A. It shall be the duty of the planning and transportation department to provide a full range of professional planning services for all city departments, public projects and citizens of Waterloo.
B. The department shall have the power to coordinate all long-range plans developed by any public entity in Waterloo. (Ord. 4003, 2-7-1994)
A. Appointment: A city planner shall be appointed by the mayor and subject to the approval of the city council and shall be directly responsible to the mayor. Such appointment shall be in accordance with all city policies and procedures regarding recruitment, selection and appointment of employees.
B. Absence Of City Planner: Whenever the city planner shall be out of the city, or unable to act on account of sickness or any other reason (including those periods of time when the mayor has not appointed a city planner), the city planner or the mayor shall appoint a designee who shall have and exercise all the powers and duties of the city planner.
C. Management, Supervision And Duties: The city planner shall supervise, direct and manage the planning and transportation department. The city planner's duties shall be as follows:
1. To promulgate orders, rules and regulations for the conduct and guidance of the members of the planning and transportation department within the parameters of city policy;
2. To make an annual report of the activities of the department for each year, the same to be filed with the mayor;
3. To assign the personnel of the planning and transportation department as deemed necessary to carry out the functions of the planning and transportation department, and to prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the department consistent with the city's policies;
4. To peremptorily suspend or discharge any subordinate under his direction for neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, misconduct or failure to properly perform the subordinate's duties in accordance with law and departmental policy, or for appropriate just cause;
5. To perform or cause to be performed any other duties as directed by the mayor;
6. To supervise and coordinate development of the community's comprehensive plan, subdivision and zoning ordinances, including the necessary research, analysis, plan preparation, design, program development and writing and editing of reports;
7. To supervise and coordinate analysis of the city's physical and socioeconomic characteristics; and direct land use, population and economic forecasts;
8. To act as technical advisor on planning and development matters to the mayor, city council, planning, programming and zoning commission, and appear, either in person or by agent, before the city council and commission to report or advise on major planning and community development projects, significant economic, housing, land use and population study findings, and new planning and development techniques being utilized in other communities;
9. To work with all city departments in matters relating to planning and community development programs;
10. To prepare and administer the department's work program and budget after consultation with the planning, programming and zoning commission, assign staff, determine schedules and review progress on the work program;
11. To review all public projects undertaken by city departments, special districts, the county and other governmental agencies to ensure they are compatible with city plans;
12. To aid the planning, programming and zoning commission and city council in the development of the capital improvements program and other long-term financial plans;
13. To prepare educational and informational materials; consult with developers, public officials and citizens on planning and development matters; and coordinate and review work performed by professional consulting firms retained for planning and development studies;
14. To supervise and have jurisdiction over the conduct of the zoning administration and the enforcement of all zoning regulations enacted by the city;
15. To coordinate metropolitan planning efforts related to transportation, economic development and other related activities with all other affected entities;
16. To supervise, coordinate and review work performed by professional consulting firms for planning and development studies;
17. To supervise, coordinate and review the traffic planning and engineering activities of the city;
18. To provide staff services and coordinate the activities of the Waterloo redevelopment authority and for any and all downtown development and redevelopment efforts;
19. To develop, monitor and coordinate the city's information and data network;
20. The planning and transportation department will provide staff support to the planning, programming and zoning commission 1 . (Ord. 4003, 2-7-1994)
1 | 1. See section 2-1-7 of this code. |