+23 | Driveway north |
134+58 | Driveway north |
135+77 | Driveway north |
137+00 | Manor Drive north |
138+01 | Driveway north |
139+92 | Driveway north |
142+89 | Driveway north |
144+53 | Driveway north |
147+28 | Driveway north |
150+93 | Walnut Ridge Drive north |
161+04 | Driveway north |
162+85 | Driveway north |
The points of access shall consist of access ways from abutting property to the adjacent traffic lane or roadway, and their locations shall be expressed in terms of “stations,” each representing a distance of 100 feet, measured along the centerline of the controlled access facility from the points of reference stated in Section 140.06 of this chapter. Such measurements shall refer to the center of the access ways, which shall be a maximum of 18 feet for agricultural purposes and a maximum of 35 feet in width for commercial purposes, and 80 feet in width for public street purposes.
The controlled access facilities established in this chapter shall be subject to possible future public street access opening, as approved by the Iowa Department of Transportation and the City Council, of said Iowa Highway 6 and University Avenue. Said access points may be located no closer than one-fourth-mile intervals on University Avenue and Iowa Highway 6 (except as provided herein).
The parking of vehicles on or along controlled access facilities is restricted as follows:
1. Iowa Highway 6. Parking of any nature is prohibited on Iowa Highway 6 on both sides from the west City limits to the east City limits. This includes all portions of the highway including the traveled portion as well as the shoulders.
2. University Avenue. Parking of any nature is prohibited on University Avenue on both sides from the west City limits to the east City limits. This includes all portions of the highway including the traveled portion as well as the shoulders.