   A.   Appointment: A building official/maintenance administrator shall be appointed by the mayor and subject to the approval of the city council and shall be directly responsible to the mayor. Such appointment shall be in accordance with all city policies and procedures regarding the recruitment, selection and appointment of employees.
   B.   Management, Supervision And Duties: The building official/maintenance administrator shall supervise, direct and manage the building inspection, permits and maintenance department. The building official/maintenance administrator's duties shall be as follows:
      1.   To promulgate orders, rules and regulations for the conduct and guidance of the members of the building inspection, permits and maintenance department within the parameters of city policy;
      2.   To make an annual report of the activities of the department for each year, the same to be filed with the mayor;
      3.   To assign the personnel of the building inspection, permits and maintenance department as deemed necessary to carry out the functions of the building inspection, permits and maintenance department, and to prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the department consistent with the city's policies;
      4.   To peremptorily suspend or discharge any subordinate under his/her direction for neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, misconduct or failure to properly perform the subordinate's duties in accordance with law and departmental policy or other appropriate just cause;
      5.   To supervise and have jurisdiction over the conduct of the plumbing inspector, electrical inspector, building inspector and heating inspector of the city;
      6.   To enforce the uniform building code, uniform plumbing code, uniform mechanical code and national electrical code in the form adopted by the city council, as they relate to construction activity within the city;
      7.   To coordinate enforcement activities with the fire department and other city departments for all construction affected by the housing code, life safety code and minimum housing quality standards;
      8.   To provide code enforcement of all ordinances related to water service installations, mobile home removal and setup, sign construction, building demolition, building condemnation and building moving.
      9.   Provide administration of maintenance on all city owned or operated buildings.
         a.   Develop a reporting and maintenance system that will outline the condition and status of all major building systems or components (i.e., roof, heating and air conditioning).
         b.   Establish and keep on record a five (5) year building maintenance/capital improvement program with yearly updates.
         c.   Establish and administer the operating maintenance budget for presentation to city council.
         d.   Provide all administrative oversight for payroll, pay vouchers, record keeping, employee review and employee discipline as they relate to maintenance of city buildings.
         e.   Bring before committee and council all documents as they relate to building maintenance.
         f.   Work with Waterloo leisure service to assist in coordinating maintenance and repair of swimming pools, bathhouses, pump houses, park restrooms and golf course buildings.
         g.   Work with the airport director to coordinate maintenance on the airport terminals and support hangers as it relates to building operation. (Ord. 4513, 9-17-2001)
Whenever the building official/maintenance administrator shall be out of the city, or unable to act on account of sickness or any other reason (including those periods of time when the mayor has not appointed a building official/maintenance administrator), the building official/maintenance administrator or the mayor shall appoint a designee who shall have and exercise all the powers and duties of the building official/maintenance administrator. (Ord. 4513, 9-17-2001)
1-6E-1: Department Created
1-6E-2: Departmental Powers And Duties
1-6E-3: City Planner
The planning and transportation department for the city is hereby created. (Ord. 4003, 2-7-1994)
   A.   It shall be the duty of the planning and transportation department to provide a full range of professional planning services for all city departments, public projects and citizens of Waterloo.
   B.   The department shall have the power to coordinate all long-range plans developed by any public entity in Waterloo. (Ord. 4003, 2-7-1994)