   A.   It shall be the duty of the engineering department to provide a full range of professional engineering services for all city departments and public projects.
   B.   The department shall have the power to design, inspect, survey and map all city infrastructures. (Ord. 4003, 2-7-1994)
   A.   Appointment: A city engineer shall be appointed by the mayor and subject to the approval of the city council and shall be directly responsible to the mayor. Such appointment shall be in accordance with all city policies and procedures regarding recruitment, selection and appointment of employees.
   B.   Qualifications: The person appointed to the office of city engineer shall be a licensed professional civil engineer by the state and fully qualified to practice within the state. One hundred eighty (180) days shall be provided from the date of appointment to qualify as provided by law.
   C.   Absence Of City Engineer: Whenever the city engineer shall be out of the city, or unable to act on account of sickness or any other reason (including those periods of time when the mayor has not appointed a city engineer), the city engineer or mayor shall appoint a designee who is qualified to exercise all the powers and duties of the city engineer.
   D.   Management, Supervision And Duties: The city engineer shall supervise, direct and manage the engineering department. The city engineer's duties shall be as follows:
      1.   To promulgate orders, rules and regulations for the conduct and guidance of the members of the engineering department within the parameters of city policy;
      2.   To make an annual report of the activities of the department to the mayor;
      3.   To assign the personnel of the engineering department as deemed necessary to carry out the functions of the engineering department, and to prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the department consistent with the city's policies;
      4.   To peremptorily suspend or discharge any subordinate under his direction for neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, misconduct or failure to properly perform the subordinate's duties in accordance with law and city policy, or other appropriate just cause;
      5.   To perform or cause to be performed any other duties as directed by the mayor;
      6.   To be in full charge of all public improvements ordered by the city council and shall prepare estimates of costs, plans and specifications and present said information to the city council for approval. The city engineer shall supervise the construction of such improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications, and upon completion, prepare a final report for the city council giving in detail the itemized final costs and other pertinent facts of such improvements;
      7.   To make all necessary surveys of streets, alleys, avenues, public squares and other surveys when required by the city council, showing the lines, dimensions, names of streets, lots and blocks and other pertinent facts;
      8.   To take the necessary levels and measurements of all streets, alleys or avenues where the same has not already been done for the purpose of establishing street grades. The city engineer shall prepare the necessary profiles and drawings showing the existing surface and the grades proposed and submit the proposed grades to the city council for approval and proper establishment of the grades by ordinance;
      9.   To create a system so that notes of all surveys, levels, grades and other field work are kept in field notebooks. The notebooks shall be numbered in regular order and the notes entered in them in a manner which assures the work can be readily made out, and shall show in which part of the city the work has been done, giving the name of the street, number of the lot and block and exact location of lines or grades or whatever else pertains to the field work, that they may be clearly located on the ground. All calculations relating to the notes and surveys shall appear on the pages of the field books;
      10.   To require that benchmarks are to be placed upon some solid and secure point readily reached from the adjoining streets which identify the levels and grades. These reference marks shall preserve the survey of the streets, blocks and lots, in a clear description made in field books;
      11.   To maintain official city maps and keep the same in a correct and up-to-date fashion showing new additions, streets, alleys, avenues, public squares, public buildings, bridges, streams and other pertinent objects. The collection of maps shall include, but not be limited to, the city street, plat, zoning, thoroughfare, sewer and ward and precinct maps;
      12.   To preserve in the office all field notes, maps, plans, profiles, papers, books, writings and records, and arrange and index the records in a manner which allows ready reference. All field books kept by the city engineer and all necessary blanks for records, maps and plans used by the city engineer in the discharge of the official duties shall be furnished at the expense of the city, and such books, records and files shall be the exclusive property of the city. At the expiration of the term of office or the resignation or removal of the city engineer, the city engineer shall turn over the same to his successor, or to some person duly authorized to receive the same for the city;
      13.   To carefully enter all construction data of all public improvements into the permanent office records. Such records shall include the location of extension of sewer lines, streets and other public improvements;
      14.   To review all proposed subdivisions submitted for approval to the city planning, programming and zoning commission and the city council and shall examine such subdivisions carefully as to their compliance with good engineering practices and to the subdivision regulations. The city engineer shall inform the commission and the city council in writing as to the findings and compliance with the subdivision regulations;
      15.   To coordinate the design, inspection and construction of road and street projects with the state, federal and local government authorities and the respective professional design and inspection consultants and contractors;
      16.   To issue ordinance required permits in public rights of way, including, but not limited to, sidewalks and driveways, excavations, moving buildings and oversize and/or overweight loads;
      17.   To administer, inspect and coordinate the improvements to all public sidewalks through a sidewalk inspection and repair program;
      18.   To review and approve all development plans, except single-family and duplex, for conformance to city ordinances and policies, including, but not limited to, drainage, access, parking areas and sidewalks;
      19.   To update, monitor and coordinate the city's pavement management system;
      20.   To inspect, plan and coordinate maintenance activities, and administer maintenance contracts for the city's flood control facilities;
      21.   To help direct and coordinate activities during flood emergencies and other natural disasters;
      22.   To provide to the extent possible engineering, inspection and drafting services to all other city departments. (Ord. 4003, 2-7-1994)
1-6D-1: Department Created
1-6D-2: Departmental Powers And Duties
1-6D-3: Management And Supervision
1-6D-4: Designee In Absence Of Building Official/Maintenance Administrator
The building inspection, permits and maintenance department for the city is hereby created. (Ord. 4513, 9-17-2001)
It shall be the duty of the building inspection, permits and maintenance department to provide for the inspection of all construction for its compliance with the state, federal and local regulations; and to write building, electrical, heating and plumbing permits for all construction projects and to provide administrative supervision for maintenance on all city owned buildings. (Ord. 4513, 9-17-2001)