Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the plumbing inspector that the plumbing in a building causes a nuisance or may cause disease, sickness, or otherwise becomes a hazard to health, it shall be the duty of said inspector to make an inspection of such plumbing and render a report to the proper party, setting forth the necessary repairs or alterations required to make such plumbing conform to this chapter. The inspector shall set a limit of time in which such repairs or alterations are to be made, and upon the refusal or neglect of the owner, agent, lessee or tenant to comply with said notice within the time stated, the plumbing inspector shall cause such repairs or alterations to be made and such nuisance abated and the expense of such work shall be taxed against such property and become a prior lien thereon; or the inspector may order the premises vacated and closed to further occupancy until such time as the required repairs or alterations have been made. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
   A.   When it shall become necessary to make any repairs or to make any replacements or in the event of any cost of maintenance of a double or multiple house sewer between the main sewer and the lot line from which such multiple connections are extended, the owner of each structure, residence or building served by such double or multiple house sewer shall pay their proportionate share of the expenses of such repair, replacement or maintenance cost. Such double or multiple sewer shall be construed to mean from the branch opening where the individual sewers enter the double or multiple house sewer to the point of connection at the city sewer.
   B.   In the event the owner of each structure, residence or building served by such double or multiple house sewer shall fail to maintain or repair the same or to make any replacements in the same and to pay their proportionate share of expense incident thereto, the city shall have the power to order said replacements, repairs or maintenance, as the case may be, and the actual cost thereof shall be assessed against such property by certifying to the county auditor for collection as other special taxes. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
No building or premises shall tap any water or sewer main or have installed any private building sewer, water service, private sewage disposal plant or private water system or have connections, extensions, replacements, removals or additions of any nature to the sanitary plumbing or water supply system or disconnection of any fixture or change in the plumbing system before notifying the plumbing inspector or his assistant and securing a permit or authority to proceed with the work. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
In cases where the owner/occupant desires to do plumbing work in the owner's own residence, said owner shall make payment of required fees and a plumbing permit shall be issued. Said permit authorizes the owner only to do plumbing work in the dwelling or unit owned and occupied by said owner without licensing, certificate of insurance or help from other than family members. Said person performs all labor in connection therewith, has the necessary inspections made and complies with chapter requirements. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
   A.   It shall be the duty of the permit holder to notify the inspector that his work is ready for inspection or test. All inspections require twenty four (24) hours' notice.
   B.   It shall be the duty of the permit holder to make sure the work will stand the test prescribed before giving notification.
   C.   If the inspector finds that the work will not stand a required test, or corrections are required, the plumber shall be required to notify the inspector when the necessary corrections are complete for re-inspection. If corrections are still required, the plumber shall make corrections, notify the inspector for re-inspection and pay a re-inspection fee.
   D.   If the inspector fails to appear within twenty four (24) hours, during normal working hours, of the time set for each inspection or test, the inspection or test shall be deemed to have been made; but the plumber doing the work shall be required to file an affidavit with the plumbing inspector that the work was installed in accordance with the ordinance and permit, and that it was free from defects and that the required test had been made and the system was found free from leaks. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
If an existing building is damaged by fire or otherwise or altered in a manner to require the replacement of fifty percent (50%) or more of the structure as determined by the authority having jurisdiction, the entire building shall conform to this chapter's requirements for new buildings. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
9-4A-1: Uniform Plumbing Code Adopted
9-4A-2: Amendments
9-4A-3: Exhibits
Except as hereinafter added to, deleted, modified or amended, there is hereby adopted as the plumbing code of the city, that certain plumbing code known as the Uniform Plumbing Code, 2021 edition, and any further regulations or requirements of the State Plumbing Code, and the provisions of said plumbing code shall be controlling in the construction and maintenance of plumbing and in all other matters covered by said plumbing code within the city. (Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)
Section 106 is amended by adding sections as follows:
   106.1.1 Municipal Infraction.
   106.1.2 Any person, firm, or corporation failing to comply with or violating any of the terms or provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a municipal infraction and upon conviction thereof, be punished accordingly.
   106.1.3 If any plumbing work, including construction or repair, is performed within the city contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be deemed a municipal infraction and in addition to penalties described, shall be corrected in accordance with this ordinance.
