No person, as owner, agent, servant or employee, shall post or distribute any advertising matter of any kind within the limits of the city, without first making application for a license therefor at the office of the city clerk, and paying a license fee in the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per day for each person employed in such work, or the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) per year for a yearly distributor's license. The yearly distributor's license shall entitle the licensee to employ as many assistants as may be required, which assistants shall be furnished by the yearly licensee with a suitable badge or emblem showing in whose employ the assistants may be, and the assistants shall not need any further license except such authority. The licenses provided for in this section shall be issued in like form and manner as other city licenses. (Rev. Ord. 1540, Comp. 1941, p. L-4; amd. Ord. 3325, 2-13-1984)
A duly organized and chartered nonprofit corporation, or a bona fide nonprofit organization, shall be required to obtain a license to post or distribute advertising matter, but all fees for the license shall be waived as to such corporations or organizations. (Rev. Ord. 1540, Comp. 1941, p. L-4)
A. Posting On Utilities Facilities And Structures: No person shall paste, nail, tack or fasten in any way, any bill or other thing for the purpose of advertising any entertainment, or property for sale, or any other kind of advertising matter, upon any telegraph, telephone, or electric light pole or other pole or lamppost, fence, structure or building, erected upon or along any of the streets or alleys of the city.
B. Placing Advertisements In Or On Vehicles: No advertising bills, posters, printed or illustrated matter, samples, or advertising matter of any kind or character shall be placed in or on any motor vehicle or other vehicle parked upon the public streets, nor shall any form of advertising matter be attached to a vehicle so parked without the consent of the owner. This subsection is not intended to restrict painted or magnetic signs on the sides of vehicles which are used as a means of transportation for business purposes.
C. Manner Of Distribution; Littering: Distribution of advertising material shall be made in such a manner as not to create a nuisance, and no licensed billposter or distributor, or any other person, shall scatter or deliver any advertising bills or matter upon the streets or alleys of the city, nor hand the bills to persons passing along the streets, nor throw the bills into yards of private buildings, or along halls or public buildings or elsewhere, within the city.
D. Persons Who May Distribute Bills Within Their Businesses; Prohibited Distributions: Retailers or local societies or theaters may hand bills and advertisements to persons within their place of business, but shall refrain from scattering them along the public walks, gutters, streets or alleys of the city. (Rev. Ord. 1540, Comp. 1941, p. L-4; amd. Ord. 3325, 2-13-1984)