The chief of police shall develop, implement, and enforce training, programs, or policies that address the following:
A. Establish a chief's policy and disciplinary review board.
B. Prohibit racial profiling.
C. Require biased free policing.
D. Require in car video and body-worn cameras.
E. Require crisis intervention training.
F. Require training for interactions with transgender individuals.
G. Require officers to de-escalate situations, when possible, before using force.
H. Require a use of force rational decision-making model that defines or limits the types of force to the minimum force necessary standard that can be used to respond to levels of resistance.
I. Restrict or prohibit chokeholds and strangleholds, including positional asphyxia and carotid restraints.
J. Require officers to give a verbal warning, when possible, before using deadly force.
K. Prohibit officers from shooting at people in moving vehicles unless the person poses a deadly threat by means other than the vehicle.
L. Require officers to exhaust all other reasonable alternatives before resorting to the use of deadly force.
M. Require officers to adhere to their duty to intervene, to stop another officer from using disproportionate force, and requiring officers to report conduct that is inconsistent with the policies, procedures, directives, standard operating procedures, mission, vision, ethics, values, and guiding principles of the department, and the city of Waterloo.
N. Require officers to report both uses of force and threats of or attempted uses of force. (Ord. 5570, 8-17-2020)
A. Creation: There is hereby created the Waterloo police reserve unit in accordance with the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 80D.
B. Definition: A reserve police officer is a volunteer, non-regular, sworn member of a law enforcement agency who has regular police powers while functioning as an agency's representative and participates on a regular basis in the agency's activities.
C. Membership; Qualifications:
1. Membership and Size: The size of the police reserve unit shall be determined by the chief of police. The reserve organization shall consist of a police reserve coordinator assigned by the chief of police from the membership of the police department, a reserve captain, a lieutenant and sergeants to serve as squad leaders for each squad of five (5) or more reservists as deemed necessary. Membership in the police reserve shall be determined upon standards established and approved by the chief of police. Applicants for membership shall be certified by the chief of police upon recommendation of the police reserve coordinator after satisfactory completion of the training standards. Each reserve member shall take an oath of office.
2. Physical Examination: All police reserve officers shall satisfactorily pass a department approved physical examination at their expense prior to being appointed as a police reserve officer.
3. Standards And Training: All standards and training required under Iowa Code chapter 80D shall constitute the minimum standards for police reserve officers.
4. Status: Members of the police reserve shall be considered employees of the city while they are performing police duties as authorized and directed by the chief of police. However, they are not subject to the conditions of the collective bargaining agreement of the police bargaining unit nor can they derive any benefit from the police pension. They are also not subject to the civil service provisions of Iowa Code chapter 80D.
5. Compensation: They shall receive a salary of two dollars ($2.00) yearly from the city at the beginning of each fiscal year.
D. Officers Duties And Responsibilities:
1. Reserve Coordinator: The police reserve coordinator shall be assigned by the chief of police from the membership of the police department and responsible to the chief of police for the supervision, training, recruitment and activities of the police reserve unit.
2. Reserve Captain: The police reserve captain shall be responsible to the reserve coordinator for the command, control and direction of police reserves. It shall be his duty to assist the police department in the enforcement of all laws and city ordinances in such a manner and at such time as directed by the police chief.
3. Reserve Lieutenant: The police reserve lieutenant shall assist the reserve captain and supervise the reserve sergeants.
E. Removal: Members of the police reserve shall serve at the discretion of the chief of police. They shall be appointed, promoted, removed and discharged from such position by the police chief who may consider the recommendation of the police reserve coordinator.
F. Rules: The police reserves may adopt a constitution, rules and regulations for the conduct of meetings and activities consistent with city ordinances and the laws of the state. All police reserve officers are subject to the police department code of conduct and such other regulations as established by the chief of police.
G. Uniform And Safety Equipment:
1. The city shall furnish all reserve officers with the following equipment and uniform items:
a. One (1) reserve breast badge.
b. One (1) reserve badge.
c. One (1) ID card.
d. One (1) police reserve patch.
e. Ammunition for weapon.
2. Reserve officers shall furnish, at their own expense, the following items (items shall be replaced as needed to provide the minimum as listed from department approved suppliers):
a. One (1) pair of pants, navy blue.
b. One (1) summer shirt, navy blue.
c. One (1) winter shirt, navy blue.
d. One (1) cap, navy blue.
e. One (1) tie, black.
f. One (1) jacket, navy blue.
g. Leather equipment, i.e., to consist of belt, handcuffs with case.
h. Freeze +P spray with case.
i. One (1) department approved firearm.
j. One (1) ASP Baton.
j. One (1) ballistics vest.
k. One (1) helmet.
l. Name tags for shirts and jacket.
3. During their hours of duty, members of the police reserve shall wear the uniform as prescribed by the chief of police.
H. Records: The police department shall keep an accurate record of all members of the police reserves, their dates of admission and discharge. (Ord. 5570, 8-17-2020)
A. Appointment: The chief of the fire department shall be appointed by the mayor with approval of the city council from the fire chief civil service list. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the removal of and the termination of the appointment of the chief as provided by law or employment agreement. The supervision and management of the department shall be executed in accordance with this Article.
B. Authority to Order Removal of Buildings: To order the removal of any building or property that he may deem necessary for the purpose of checking or stopping the progress of fire in the city.
C. Prescribe Limits Where Entry Is Prohibited: Prescribe limits in the vicinity of any fire within which no person, except those who reside therein, shall be permitted to enter.
D. Fire Arson Investigator: The fire chief shall appoint the fire arson investigator to perform all of the duties and responsibilities of investigating the cause, origin, and circumstances of fires as set forth in this code. The fire arson investigator may be a peace officer as set forth in Iowa law and said investigator may have all the powers, duties and responsibilities attendant to the function of a peace officer, which shall include, but not be limited to, the power of arrest. (Ord. 5641, 5-2-2022)
A. Police Authority: All members of the fire department shall have and exercise all the powers of police officers at the scene of a fire.
B. Presence for Duty: The members of the fire department shall remain in the quarters provided for them by the city, day and night, when not necessarily in other parts of the city attending to their duties prescribed by this article, or by the rules and regulations of the fire department, and no officer or member of the fire department shall be absent from duty at any time of day or night without permission from the chief of the fire department or person acting as such, and the procurement of a satisfactory substitute to act when absent.
C. Command at Fire Scene: It shall be the duty of the first officer of the fire department at a fire in the city to take charge thereof until a superior officer shall arrive, and for such purpose he shall have all the powers of the chief of the fire department.
D. Authority to Summon Assistance: If he deems it necessary, to summon any or all persons able to perform labor, including operators of vehicles for hire, to aid in the extinguishment of fires or removing property in danger thereof, and in guarding the property, and any person refusing to obey such summons shall be guilty of an offense.
E. Inspect Fire Hazards: After careful inquiry and investigations, immediately notify, in writing, the owner or occupants of any building in the city where there are any defective chimneys, smoke pipes or flues, or where there are any fires or inflammable materials not sufficiently secured and guarded, used or kept in, or in connection with, any such building, to forthwith repair, remove, change or secure the same, as the case may require.
F. Emergency Medical Services, Hazardous Materials, and Rescue Services: The department is authorized to provide ambulatory, hazardous materials, and rescue services in addition to fire services.
G. Records: Provide the record keeping and reporting systems necessary to assure proper maintenance and repair of fire department buildings, facilities, apparatuses and equipment; provide record keeping and reporting systems for all fire, fire inspection, emergency medical services, hazardous materials, and rescue services calls. (Ord. 5641, 5-2-2022)