   106.1.4 The omission or failure to perform any act or duty required by this ordinance or the performing of any act which is prohibited or declared to be unlawful by this ordinance, an offense or a municipal infraction pursuant to this ordinance or the uniform plumbing code, is punishable by a fine of up to two hundred dollars ($200.00), for the first offense and up to four hundred dollars ($400.00) for each subsequent offense.
   106.1.5 Fees, is hereby repealed in its entirety; a new section 106.1.6 Fees, is hereby enacted in lieu thereof as follows:
   106.1.6 Fees. All plumbing permit and inspection fees shall be established by resolution of the city council and paid prior to issuance of a permit or re-inspection.
Section 602 is amended by adding the following subsection:
   602.4.1 Yard hydrants to furnish water for human consumption are prohibited, unless it is an approved fixture.
Section 603, Specific Requirements for cross connection control is amended by adding the following subsections:
   603.1.2 Cross Connection Control-Containment Provisions. The purpose is to safeguard potable water supplies by preventing backflow into public water systems.
   603.1.3 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to section 603.13 of the Waterloo Plumbing Code. For the purpose of this section, these definitions supersede definitions given elsewhere in this code.
      1.   Administrative Authority. For the purpose of this section, the administrative authority shall be the Waterloo Water Works and plumbing division of the City of Waterloo Building Inspection Department.
      2.   Approved Backflow Prevention Assembly For Containment. A backflow prevention assembly which is listed by the University Of Southern California- Foundation For Cross Connection Control And Hydraulic Research as having met the requirements of ANSI-AWWA standard C510-89, "Double Check Valve Backflow-Prevention Assemblies", or ANSI-AWWA standard C511-89, "Reduced-Pressure Principle Backflow-Prevention Assemblies" for containment. The listing shall include the limitations of use based on the degree of hazard. The backflow prevention assembly must also be listed by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials.
      3.   Approved Backflow Prevention Assembly For Containment In A Fire Protection System. A backflow prevention assembly to be used in a fire protection system which meets the requirements of Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) and Underwriters Laboratory (UL), and the requirement of the fire code and the building code of the city, in addition to the requirements of paragraph a(3). Devices sized smaller than 21/2" which have not been listed by Underwriters Laboratory (UL) and tested by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) may be allowed if they meet the requirements of the fire code and the building code of the city.
      4.   Auxiliary Water Supply. Any water supply on or available to the premises other than the water purveyor's approved public water supply such as, but not limited to, a private well, pond or river.
      5.   Containment. A method of backflow prevention which requires the installation of a backflow prevention assembly at the water service entrance.
      6.   Cross Connection. Any actual or potential connection or arrangement, physical or otherwise, between a potable water supply system and any plumbing fixture or tank, receptacle, equipment or device, through which it may be possible for non-potable, used, unclean, polluted and contaminated water, or other substance, to enter into any part of such potable water system under any condition.
      7.   Customer. The owner, operator, or occupant of a building or property which has a water service from a public water system, or the owner or operator of a private water system which has a water service from a public water system.
      8.   Degree of Hazard. The rating of a cross connection or water service which indicates if it has the potential to cause contamination or pollution.
      9.   Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assembly. A backflow prevention device consisting of two independently acting internally loaded check valves, four properly located test cocks, and two isolation valves.
      10.   High Hazard Cross Connection. A high hazard cross connection is a cross connection which may cause an impairment of the quality of the potable water by creating an actual hazard to the public health, through poisoning or through the spread of disease by sewage, industrial fluids or waste.
      11.   Isolation. A method of backflow prevention in which a backflow prevention assembly is located at the cross connection rather than at the water service entrance.
      12.   Low Hazard Cross Connection. A low hazard cross connection is a cross connection which may cause an impairment of the quality of potable water to a degree which does adversely and unreasonably affect the aesthetic qualities of such potable waters for domestic use.
      13.   Multiple-Family Residential Units. A multiple family residential unit shall mean a building designed to be used as residential occupancy for multiple-family units, each having separate plumbing facilities and not more than two levels of occupancy.
      14.   Private Owned Customer Water System Piping. Water service line pipes and plumbing fixtures connected to the public water system of the city of Waterloo which are extended to the customer's property and into the customer's building for service to the customer, regulatory control of which is defined in the city plumbing code and Waterloo water works regulations.
      15.   Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly. A backflow prevention device consisting of two independently acting internally loaded check valves, a different pressure relief valve, four properly located test cocks and two isolation valves.
      16.   Registered Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. A person who is registered by law to test or repair backflow prevention assemblies and report on the condition of those assemblies.
