A. Permit Required, Fee:
| |
Manufacture, possess, store, sell or otherwise dispose of explosives, blasting agents or small arms ammunition | $25.00 |
Operate a terminal | 25.00 |
Blasting: Blasting fees are for the use, handling and storage of explosives used primarily for construction or demolition. | |
Each site 1 to 30 days | 150.00 |
Each additional 30 days or fraction thereof Note: No permit shall be valid for a period longer than 90 days. | 50.00 |
B. Certificate Of Fitness, Fees:
Certificate of fitness - new | |
Blasting/transportation | 25.00 |
Transportation only | 10.00 |
Certificate of fitness - renewal | |
Blasting transportation | 10.00 |
Transportation only | 10.00 |
(Ord. 3555, 5-23-1988; amd. Ord. 3725, 7-2-1990; Ord. 3994, 12-13-1993)
1 | 1. See also article C of this chapter. |
Possess, store, manufacture, sale and discharge of fireworks:
| |
Certificate of fitness - new | $25.00 |
Certificate of fitness - renewal | 10.00 |
Fireworks and pyrotechnics. This includes the public display of fireworks and the use of pyrotechnic devices for stage shows, theater and other public displays.
Event | |
Each new fireworks location | $150.00 |
Repeat locations previously approved: | |
Display cost: | |
$1.00 to $1,000.00 | 25.00 |
$1,001.00 to $5,000.00 | 50.00 |
Greater than $5,000.00 | 100.00 |
Multiple showing/displays: | |
Each additional showing/display | 50.00 |
Note: The multiple showing/displays category shall apply to similar showings/displays taking place at the same locations over a specified period of time, such as a theatrical event running for more than one showing, or more than one day.
(Ord. 3994, 12-13-1993)
Permit Required:
| |
Storage, handling or use, class I | $25.00 |
Storage, handling or use, class II or IIIA | 25.00 |
Manufacturing, processing, blending or refining | 25.00 |
Storage in stationary tanks | 25.00 |
Construct, reconstruct, alter service stations | 25.00 |
Defuel | 25.00 |
Slurry fill | 25.00 |
Abandon | 25.00 |
Flammable/combustible liquid tank installation: This shall include all flammable/combustible liquid tanks, installed above or below ground and required piping, valves and dispensing equipment. This shall include, but not be limited to, gasoline, diesel, oil, waste oil and other flammable and combustible liquids.
Tanks: | |
Each tank | $200.00 |
Flammable/combustible liquid tank modification: This shall include all flammable/combustible liquid tanks and required piping, valves and dispensing equipment. Tanks may be of the aboveground or belowground type. Modification shall include reconstruction, tapping, tank cutting, vent pipe relocations, dispenser piping, repiping and tank repair of repiping.
Modifications, as described above | $50.00 |
Note: If the valuation of the work performed exceeds 50 percent of the replacement cost of the system the fees for a new installation shall apply.
Underground tank removal: This shall apply to the removal of flammable or combustible liquid tanks in accordance with regulation 16-B of the Waterloo fire code.
Removal: | |
Single tank | $150.00 |
Multiple tanks: | |
First | 150.00 |
Each additional tank | 25.00 |
Note: No additional fee shall be charged for pump out when the pump out and tank removal work is performed concurrently.
(Ord. 4041, 9-26-1994)
A "special amusement building" is a building that is temporary, permanent or mobile that contains a device or system that conveys passengers or provides a walkway along, around or over a course in any direction as a form of amusement arranged so that egress path is not readily apparent due to visual or audio distractions or an intentionally confounded egress path, or is not readily available because of the mode of conveyance through the building or structure.
A. Permit Required, Fee: It shall be unlawful for any person or organization to set up or cause to be set up a structure to be used as a place of amusement as a special amusement building or any other type of comparable inside entertainment within the city limits without first having made application to and received a permit to do so in accordance with the conditions and limitations as set out in this article.
| |
Special amusement building | $250.00 |
(Ord. 5070, 9-6-2011)
B. Application: The applicant for such permit shall file an application in writing with the city clerk, which application shall be accompanied by a set of plans. Such applications shall further specify:
1. The name of person or organization which will use structure;
2. The address of such person or organization;
3. The names and addresses of the offices of such organizations;
4. The length of time the structure is intended to be used for the purposes applied for;
5. The hours of the day or night during which such structure is intended to be used by the public;
6. Such other relevant information as the fire marshal, building official or city council may require. (Ord. 3994, 12-13-1993; amd. 2001 Code)
C. Liability Insurance: The applicant shall furnish evidence that a general liability insurance policy in the amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) naming the city as an additional insured, shall be in effect at the time such structure is to be occupied as a special amusement building. (Ord. 5070, 9-6-2011)
D. Restoration Of Property Used: The applicant shall provide a signed statement that the property used will be cleaned up and restored to its original and safe condition. (Ord. 3994, 12-13-1993; amd. 2001 Code)
E. Time For Filing Application; Inspection: The application shall be filed at least fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled opening of the special amusement building. Final inspection by the fire marshal and the building department shall be made seven (7) days prior to the opening date. (Ord. 5070, 9-6-2011)
F. Safety Standards: The fire marshal and the building official shall determine if the applicant has made provision for minimum safety standards to protect the life, limb, health and property of the public.
Note: Iowa Code provides that all slides and moving walkways be approved by the Iowa department of labor.
