In any case where a provision of this chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of any zoning, building, fire, safety or health ordinances or this city code existing on March 18, 1968, the provision which established the higher standards for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people shall prevail. In any case where a provision of this chapter is found to be in conflict with a provision of any other ordinance or code of this city existing on March 18, 1968, which establishes a lower standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people, the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to prevail. (Ord. 2449, 3-18-1968)
   A.   A mobile home and/or travel trailer shall not be located upon a site or space other than in a licensed mobile home park, except that a temporary permit for a period of two (2) weeks may be granted by the health officer for transient mobile homes and/or travel trailers; a fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00) shall be charged for a temporary permit.
   B.   One mobile home may be placed on a farm in an A-1 Agricultural District in addition to an existing permanent dwelling, provided the occupant of said mobile home is active in the conduct of agricultural operation of said farm. Said farm shall not be less than eighty (80) acres in size. The above provision is not to be construed to permit two (2) mobile homes on one farm. A mobile home shall never be allowed to be a single principal dwelling on a farm. If the occupant ceases to be active in the conduct of the agricultural operation of the farm or if the property is rezoned to another classification other than A-1 Agricultural District, the mobile home shall be removed immediately.
   C.   A mobile home and/or trailer may occupy a space or site other than a licensed mobile home park if the mobile home and/or trailer will not be used as a dwelling unit and only if a building permit has been issued for a permanent structure for the use in question. This temporary occupancy shall be allowed for a specific time period after recommendation of the building official and approval of the city council. A fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00) shall be charged for a temporary permit. The mobile home and/or trailer shall be removed immediately after final inspection of the permanent structure and any utilities to the temporary mobile home and/or trailer shall be vacated or capped. (Ord. 2449, 3-18-1968; amd. Ord. 3148, 6-8-1981)
The licensee or permittee under this chapter, or a duly authorized attendant or caretaker, shall be in charge at all times to keep the mobile home park, its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition. The attendant or caretaker shall be answerable, with the licensee or permittee, for the violation of any provision of this chapter to which the licensee or permittee is subject. (Ord. 2449, 3-18-1968)
   A.   When Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain or operate a mobile home park within the city, unless he shall first obtain a license therefor, except that the maintenance or operation of a mobile home park in existence on March 18, 1968, may be continued under a permit for such period of time and under such conditions as are prescribed in this section.
   B.   Annual And Transfer Fees:
      1.   The annual fee for a license or permit required by this chapter shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00).
      2.   The fee for the transfer of any license or permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be five dollars ($5.00).
   C.   Application For License:
      1.   Application for initial mobile home park license shall be filed with the health officer. The application shall be in writing, signed by the applicant, and shall include the following:
         a.   The name and address of the applicant.
         b.   The location and legal description of the mobile home park.
         c.   A complete plan of the park as prepared by an engineer in conformity with the requirements for a mobile home park plan established in this chapter, where applicable.
         d.   Plans and specifications of all buildings, improvements and facilities constructed or to be constructed within the mobile home park.
         e.   Such further information as may be requested by the health officer to enable him to determine if the proposed park will comply with legal requirements.
      2.   The application and all accompanying plans and specifications shall be filed in triplicate. The health officer shall investigate the applicant and inspect the application and the proposed plans and specifications. If the applicant is of good moral character and the proposed mobile home park will, when constructed or altered in accordance with such plans and specifications, be in compliance with all provisions of this chapter, and all other applicable provisions of this code and other city ordinances and statutes, the health officer shall approve the application, and upon completion of the park according to the plans, shall issue the license sought.
   D.   Surety Bond Required:
      1.   Before any license or permit required by this chapter may be issued, the applicant therefor must furnish a bond in the form and conditioned as prescribed by the health department, with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the city council and conditioned for the faithful observance of the laws of the state, the provisions of this code and other ordinances of the city; the amount of said bond shall be five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).
      2.   Before the transfer of any license or permit issued pursuant to this chapter, the applicant therefor must furnish a bond in the form and conditioned as prescribed by the health department, with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the city council and conditioned for the faithful observance of the laws of the state, the provisions of this code and other ordinances of the city; the amount of the bond shall be five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). (Ord. 2449, 3-18-1968)
As a condition for issuance of a license, the applicant therefor must give his consent for the inspector to enter upon the premises of the park, without a warrant, to inspect for conformance to the applicable provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2449, 3-18-1968)
   A.   Posting: The license certificate or temporary permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be conspicuously posted in the office of or on the premises of the mobile home park at all times.
   B.   Renewal Of License: Upon application in writing by a licensee for renewal of a license issued pursuant to this chapter, and upon payment of the annual license fee, the health officer shall issue a certificate renewing the license for another year if mobile home park has been operated satisfactorily and the standards of this chapter have been maintained.
   C.   Transfer Of License: Upon application in writing for the transfer of a license issued pursuant to this chapter and payment of the transfer fee, the health officer shall transfer the license if the transferee is of good moral character, if the mobile home park has been operated satisfactorily, and the standards of this chapter have been maintained.
   D.   Scope, Term Of Permit:
      1.   A permit, upon written request therefor, may be issued by the health officer for every mobile home park in existence on March 18, 1968, permitting the park to be maintained and operated during the period ending one year after March 18, 1968, without being subject to certain provisions of this chapter, which provisions are hereinafter expressly stated to be inapplicable to existing mobile home parks.
      2.   The term of a permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be extended, upon written request, for not to exceed one additional period of one year, if:
         a.   The permittee shall have filed application for a license in conformity with this chapter within ninety (90) days after March 18, 1968.
         b.   The permittee is of good moral character, and the park plans and specifications accompanying the application for the license comply with all provisions of this chapter and all other applicable provisions of this code and other city ordinances and statutes.
         c.   The permittee shall have diligently endeavored to make the existing park conform fully to the plans and specifications submitted with the application.
         d.   Failure to make the existing park conform fully to such plans and specifications shall have been due to causes beyond the control of the permittee.
   E.   Restrictions On Operation Without Permit:
      1.   A mobile home park that is in existence on March 18, 1968, but does not meet the minimum requirements of this chapter, shall be allowed to continue its operation as a nonconforming use, but cannot expand, remodel or change its mode of operation without updating the mobile home park to the requirements of this chapter.
      2.   All provisions and conditions of this chapter are applicable to nonconforming parks except subsections 9-10-9B2, B4, B7 and B10 of this chapter. (Ord. 2449, 3-18-1968)
The health officer may revoke any license issued pursuant to sections 9-10-5, 9-10-6 and 9-10-7 of this chapter when the licensee has been found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of violating any provision of this chapter. After such conviction, the license shall be reissued if the circumstances leading to conviction have been remedied and the park is being maintained and operated in full compliance with law. (Ord. 2449, 3-18-1968)