      17.   Thermal Expansion. Volumetric increase of water due to heating resulting in increased pressure in a closed system.
      18.   Water Service. Depending on the context, water service is the physical connection between a public water system and a customer's building, property or private water system, or the act of providing potable water to a customer.
   603.1.4 Administrative Authority.
      1.   For the purpose of section 603.5.21.2 of the Waterloo Plumbing Code only, the administrative authority shall be the Waterloo Water Works and plumbing division of the City of Waterloo Building Inspection Department.
      2.   The administrative authority shall have the right to enter, with the consent of the customer, or upon the basis of an administrative warrant issued by a court of appropriate jurisdiction, any property to inspect for possible cross connections.
      3.   The administrative authority may approve training programs for backflow prevention assembly testers and register backflow prevention assembly testers who successfully complete an approved training program.
      4.   The administrative authority may collect fees for the administration of this program. Fees shall be established by resolution of the Waterloo City Council.
   603.1.5 New Water Service.
      1.   Plans shall be submitted to the administrative authority to review on all new water services to determine size and degree of hazard.
      2.   The administrative authority shall determine if any type of backflow prevention assembly is required for containment based on the degree of hazard.
      3.   The administrative authority shall require, where necessary, the installation of the appropriate backflow prevention assembly for containment before the initiation of water service.
   603.1.6 Existing Water Services.
      1.   Upgrades of existing water services shall be treated as new water services for the purpose of this section.
      2.   The administrative authority shall publish and make available to each customer a copy of the standards used to determine the degree of hazard.
      3.   After publication of the standards, the administrative authority shall notify customers whose premises are classified as single family residential or multiple family residential, having five units or less and not more than two levels of occupancy, of the provisions of this ordinance and compliance therewith.
      4.   Within six (6) months after publication of the standards, customers whose premises are not classified as single family residential shall complete and return to the administrative authority a cross connection hazard survey to be used to determine the type of containment device.
      5.   The administrative authority shall, on the basis of information received from customers or gathered through on-premises investigations or surveys, notify the customer that a method of backflow prevention is required. The customer shall prepare a written plan for review and approval by the administrative authority to install a device or devices for containment and/or isolation based on the degree of hazard.
      6.   Within the time frame specified in writing by the administrative authority, the customer shall install a backflow prevention assembly as approved by the administrative authority.
      7.   For existing water services, the administrative authority may inspect the premises to determine the degree of hazard. When the high hazard cross connections are found, the administrative authority shall, at its sole discretion:
         7.1   Develop a schedule of compliance which the customer shall follow.
         7.2   Terminate the water service until a backflow prevention assembly for containment required by the administrative authority has been installed.
      8.   Failure of the administrative authority to notify a customer that they are believed to have a high hazard cross connection and that they shall install backflow prevention assemblies for containment in no way relieves a customer of the responsibility to comply with all requirements of this section.
   603.1.7 Customer.
      1.   The customer shall be responsible for ensuring that no cross connections exist without approved backflow protection within his or her premises starting at the point of service from the public potable water system.
      2.   The customer shall, at his or her own expense, cause installation, operation, testing and maintenance of the backflow prevention assemblies required by the administrative authority.
      3.   The customer shall ensure the administrative authority is provided with copies of records of the installation and of all tests and repairs made to the backflow prevention assembly on the approved form within fifteen (15) days after testing and/or repairs are completed.
      4.   In the event of a backflow incident, the customer shall immediately notify the local water supplier, the Waterloo Water Works.
   603.1.8 Required Backflow Prevention Assemblies For Containment - Water Services.
      1.   An air gap or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly is required for water services having one or more cross connections which the administrative authority classifies as high hazard.
      2.   An approved double check valve assembly is required for water services having no high hazard cross connections but having one or more cross connections which the administrative authority has classified as low hazard.
      3.   Every water service which is required to install a backflow prevention assembly at point of entry will be required to follow section 603.4 of the uniform plumbing code at time of installation.
      4.   Exception. Residential - single family dwelling to be done by isolation unless specified by administrative authority.
   603.1.9 Required Backflow Prevention Assemblies For Containment - Fire Protection Systems.
      1.   A reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly shall be installed on all new and existing fire protection systems which the administrative authority determines to have any of the following.
         1.1   Direct connections from public water mains with an auxiliary water supply on or available to the premises for pumper connection.
