For use in this chapter the following terms are defined:
1. “Peddler” means any person carrying goods or merchandise who sells or offers for sale for immediate delivery such goods or merchandise from house to house, business-to-business, or upon public property.
2. “Solicitor” means any person who solicits or attempts to solicit monies or orders for goods, subscriptions or merchandise to be delivered at a future date from house to house, business-to-business, or upon public property.
An application in writing shall be filed with the City Clerk for a license under this chapter. Such application shall set forth the applicant’s name; permanent and local address; and business address if any; local and permanent telephone number; physical description; and a recent photograph. The application shall also set forth the applicant’s employer, if any, and the employer’s address, telephone number, the nature of the applicant’s business, three communities in which the applicant has solicited on behalf of such business within the past two years, and the length of time sought to be covered by the license. Applicants for a license shall also provide a copy of a current Department of Criminal Investigations (DCI) background check, or shall make payment to the City for the costs associated with conducting a DCI background check.
Before a license under this chapter is issued, each applicant shall post a cash or money order bond of $100.00 with the City Clerk. Such bond shall be conditioned to indemnify and pay the City for any penalties or costs occasioned by the enforcement of this chapter, and shall not be retired until after a lapse of 30 days from the expiration of each license.
The City Clerk, upon review of said license application and in consultation with the Police Chief, shall issue a license to the applicant if the information in the application is found to be correct, if the required fees and bond are paid, and if the applicant has not been convicted of an offense involving sexual abuse and/or a crime requiring sex offender registration, serious injury or death to another person, kidnapping, false imprisonment, robbery, burglary, theft, fraud, forgery, identity theft, trespass, harassment, or stalking.