1-2-1: Municipal Charter
1-2-2: City Seal And Logo
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to provide for a charter embodying the form of government existing on July 24, 1972.
   B.   Citing Charter: This section may be cited as the CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WATERLOO, IOWA.
   C.   Form Of Government: The form of government of the city is the mayor-council form of government.
   D.   Powers And Duties: The city council and mayor and other city officers have such powers and shall perform such duties as are authorized or required by state law and by the ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations of the city.
   E.   Number And Term Of Council: The city council shall consist of two (2) councilpersons elected at large and one councilperson from each of the five (5) wards as established by ordinance, elected to hold office as follows:
      1.   In the election to be held in 1993, the councilpersons from wards one, three and five shall be elected for a term of four (4) years. The councilpersons from wards two and four shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. The at-large councilperson who receives the highest number of votes is elected for a four (4) year term; the other is elected to a two (2) year term.
      2.   Thereafter, each councilperson shall be elected for a term of four (4) years.
   F.   Term Of Mayor: The mayor is elected for a term of two (2) years.
   G.   Copies On File: The city clerk shall keep an official copy of this charter on file with the official records of the city clerk, shall immediately file a copy with the secretary of the state of Iowa, and shall keep copies of the charter available at the city clerk's office for public inspection. (Ord. 2603, 8-14-1972; amd. Ord. 3856, 4-13-1992)
   A.   City Seal: A seal having in the center an image consisting of the Cedar River on the bottom of the image, the covered 4th Street Bridge spanning the Cedar River in the center, vegetation appearing directly above the bridge, and a depiction of buildings representing the city skyline behind the vegetation. Arching along the top of the image are the words “CITY OF WATERLOO” and arching along the bottom of the image are the words “OFFICIAL SEAL”. The words on top and bottom of the image are separated by one small circle on the right and left side of the image that lies parallel on either side with the image of the 4th Street Bridge. The city clerk shall procure such a seal, have the custody of the seal, and cause it to be affixed to all documents, resolutions, ordinances, transcripts, orders or certificates, which it may be necessary or proper to authenticate as an official city document. Any use of the city seal in a manner inconsistent with this section, or by a person not authorized by this section, shall be a violation of this code. The image of the seal appear in the colors shown below as follows:
   B.    City Logo: The city logo consists of the words “CITY OF WATERLOO” with a large, stylized “W”. The city logo may also appear with the tagline “Community of Opportunity” or the name of a city department below Waterloo. The image of the city logo appear in the colors shown below as follows:
   C.   All uses of the image of the city seal and city logo are restricted to official city business and such other appropriate uses that further the operations of the city as may be authorized in writing by the mayor, the mayor's designee(s) or city clerk, or as otherwise specifically permitted by this Code. This Section shall not prohibit the public from displaying the image of the city seal and city logo for the purpose of promoting community pride.
   D.   City officers, city employees, members of the city council, and members of city boards and commissions may use stationary, printed materials, pins, clothing, flags, and other articles with the image of the city seal or city logo while acting within the scope of their office or employment.
   E.   No person, including any elected officer of the city, may use the image of the city seal or city logo in any correspondence or other printed materials distributed in favor of or against any ballot measure or in favor of or against any candidate for public office.
   F.   The image of the city seal or city logo may be at times requested for use by outside entities or agencies for events co-hosted or supported by the city. All such requests must be submitted to the mayor or the mayor's designee(s) who has the discretion to approve or deny such requests, and to promulgate the manner, timing, and format of such requests.
   G.   City departments, such as the police department, fire department, library, leisure services, and airport, may adopt department logos. Such logos shall be approved by the mayor prior to use.
   H.   The city may adopt trademarks and service marks to protect the use of its name, marks, and ensure that the city shares in the benefits derived from commercial and non-commercial use of its marks in order to comply with and assure protection under federal trademark law.
   I.   It shall be unlawful for any person to make or use the city seal or city logo fraudulently, or without express written permission of the City of Waterloo. Unauthorized use of the city seal or city logo shall be a violation of this Code. (Rev. Ord. 1188, Comp. 1941, p. S-9; amd. Ord. 5534, 12-30-2019; Ord. 5678, 1-3-2023)