         1.2   Interconnections with auxiliary supplies such as reservoirs, rivers, ponds, wells, mills or other industrial water systems.
         1.3   Use of antifreezes or other additives in the fire protection system.
         1.4   Combined industrial or domestic with high hazard and fire protection systems supplied from the public water mains only, with or without gravity storage or pump suction tanks.
         1.5   Any other facility, connection, or condition which may cause contamination.
      2.   A double check valve assembly shall be required for all other fire protection systems. The double check valve shall be required on all new systems at the time of installation and on existing systems at the time that they are upgraded.
      3.   Submittal of proposed backflow prevention devices to the administrative authority does not relieve the designer or sprinkler contractor of the responsibility of submitting plans, including backflow prevention devices, to the fire marshal for approval.
   603.2 Registration of Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. A backflow prevention assembly tester registered by the state of Iowa shall include his or her registration number on all correspondence and forms required by or associated with this ordinance.
   603.2.1 Registered Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Noncompliance.
      1.   The registration of a tester may be revoked or suspended, for a period of up to two years, for noncompliance with this ordinance.
      2.   Any of the following conditions constitute noncompliance:
         2.1   Improper testing or repair or backflow prevention assemblies.
         2.2   Improper reporting of the results of testing or of repairs made to backflow prevention assemblies.
         2.3   Failure to meet registration requirements.
         2.4   Related unethical practices.
   603.2.2 Installation of Backflow Prevention Assemblies.
      1.   Installation of backflow prevention assemblies shall be made by a licensed and bonded plumbing contractor of the city of Waterloo with proper permits.
      2.   The required backflow prevention assemblies for containment shall be installed in horizontal plumbing immediately following the meter or as close to that location as deemed practical by the administrative authority. In any case, it shall be located upstream from any branch piping. Installation at this point does not eliminate the responsibilities of the customer to protect the water supply system from containment or pollution between the backflow prevention assembly and the water main.
      3.   Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed so as to be protected from flooding.
      4.   Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies shall not be installed in underground vaults or pits.
      5.   All backflow prevention assemblies shall be protected from freezing. Those devices used for seasonal services may be removed in lieu of being protected from freezing; however, the devices must be reinstalled and tested by a registered backflow prevention assembly tester prior to service being reactivated.
      6.   If hot water is used within the water system, thermal expansion shall be provided for when installing a backflow prevention assembly for containment.
      7.   Provisions shall be made to convey the discharge of water from reduced, pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies, to a suitable drain.
      8.   No backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in a place where it would create a safety hazard, such as but not limited to over an electrical panel or above ceiling level.
      9.   If interruption of water service during testing and repair of backflow prevention assemblies for containment is unacceptable to the customer, another backflow prevention assembly, sized to handle the temporary water flow need during the time of test or repair, should be installed in parallel piping.
      10.   All backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed so that they are accessible for testing as stated in section 603.17 of the uniform plumbing code.
      11.   All shut-off valves conform with the current edition of the Manual Of Cross Connection Control (University Of Southern California) requirements for either ball or resilient seat gate valves at the time of installation. Ball valves shall be used on assemblies installed in piping two inches and smaller and resilient seat gate valves on assemblies installed in piping larger than two inches.
   603.2.3 Testing Of Backflow Prevention Assemblies.
      1.   Testing of backflow prevention assemblies shall be performed by a registered backflow prevention assembly tester. The costs of tests required in the following paragraphs 2 through 5 shall be borne by the customer.
      2.   Backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested upon installation, and tested and inspected at least annually.
      3.   Backflow prevention assemblies which are in place, but have been out of operation for more than three months, shall be tested before being put back into operation. Backflow prevention assemblies used in seasonal applications shall be tested before being put into operation each season.
      4.   Any backflow prevention assembly which fails a periodic test shall be repaired or replaced. When water service has been terminated for noncompliance, the backflow prevention assembly shall be repaired or replaced prior to the resumption of water service. Backflow prevention assemblies shall be retested by a registered backflow prevention assembly tester immediately after repair or replacement.
      5.   The administrative authority may require backflow prevention assemblies to be tested at any time in addition to the annual testing requirement.
      6.   The registered backflow prevention assembly tester shall report the successful test of a backflow prevention assembly to the customer and to the administrative authority on the form provided by the administrative authority within fifteen (15) days of the test.
