8-4A-1: Purpose And Intent
8-4A-2: Definitions
8-4A-3: Applicability
8-4A-4: Storm Water Management Program; Authority Of City Engineer
8-4A-5: Exempted Nonstorm Water Discharges
8-4A-6: Illicit Discharges And Illicit Connections Prohibited
8-4A-7: Illicit Discharge Items
8-4A-8: Storm Water Monitoring Sites
8-4A-9: Watercourse Protection
8-4A-10: Management Of Storm Water Pollutants By Use Of Best Management Practices (BMPs)
8-4A-11: Suspension Of Discharge Rights Due To Illicit Discharges In Emergency Situations
8-4A-12: Suspension Of Action Due To Detection Of Illicit Discharge In Nonemergency Situations
8-4A-13: Monitoring Of Discharges
8-4A-14: Notification Of Spills
8-4A-15: Enforcement; Notice Of Violation
8-4A-16: Appeal Of Notice Of Violation
8-4A-17: Enforcement Measures After Appeal
8-4A-18: Cost Of Abatement Of Violation
8-4A-19: Injunctive Relief
8-4A-20: Compensatory Action
8-4A-21: Violations Deemed A Public Nuisance
8-4A-22: Municipal Infraction
8-4A-23: Remedies Not Exclusive
8-4A-24: Abrogation And Greater Restrictions
8-4A-25: Severability
8-4A-26: Ultimate Responsibility
The purpose of this article is to provide for the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the city through the regulation of nonstorm water discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), to the maximum extent practicable, as required by federal and state law. This article establishes methods for controlling the introduction of pollutants into the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) in order to comply with requirements of the national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) phase II permit and the federal clean water act. The objectives of this article are to:
A. Establish legal authority to conduct inspection and monitoring procedures necessary to ensure compliance with this article;
B. Investigate and eliminate, to the maximum extent practicable, the contribution of pollutants to the MS4 by storm water discharges introduced by system users; and
C. Prohibit illicit connections and discharges to the MS4. (Ord. 4762, 3-14-2005)
A. Terms or acronyms used in this article shall, unless defined in this article, have the meanings given to them in section 8-4-1 of this chapter.
B. As used in this article, the term "city engineer" includes any other representative of the city engineer's office that is designated by the city engineer to act in the place and with the authority of the city engineer. (Ord. 4762, 3-14-2005)
A. The city engineer shall administer, implement, and enforce the provisions of this article.
B. With respect to the city's compliance with the NPDES phase II permit regulations, the city engineer may do the following in relation to illicit discharge detection and elimination:
1. Carry out all inspections, monitoring and enforcement procedures necessary to determine compliance with this article;
2. Administer the city's compliance with the NPDES MS4 permit to discharge storm water;
3. Create, promote, and distribute to citizens educational program materials related to storm water pollution prevention;
4. Investigate potential storm water pollution violations that are within the city limits on residential, commercial, industrial and city owned properties for the presence of illicit discharges as defined by this chapter that may contaminate storm water runoff;
5. Review and enforce remediation programs as required for properties where illicit discharge to the storm sewer system are found to exist;
6. Develop programs to control the discharge of pollutants, and the dumping or disposal of materials other than storm water (e.g., industrial and commercial waste, trash, motor vehicle fluids, yard waste, grass clippings, animal waste, etc.) into the MS4;
7. Acquire and authorize testing of water samples through field testing programs;
8. Audit city use of herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides to determine compliance with federal and state regulations and recommend alternative solutions where practicable for the reduction of the use of these items through education and outreach programs; and
9. Audit city department procedures to confirm that the city is in compliance with federal and state NPDES regulations and determine if the city has obtained, and is in compliance with, permits required by federal and state environmental laws. (Ord. 4762, 3-14-2005)
The following nonstorm water discharges are exempt from the discharge prohibitions of this article, unless a particular discharge has been determined to be a substantial contributor of pollutants to the MS4 and the discharge continues more than ten (10) days after delivery of written notice of such determination to the discharger:
A. Firefighting activities that are necessary due to an immediate danger to life or property;
B. Fire hydrant flushing;
C. Potable water sources;
D. Water line flushing;
E. Uncontaminated ground water;
F. Uncontaminated pumped ground water;
G. Crawl space pump water;
H. Natural springs;
I. Natural riparian habitat or wetland flows;
J. Irrigation water (except for wastewater irrigation);
K. Air conditioning condensation;
L. Exterior building wash water when no detergents or other surfactants are used;
M. Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred and when no detergents or other surfactants are used (unless all spilled material has been removed);
N. Diverted stream flows;
O. Storm sewer system cleaning water;
P. Residential or noncommercial washing of vehicles;
Q. Dechlorinated swimming pool discharge less than one ppm chlorine;
R. Residual street wash water;
S. Dechlorinated water from reservoir discharges;
T. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents (not including active ground water dewatering systems);
U. Discharges specified in writing by the city engineer as being necessary to protect public health and safety of citizens;
V. Dye testing procedures (requires a verbal notification to the city engineer prior to the time of the test); and
W. Any other water source not containing pollutants, as approved by the city engineer. (Ord. 4762, 3-14-2005)
A. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the MS4 any materials, including, but not limited to, pollutants, or waters containing any pollutants, that cause or contribute to a violation of applicable water quality standards, other than storm water.
B. The construction, use, maintenance or continued existence of illicit connections to the MS4 is prohibited.
C. This prohibition expressly includes, without limitation, illicit connections made in the past, regardless of whether the connection was permissible under law or practices applicable or prevailing at the time of connection.
D. A person is considered to be in violation of this article if the person connects a line conveying a pollutant to the MS4, or allows such a connection to continue. The prohibition shall not apply to any nonstorm water discharge permitted under this article, an NPDES permit, waiver, or waste discharge order issued to the discharger and administered under the authority of the federal environmental protection agency; provided, that the discharger is in full compliance with all requirements of this article, the permit, waiver, or order and other applicable laws and regulations; and provided, that written approval has been granted for any discharge to the MS4. (Ord. 4762, 3-14-2005)
The following direct or indirect discharges into community waters, waters of the state or waters of the United States are, without limitation, examples of illicit discharges. This listing of discharges is not intended to be exhaustive, nor shall it be construed as such, but is illustrative only.
A. Sewage dumping or dumping of sewage sludge;
B. Chlorinated swimming pool discharge with chlorine concentrations greater that one ppm;
C. Discharge of any polluted household wastewater, such as, but not limited to, laundry wash water and dishwater, except to a sanitary sewer or septic system;
D. Leaking sanitary sewers and connections, which have remained uncorrected for a period of time as indicated in the NPDES permit issued to the city by the department;
E. Commercial, industrial or nonexempt public vehicle wash or power wash discharge;
F. Dead animals or animal fecal waste;
G. Nonstorm water discharges, except those allowed pursuant to a permit issued by IDNR;
H. Concrete truck wash water;
I. Dredged material from waterways;
J. Spoil material such as sediment runoff from construction sites;
K. Chemical waste;
L. Hazardous waste;
M. Runoff from discarded vehicles or equipment;
O. Garbage;
P. Rubbish;
Q. Yard waste;
R. Floatable materials; and
S. Any other item deemed a pollutant as designated by the city engineer. (Ord. 4762, 3-14-2005)