G. Structure Must Conform To Plans And Specifications: If the fire marshal and building department find that all of the limitations and requirements of the permit and this article have been complied with and that the structure has been erected in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted with the application, the city clerk shall grant a permit to occupy such premises.
If the fire marshal and building department find that any of the limitations and requirements of the permit and this article have not been complied with or that the structure has not been erected in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted with the applications, the city clerk may deny a permit to occupy such premises.
H. Revocation Of Occupancy Permit: If the fire marshal or building department find that such structure or the premises on which it is located is being maintained in violation of any of the provisions of the permit or this article, the city clerk may revoke the permit to occupy provided for herein. Notice of this revocation shall be served personally or sent by regular mail to the name and address indicated on the application.
I. Appeal Revocation Or Denial: Any person or organization whose permit to occupy has been denied or revoided as aforesaid may, within seven (7) days after receipt of a notice thereof, appeal to the city council for a hearing thereon, and the decision of the city council in this regard shall be final. If no appeal is taken within seven (7) days as provided herein, the action of the city clerk shall be final.
J. Supervisors Required: The permittee shall provide one supervisor for each five (5) patrons within the amusement area. (Ord. 3994, 12-13-1993; amd. 2001 Code)
K. Permittee's Responsibility For Defense: The permittee shall defend, at his own expense, any litigation arising from the operation of the special amusement building for which he holds a permit. (Ord. 5070, 9-6-2011)
L. Violation; Penalty: Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as provided in subsection 1-3-2C of this code. (Ord. 3994, 12-13-1993; amd. 2001 Code)
| |
| |
Single case fees: | |
1 – 20 pages of a case | $10.00 |
21 – 100 pages (per page) | 0.25 |
101 or more pages (per hour) | 30.00 |
Multiple case fees: | |
5 cases requested | 10.00 |
6 or more cases (per case) | 5.00 |
Computer searches: | |
Per search per address | 20.00 |
Photographs: | |
Per photograph | 10.00 |
(Ord. 4452, 12-11-2000)
| |
Fire watch, per man hour | $ 65.00 |
Special events, life safety inspection to ensure public safety, per inspection hour | 65.00 |
Reimbursement for extinguishment cost for intentionally set fires through the court system or fire response: | |
Engine company response, first hour, per engine | 200.00 |
Engine company response, additional hours, per engine, per hour | 100.00 |
Aerial company response, first hour | 300.00 |
Aerial company response, additional hours per hour | 200.00 |
Command vehicle, per hour | 95.00 |
Paramedic ambulance, per hour | 195.00 |
Fire investigations, per man hour | 65.00 |
Fire sprinkler systems/fire alarm systems: | |
0 – 4,999 square feet (per floor) | 80.00 |
5,000 – 7,499 square feet (per floor) | 160.00 |
7,500+ square feet (per floor) | 240.00 |
Standpipe (additional per standpipe) | 150.00 |
Sprinkler riser (additional per riser) | 150.00 |
Fire alarm panel (additional) | 150.00 |
Alternate fire extinguishing systems (as listed in currently adopted fire code) | 180.00 |
Residential fire sprinkler system | 100.00 |
Reinspection due to test failure/inspections before/after business hours per man hour | 65.00 |
(Ord. 5074, 9-6-2011)
B. Lien: All fees and charges required by this article, if not paid within sixty (60) days, shall constitute a lien upon the premises served by said service and may be certified to the county treasurer and collected in the same manner as taxes. A notice of all unpaid fees shall be sent to the property owner if different from the nonresidential business, informing the property owner of the lien on the property.
C. Payment: All fees and charges required by this article shall be paid to the city clerk and such charges therefor as shall be, from time to time, established and set by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 3994, 12-13-1993)
1 |
A. The purpose of this article is to provide minimum standards and regulations applicable to fire alarms, alarm agents and alarm users as defined in this article.
B. For the purpose of this article, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and masculine pronouns include the feminine. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
ANSI: Stands for American National Standards Institute.
ALARM AGENT: Any person employed by an alarm business whose duties include the altering, installing, maintaining, moving, repairing, replacing, leasing, servicing, responding to, or causing others to respond to an alarm device.
ALARM SYSTEM: An assembly of equipment and devices (or a single device such as a solid-state unit) arranged to signal the presence of a hazard requiring urgent attention and to which fire department agents are expected to respond. In this article, the term "alarm system" shall include the terms "automatic fire alarms", "manual fire alarms", and "fire alarms" as those terms are hereinafter defined.
ALARM USER: Any person on whose premises an alarm system is maintained within the city or any person using such system. Excluded from this definition and from the coverage of this article are persons who use alarm systems to alert or signal persons within the premises in which the alarm system is located.
ANNUNCIATOR: The instrumentation at the receiving terminal of a signal line which through both visual and audible signals shows when an alarm device at a particular location has been activated or it may also indicate line trouble.
AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM: An alarm system in which the signal transmission is initiated by reaction to a fire or extinguishing system.
CITY: The city of Waterloo, Iowa.
FALSE ALARM: The activation of an alarm system through careless use or improper maintenance by the owner or lessee of an alarm system or by his/her employees or agents. Such terminology does not include, for example, alarms caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes or other violent conditions.
FIRE ALARM SYSTEM: Refers to an alarm system signaling a fire or activated extinguishing equipment.
FIRE CHIEF: The chief of the fire department of the city, or his designated representative.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: The publicly supported fire department of the city, or any authorized agent thereof.
PERSON: Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind.
UL: Stands for Underwriters' Laboratories. (Ord. 4458, 2-26-2001)