      7.   The administrative authority may require, at its own cost, additional tests of individual backflow prevention assemblies as it shall deem necessary to verify test procedures and results.
   603.2.4 Repair of Backflow Prevention Assemblies.
      1.   All repairs to backflow prevention assemblies shall be performed by registered backflow prevention assembly testers.
      2.   The registered backflow prevention assembly tester shall not change the design, material, or operational characteristics of a backflow prevention assembly during repair or maintenance and shall use only original manufacturer replacements parts.
      3.   The registered backflow prevention assembly tester shall report the repair of a backflow prevention assembly to the customer and to the administrative authority on the form provided by the administrative authority within fifteen (15) days of the repair. The report shall include the list of materials or replacement parts used.
      4.   Any time fire services are discontinued for a period of time longer than necessary to test the device the tester is required to notify the fire marshal's office that the fire services are shut off for repairs.
   603.2.5 Customer Noncompliance. The water service may be discontinued in the case of noncompliance with the Waterloo Plumbing Code. Noncompliance includes but is not limited to the following:
      1.   Refusal to allow the administrative authority access to the property to inspect for cross connections.
      2.   Removal of a backflow prevention assembly which has been required by the administrative authority.
      3.   Bypassing of a backflow prevention assembly which has been required by the administrative authority.
      4.   Providing inadequate backflow prevention when cross connections exist.
      5.   Failure to install a backflow assembly which has been required by the administrative authority.
      6.   Failure to test and/or properly repair a backflow prevention assembly as required by the administrative authority.
Table 604.1 is hereby repealed in it's entirety and replaced with the following:
   604.1.2 Materials for water service piping shall be of lead-free brass, copper, ductile iron, or other materials approved by the administrative authority. All materials used in water supply systems except valves and similar devices shall be of like material, except when otherwise approved by administrative authority. Copper tube, when used underground, shall have a weight of not less than copper water tube type K.
      I   All water service pipes through 2" shall be type K copper, red brass, PE or PEX pipe.
      II   PE or PEX SDR 9 200 PSI can be used for ¾" - 2" water service installations as follows:
            If PE or PEX pipe is used, it shall be installed all the way from the stop box to meter.
            PE or PEX pipe shall not be used for repairs or partial replacements. Intermixing of materials shall not be allowed.
         Type K copper is required from the tap to the stop box for all new water services in new developments and all other instances where water service is stubbed to the stop box. Copper can also be used from the stop box to the meters inside the premise on any service line through 2".
      III   PE or PEX pipe shall be installed in casing or bedded with approved backfill material. The minimum requirements for casing shall be SCH-40 or SDR-23.5 sized to accommodate the service line and tracer wire. Backfill shall be manufactured sand, river sand, or 1/2" pea gravel placed a minimum of 3" below and 4" above the pipe unless approved by administrative authority.
      IV   Splicing of PE or PEX pipe between stop box and meter inside the building is discouraged and will only be approved under special circumstances.
      V   PE or PEX pipe may not be used within 500' of a Leaking Underground Storage Tank or in other areas where the soil may be contaminated. You can access IDNR records.
      VI   Tracer wire shall be required when PE or PEX pipe is used. Tracer wire shall be #12 solid single strand copper wire with 45 mil linear low-density polyethylene insulation suitable for direct bury. Insulation shall be blue in color. When conduit is used the tracer wire shall be placed inside the conduit. When conduit is not used tracer wire shall be installed alongside the pipe and shall be fastened to pipe with zip ties, a minimum of every 5 feet. Tracer wire shall terminate above-ground and be accessible.
      VII   Joint methods for attaching PEX pipe to fittings shall meet AWWA C 904 Standards and ASTM F1960, F2080, or F1807 Specifications. Fittings shall be installed in accordance with PE or PEX Pipe Manufactures Installation Guidelines and related plumbing codes.
      VIII   Intermixing of approved material shall not be allowed.
   604.1.3 Joints and fittings for underground water service piping must be lead-free compression or threaded brass. Fittings must meet A.W.W.A. (American Water Works Association) and Waterloo Water Works standards. All fittings shall maintain an effective grounding path from the meter to the main. Rubber compression fittings will not be allowed.
   604.1.4 Materials for water distribution, pipes, and tubing shall be of lead-free brass, copper, ductile iron, stainless steel, or PEX water pipe. PEX water pipe, tubing, and fittings, manufactured to recognized standards may be used for hot and cold water distribution systems within a building. All materials used in the water supply system, except valves and similar devices shall be of a like material, except where otherwise approved by the administrative authority. Copper tube used underground shall have a weight of not less than copper water tube type K and aboveground shall be a weight of not less than copper water tube type L.
