   A.   A bond is required before any license under this chapter shall be issued to any transient merchant, the applicant for said license shall provide to the city clerk evidence that the applicant has filed a bond with the secretary of state in accordance with chapter 9C of the code of Iowa.
   B.   If the city clerk finds the application is made in conformance with section 3-4C-3 of this article, and the facts stated therein are correct, he/she shall issue a license and charge a fee therefor as determined by section 3-4C-5 of this article. If the city clerk denies the application, the applicant may appeal to the city council for a license. (Ord. 4685, 4-12-2004)
For 1 month or any part thereof
Transient Merchants:
For 1 day or any part thereof
(Ord. 4772, 5-2-2005)
   A.   Term Of License: A peddler's license will be valid for a period of one month or any part thereof, and shall expire at eight o'clock (8:00) P.M. of the last day for which the license is issued.
   B.   Display Of License: Each peddler shall at all times while doing business in this city keep in his/her possession the license provided for in section 3-4C-4 of this article, and shall, upon the request of prospective customers, exhibit the license as evidence that he/she has complied with all requirements of this section. Each transient merchant shall display publicly such merchant's license in the merchant's place of business.
   C.   License Not Transferable: Licenses issued under the provisions of this article are not transferable in any situation or location and are to be applicable only to the person filing the application.
   D.   Limitation On Time For Peddling: No person shall peddle goods or merchandise from eight o'clock (8:00) P.M. until eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. the following day. (Ord. 4685, 4-12-2004)
The city council, after notice and hearing, may revoke any license issued under this article where the licensee, in the application for the license or in the course of conducting his/her business, has made fraudulent or incorrect statements or has violated this article or has otherwise conducted his/her business in an unlawful manner. Revocation of any license shall bar the licensee from being eligible for any license under this chapter for a period of one year from the date of revocation. (Ord. 4685, 4-12-2004)
3-4D-1: Definitions
3-4D-2: Exemptions From Article
3-4D-3: License Required
3-4D-4: Application For License
3-4D-5: Issuance Of License
3-4D-6: Conditions Of License
3-4D-7: Solicitation For Religious Purposes
3-4D-8: Validated Licenses
3-4D-9: Revocation Of License
PERSON: In reference to licensing and solicitation shall be synonymous with the word "organization" except where the context clearly shows another meaning.
SOLICITOR OF FUNDS: Any person or organization, excepting those listed in section 3-4D-2 of this article, who shall solicit contributions of funds personally or through an authorized employee, agent or representative by the direct solicitation of money or by the sale of tags, buttons or tokens of nominal value, intending that all or a substantial portion of such funds be used for the procurement of necessities for one or more individuals, or for medical, educational, religious or other purposes toward the benefit of the community or a needful segment thereof. (Ord. 2983, 8-7-1978)
Except as they pertain to activities governed by this article, the terms "solicitor of funds", "solicit funds" and "solicitation of funds" shall not pertain to or include:
   A.   A person holding a valid state solicitation license;
   B.   Any organization soliciting contributions from among its membership or employees;
   C.   Any organization soliciting contributions while the solicitor and the person solicited are located upon property owned by that organization;
   D.   Solicitation of contributions by mail;
   E.   Solicitation of contributions by a person located outside the corporate limits of the city who is initiating solicitation of residents of the city, so long as such solicitation does not take the form of telephone or other direct personal solicitation by such person or his representative of individuals in the city; or
   F.   Solicitation for contributions of funds for a political party or candidate. (Ord. 2983, 8-7-1978)
No person or organization shall conduct a solicitation of funds as defined in this article excepting a solicitation of funds for a religious cause or purposes, without having first obtained a license as provided in this article. (Rev. Ord. 1540, Comp. 1941, p. L-4; amd. Ord. 2821, 5-24-1976; Ord. 2983, 8-7-1978)
Any person applying for a license to conduct a solicitation of funds, excepting solicitation of funds for a religious cause or purpose, shall make a written application therefor to the city clerk, who shall refer the completed application to the city council. No license shall be issued unless authorized by the city council upon an application which shall contain the following information:
   A.   Name of applicant and the organization he represents;
   B.   Purpose of the solicitation or purpose of the organization;
   C.   Location and address of the general headquarters of the organization and of any headquarters or person through which the organization locally operates;
   D.   Names and addresses of the officers of the organization;
   E.   Names of the persons having charge of the solicitation and the estimated number of persons who will be directly soliciting funds;
   F.   Proposed amount of funds to be raised by the solicitation, and the methods of soliciting or raising the funds proposed; if the organization proposes an on-going solicitation, then only the methods of soliciting funds need be listed;
   G.   Percentage of gross collections in the city which will be used to pay solicitors of funds, other solicitation costs and expenses of the local organization, and the amount of percentage of such gross collections which will be paid to the local organization or to the national organization, where applicable, and not directly applied to the purpose of the solicitation; if solicitors are paid a salary or percentage of gross collections, then the number and amount of such salary or percentage shall also be listed; if a set percentage or dollar amount of the amount to be collected will be disbursed or distributed elsewhere than in the city, such percentage or amount shall be estimated and set forth;
   H.   The method by which funds raised in the city will be distributed;
   I.   The name and address of the local person or officer to whom action on the application by the city council and other city correspondence with the organization may be sent; any change in such name or address after issuance of a license shall be filed with the city clerk, to permit that information to remain as current as practicable;
   J.   Such other and further information as may be required by the city council to aid the city council in determining whether or not the application shall be approved. (Ord. 2983, 8-7-1978)