A. Appointment: The mayor with the approval of the city council shall appoint the members of the plumbing board for licensing and appeals.
B. Terms: After the initial appointment of the board, the terms of the members shall be for three (3) years except that the initial terms shall be so arranged and staggered that the terms of no more than two (2) members shall expire on December 31 of any one year. A vacancy within any term shall be filled by appointment of the mayor with the approval of the city council for the unexpired portion of that term only. Each member can serve a total of two (2) three (3) year terms.
C. Compensation: The members of the board shall serve without compensation.
D. Organization: The board shall designate a member as chair and shall adopt reasonable rules for conducting its investigations and proceedings, and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the building official with a duplicate copy to the appellant and may recommend to the city council new legislation as is consistent therewith. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
Three (3) members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, provided that a decision on a matter relating to a specific license shall not be valid unless decided in the presence of a board member who holds a similar valid license. Any vote taken for the purpose of suspending or revoking a contractor's license shall require a majority vote of all members of the board. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
The plumbing board for appeals shall receive applications for appeals based on a claim that the true intent of this code has been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the code do not fully apply, or an equally good or better form of compliance with the code is proposed. The board shall have no authority to waive requirements of this code. The plumbing board for licensing and appeals shall also act as the Black Hawk County Plumbing Board for appeals, as permitted by Black Hawk County Ordinance 46, the Black Hawk County Plumbing Code. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
A. Pipe Layer:
1. Definition: "Pipe layer" shall mean a person who installs, lays, repairs, removes or caps off sanitary sewer pipe between the public sanitary sewer main in the street or easement and a point two feet (2') outside the foundation wall of a building or structure.
2. Qualifications: A pipe layer shall be qualified in the principles of the hydraulics of liquids in sewer pipes and related matters and shall be familiar with the pertinent provisions of the Waterloo plumbing code and the rules and regulations of the local and state boards of health as such provisions, rules and regulations pertain to sewers and sewer service pipes.
3. Licensing: Any person desiring to be licensed as a pipe layer shall make application to the building department on forms furnished by said department accompanied by a fee. Upon receipt of the application and fee, the building department shall schedule the administration of a test prescribed by the plumbing board. If the applicant obtains a passing score he shall be issued a pipe layer's license upon the payment of an additional fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) the first year. The renewal fee will be twenty five dollars ($25.00) per year.
4. Authorized Work: A pipe layer's license shall not be construed as license or permit to do plumbing work as a state licensed plumber in the city as defined in this chapter. Except for the installation, laying, removing, repairing or capping off of sewer between public main and a point two feet (2') outside building, every pipe layer shall be hereby prohibited from doing any plumbing work within the city unless he is licensed as a plumber by the state in conformance with the provisions of the Waterloo plumbing code, as amended.
5. Pipe Laying: No person shall engage in the construction, reconstruction, laying, alteration, repair, removal or capping off of a sanitary sewer between public main and a point two feet (2') outside building in the city without first having obtained a state plumber's license or a Waterloo pipe layer's license, along with an approved certificate of insurance on file with the city and having obtained a plumbing permit for sewer installation from the building department as required by this chapter. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
Applicants who have met the requirements of the board and upon payment of a fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the first year and having in place a certificate of insurance as herein provided for, issue to such applicant a pipe layer business (contractor's) license in the name of the city of Waterloo, by the plumbing inspector. Renewal license fee will be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year.
It shall be unlawful for any person to install, erect, alter, repair, service, reset, replace thereto, as defined in the plumbing code, unless said person or some member of such firm or corporation shall first have obtained a state plumbing contractor license or pipe layer business (contractor's) license or unless such person, firm or corporation has regularly and steadily in his employ a holder of such a license, who shall be the authorized representative of the person, firm or corporation in all matters pertaining to this chapter. The authorized representative who is the holder of a state plumbing contractor license or pipe layer business (contractor's) license may not apply for permits for more than one person, firm, or corporation and the permit shall apply only to the type of work pertaining to the specific license possessed by the license holder. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
A pipe layer's application shall be filed with the building official (or a specified intergovernmental agency if so designated by the building official) accompanied by a certificate of insurance written by a company authorized to transact business in the state, in limits of not less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) combined single limit to any person and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) property damage; said certificate to be written on a standard form and carrying an endorsement naming the city and its employees (or the intergovernmental agency designated by the building official) as additional insureds as its interest may appear and conditioned upon the faithful performance of all duties required of such contractor by any ordinances, rules and regulations of the city. It shall be a further condition of said certificate of insurance that the obligator will hold the city (through the specified intergovernmental agency if so designated) harmless from any and all damages sustained by reason of neglect or incompetency on the part of such contractor, his agents or employees in the performance of the work done under a license or permit issued upon the filing of said certificate.
Said certificate of insurance shall be issued by December 31 of each year, and shall be filed on or before said date for each subsequent year and shall be in continuous full force and effect. That it is the intent and purpose of said certificate of insurance to also bind the individual, company, firm, association or partnership, whether it be a trade name, corporation, or other business association or arrangement with which the principal is associated.
Homeowners working on their principal residence shall be exempt from filing said certificate. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)