   604.1.5 Approved PEX water pipe may be used in water distribution piping except where existing metallic water distribution piping is used for electrical grounding purposes, replacement piping therefore shall be of metallic and PEX will not be allowed.
      Exception: Where a grounding system, acceptable to the administrative authority is installed, inspected and approved, metallic pipe may be replaced with approved PEX pipe.
   604.1.6 PEX. Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) tubing shall be marked with the appropriate standard designation(s) listed in table 14-1 for which the tubing has been listed or approved. PEX tubing shall be installed in compliance with the provisions of this section.
   604.1.7 Licensed installers, employed by licensed plumbing contractors, shall be appropriately certified by the manufacturer or other approved training agency prior to commencing any PEX tubing installation.
713.4 is amended by adding the following subsection:
   713.4.1 Public Systems Available. A public water supply system and/or public sewer system shall be deemed available to premises if such premises are within two hundred (200) feet, measured along a street, alley, or easement, of the public water supply or sewer system and a connection conforming to the standards set forth in this code shall be made thereto.
Section 715 is amended by adding the following subsection:
   715.1 .1 The building sewer, beginning two (2) feet from any building or structure, shall be schedule 40 PVC, PVC SDR 23.5, cast iron soil pipe, vitrified clay tile, truss pipe or concrete pipe.
Section 717 is hereby amended by adding the following subsection:
   717.1.1 Size Of Building Sewers. The minimum size of any building sewer shall be determined on the basis of the total number of fixture units drained by such sewer, in accordance with table 7-8. No building sewer shall be smaller than the building drain. Minimum size of a building sewer is four (4) inches.
Section 906 is amended by repealing subsection 906.7 in its entirety; and by enacting in lieu thereof a new subsection 906.7 as follows:
   906.7 Frost or Snow Closure. Where frost or snow closure is likely to occur, vent terminals shall be minimum three inches (3") in diameter but in no case smaller than the required pipe. The change in diameter shall be made inside the building at least one (1) foot below the roof and terminate not less than 12 inches above roof.
Section 1007, is amended by repealing subsection 1007.1 and enacting a new subsection 1007.1 to read as follows:
   1007.1 Trap Seal Protection. All automatic floor drain primers or trap seal valves are prohibited.
Section 1009, is hereby repealed in its entirety and a new section 1009 is hereby enacted in lieu thereof as follows:
   1009 Industrial Interceptors (Clarifiers) and Separators.
   1009.1 Drainage from commercial garages, gasoline filling stations, dry cleaning establishments, oil extraction plants, and other industries where oils or solvents are used, is likely to contain inflammable compound, which shall therefore be intercepted before discharging into the city sewer. The interceptor shall have a capacity sufficient to separate the oil, grease, or other inflammable compound and shall be so located and constructed to prevent fire or explosion. Drainage from commercial garages and oil stations where automobile wash racks are installed is also likely to contain mud and sand, which shall be separated from the wastes before discharging into the city sanitary sewer. Hence, the interceptor for these wastes shall afford sufficient capacity for both separating the oils and grease by flotation and the sand and mud by settling.
   1009.2 For drainage from commercial garages or other places where wastes are likely to contain sand, mud, or other solid material in addition to oil, grease, or other inflammable compounds, a minimum capacity of 50 cubic feet, with a minimum effective depth of 3 feet, shall be provided and a vent and manhole with tightly fitting cover shall be installed.
   1009.3 All interceptors shall be cleaned periodically.
   1009.4 Subsections 1009.1 through 1009.5 of this section shall apply except for manufactured or prefabricated concrete interceptors that comply with approved applicable standards. See "Exhibit A. Commercial Mud Trap" 39.
   1009.5 For details, see diagram marked "Exhibit B. Mud Trap Or Inflammable Waste Interceptors" 1.
Subsection 1017.3 is hereby repealed in it's entirety and a new subsection 1017.3 is hereby enacted as follows:
   1017.3 Residential Garage Interceptor. If a drain is installed in a residential garage, an interceptor shall be required. See "Exhibit D. Residential Garage Interceptor".
(Ord. 5392, 3-20-2017; amd. Ord. 5673, 11-21-2022)