A. Whenever the city council has ordered any street, highway, alley, avenue or public place permanently improved by paving, graveling or macadamizing the public way 1 , it shall notify the board of waterworks trustees of the contemplated improvement at the time of the passage of the proposed resolution of necessity, and thereupon the board of waterworks trustees shall report to the city council the lots and names of the owners and the requirements in respect to connections from any water mains or pipes to the curb of the abutting and adjacent property.
B. The city council shall pass a resolution requiring the respective owners of the abutting or adjacent property to make connections with the water mains in the manner required by the regulations of the board of waterworks trustees, and the city council shall at the same time require the property owners to make connection with the sewer main in the street and to make application for connection with the gas main and underground electric conduit if there be one.
C. A notice shall be given the property owners by two (2) publications in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, the first publication of which shall be at least ten (10) days prior to the time fixed in the notice, at which time the putting in of the connection must be completed.
D. It shall be the duty of the gas and electric utilities companies to whom application is made by the property owner for a connection with a gas main or an electric conduit immediately preceding the improvement of a street, to install the connection as soon as practicable.
E. If the owner of the property fails to put in the water connections before the time stated in the notice, or within such additional time as may be granted by the city council, not exceeding thirty (30) days, the board of waterworks trustees or the city shall have the power to put in the water connection and certify the actual costs to the city council; and if said owner fails to make connection with the sewer main or fails to make application for connection with the gas main or underground electric conduit, the city may install the connection with the sewer main and may order in a connection with the gas main or electric conduit, and the costs of the installation of the connections to the curb line of the property, including the amounts certified by the board of waterworks trustees, or the city, shall be assessed by the city council to the respective lots and tracts of land in the same manner in which other special assessments are made as provided by law.
F. Whenever the city council has ordered the widening of any paving of any street, alley or highway within the city with a paving strip of sufficient thickness and strength equal to the specifications therefor of the State Highway Commission and to safely permit underground connections to be made later for water, sewer or gas connections, as and when necessary, the city council may waive the requirement of making connections of sewer, gas, water and electricity, as required in subsection B of this section before the street widening improvement is made. (Rev. Ord. 1119, Comp. 1941, p. C-11; amd. Rev. Ord. 1407, Comp. 1941, p. C-12)
1 | 1. See section 7-2-1 of this code. |
Any person who, by throwing stones or other missiles, or in any other manner, shall break any glass insulator attached to any telephone or telegraph pole, or shall, in any other manner, interfere with or injure such property, or any electric light, gas lamp or other utilities facilities, shall be guilty of an offense. (Rev. Ord. 1183, Comp. 1941)
A. Installation Prohibited; Exceptions: No gas-burning space heating equipment shall be installed, connected or used within the city unless:
1. The gas space heating equipment is installed and in regular operation prior to May 25, 1954.
2. The gas space heating equipment replaces gas-fired equipment of equal or greater capacity previously installed and regularly operated at the same premises for the same purpose.
3. The gas space heating equipment is used for industrial or commercial heating purposes where the users thereof maintain complete standby facilities and sufficient standby fuel to enable them to maintain continuous plant operations on such standby equipment and fuel in the event of a full curtailment of the supply of gas.
4. The gas space heating equipment is installed in existing and new buildings to the extent that the total amount of gas that will be required by such installation shall not exceed the contract capacity allocated to the city by the Northern Natural Gas Company under Federal Power Commission tariffs and regulations and under the following conditions:
a. Where the gas can be supplied through existing service pipes into the premises, or as required by franchise.
b. In the order in which applications for new buildings were made to the Iowa Public Service Company for said heating gas on the regular forms of said company.
c. In the order in which applications for heating existing buildings were made to the Iowa Public Service Company for the heating gas on the regular forms of the company.
d. Gas heating applications for new buildings shall have preference over applications for heating existing buildings.
e. Where the gas will not exceed five hundred thousand (500,000) BTU per hour for any one customer installation.
B. Determination Of New Buildings; Allocation Of Priorities: For the purpose of this section, any building constructed within six (6) months prior to May 25, 1954, and not having been occupied prior to May 25, 1954, shall be classed as a new building, and existing buildings which are remodeled to provide additional separate apartments or separate commercial space and not having been occupied prior to May 25, 1954, shall be classed as new buildings, and upon the completion of structural changes in said buildings shall be entitled to priority for heating gas over buildings on which the foundations are not completed.
C. Discontinue Service: Any distributor of gas shall discontinue gas service to any premises wherein any gas-fired space heating equipment is installed, connected or used contrary to the provisions of this section. Upon the determination of any such distributor that new space heating equipment in the city has been installed, connected or used contrary to the provisions of this section, the distributor shall forthwith notify in writing the owners or occupants of the premises where such equipment is installed, that all gas service to such premises for space heating purposes will be discontinued twenty (20) days after service of the notice, and the distributor shall discontinue the service at the end of the period unless the equipment has been disconnected and removed. (Rev. Ord. 1972, Comp. 1941, p. G-8)