A. The purpose of this article is to provide minimum standards and regulations applicable to fire alarms, alarm agents and alarm users as defined in this article.
B. For the purpose of this article, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and masculine pronouns include the feminine. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
ANSI: Stands for American National Standards Institute.
ALARM AGENT: Any person employed by an alarm business whose duties include the altering, installing, maintaining, moving, repairing, replacing, leasing, servicing, responding to, or causing others to respond to an alarm device.
ALARM SYSTEM: An assembly of equipment and devices (or a single device such as a solid-state unit) arranged to signal the presence of a hazard requiring urgent attention and to which fire department agents are expected to respond. In this article, the term "alarm system" shall include the terms "automatic fire alarms", "manual fire alarms", and "fire alarms" as those terms are hereinafter defined.
ALARM USER: Any person on whose premises an alarm system is maintained within the city or any person using such system. Excluded from this definition and from the coverage of this article are persons who use alarm systems to alert or signal persons within the premises in which the alarm system is located.
ANNUNCIATOR: The instrumentation at the receiving terminal of a signal line which through both visual and audible signals shows when an alarm device at a particular location has been activated or it may also indicate line trouble.
AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM: An alarm system in which the signal transmission is initiated by reaction to a fire or extinguishing system.
CITY: The city of Waterloo, Iowa.
FALSE ALARM: The activation of an alarm system through careless use or improper maintenance by the owner or lessee of an alarm system or by his/her employees or agents. Such terminology does not include, for example, alarms caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes or other violent conditions.
FIRE ALARM SYSTEM: Refers to an alarm system signaling a fire or activated extinguishing equipment.
FIRE CHIEF: The chief of the fire department of the city, or his designated representative.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: The publicly supported fire department of the city, or any authorized agent thereof.
PERSON: Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind.
UL: Stands for Underwriters' Laboratories. (Ord. 4458, 2-26-2001)
A. Definition: "False fire alarm" means the activation of a fire alarm system through technical failure, malfunction, improper installation, or the negligence of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or of his or her employees or agents. A false alarm under this section does not include alarm system failures caused by water, gas, electrical, telephone or other transmission lines or devices not under the control of an alarm user or his or her agent or employee, the wilful act of any person other than the alarm user or his or her agent or employee, and does not include failures due to conditions clearly beyond the control of the alarm user or his or her agents or employees. False fire alarm includes alarms which activate a signal to which the fire department responds with equipment and personnel without regard to whether the alarm is connected to any receiving alarm station. It also includes the wilful use of an alarm system for purposes other than warning or notification of a fire. A false alarm does not include any activation of an alarm which is caused by storms, tornadoes, or other violent weather conditions.
B. False Alarm Penalties:
1. The fire department is authorized to impose monetary fee penalties upon fire alarm users who have three (3) or more false alarms per fiscal year of alarm use. Alarm users shall be granted two (2) false fire alarms, which fall under the definition set out in subsection A of this section, without a fee charge, per fiscal year of use. All careless use, improper maintenance, improper installation, malfunction or alarms due to negligence, after the two (2) nonchargeable alarms, shall be subject to the false alarm schedule found in subsection C of this section.
2. Further, if an alarm owner, user, or designated representative, agent or employee refuses to respond to the place of business or residence to reset the alarm, or does not report within thirty (30) minutes of the city fire department's response to the location, the owner and/or alarm user will be assessed a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00), in addition to the appropriate fee from the false fire alarm schedule, for the call.
C. False Fire Alarm Penalty Fee Schedule For Fiscal Year:
1. Third through and including fourth false alarm: Two hundred dollars ($200.00) per each alarm.
2. Fifth through and including ninth false alarm: Two hundred seventy five dollars ($275.00) per each alarm.
3. Tenth and above false alarms: Four hundred twenty five dollars ($425.00) per each alarm.
D. New Fire Alarm Installations: No alarm, which occurs within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of notification of the installation of a new alarm or alarm system, shall be considered a false alarm, or be subject to false fire alarm penalty fees.
E. Technical Failure, Equipment Malfunction, Or Improper Installation:
1. The owner and/or user of any newly installed fire alarm system, which transmits three (3) or more false alarms, from day thirty one (31) to and including day sixty (60), due to technical failure, equipment malfunction, or improper installation, shall be subject to the assessment and billing of a false fire alarm fee based on the following fee schedule:
a. Third through and including seventh false alarm: Fifty dollars ($50.00) per each alarm.
b. Eighth false alarm and above: One hundred dollars ($100.00) per each alarm.
2. After day sixty (60) any subsequent false fire alarms shall be subject to the provisions found in the false fire alarm penalty fee schedule for fiscal year in subsection C of this section.
F. Fee Alternative: As an alternative to the imposition of fees for false alarms based upon technical failure, equipment malfunction, or improper installation, the fire chief or designated representative may waive such fees if the owner and/or alarm user agrees to upgrade the existing alarm system in such a manner which, in the determination of the fire chief or designated representative, will significantly reduce or prevent further false fire alarms. The alarm owner and/or alarm user shall submit appropriate documentation and specifications of such alarm system upgrade to the fire chief or designated representative for review. If such alarm system upgrades are approved by the fire chief or designated representative, imposition of fees for false fire alarms based on technical failure, equipment malfunction, or improper installation will be held in abeyance pending installation of such upgrades. The owner and/or alarm user shall be given thirty (30) calendar days in which to complete the alarm system upgrade following approval of the proposed system upgrade specifications. Notice of approval or disapproval shall be given in writing and served on the alarm owner and/or alarm user by mail. Failure of the alarm system owner and/or alarm user to complete such upgrade within the specified thirty (30) calendar days shall result in imposition of the technical failure, equipment malfunction, or improper installation fee schedule as provided in subsection E of this section.
G. Alternative Fire Watch: When, in the opinion of the fire chief, it is essential for public safety, the fire chief may require the owner and/or alarm user to provide standby personnel at the premises to keep a diligent watch for fire, until the fire alarm system is restored. (Ord. 4746, 11-22-2004)
A. Any violation of this article constitutes a municipal infraction and shall be punishable by the following, including injunctive relief. Each day that the violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
First offense | $200.00 |
Second offense | 500.00 |
Each subsequent offense | 750.00 |
B. All fees and charges required by this article, if not paid within sixty (60) days, shall constitute a lien upon the premises served by said service and may be certified to the county treasurer and collected in the same manner as taxes.
C. All fees and charges required by this article shall be paid to the city clerk and such charges shall be established and set by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 4458, 2-26-2001)
The storage and sale of explosives and explosive devices in the city shall be in conformance with the fire prevention code adopted in section 9-2-2 of this chapter. (1970 Code, § 13-1)
A. Rules And Regulations: The city council may make rules and regulations covering blasting and the use of explosives, and the failure to comply with any of the rules and regulations so promulgated, after actual notice of the existence of the rules and regulations, shall be deemed to be an offense.
B. Inspections: All blasting or the use of explosives shall be inspected and supervised by the city council. The city council may appoint an inspector to supervise blasting or the use of explosives, and the inspection and supervision in such a case shall be for such a period of time as the city council shall deem necessary for the performance of the service. When inspection is performed, the sum of five dollars ($5.00) per one-half (1/2) day (4 hours), or a fraction thereof, shall be deducted from the special or general deposit made in accordance with the provisions of this article. (Rev. Ord. 1781, Comp. 1941, p. E-8)