1-4-6: QUORUM:
A majority of the whole number of members of the council to which the city is entitled shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. The number of members needed for a quorum of the city council is four (4). Less than a quorum may adjourn and compel the attendance of members. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
1-4-7: MEETINGS:
   A.   Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the city council shall be held on the first and third Mondays of each month at council chambers in city hall at five thirty o'clock (5:30) P.M., or at such other designated place other than council chambers pursuant to subsection F of this section. When a meeting date falls on a day designated by the city as a holiday, the regular meeting shall be held on the following evening at five thirty o'clock (5:30) P.M. in the council chambers at city hall, or at such other designated place other than the council chambers. The city council may adjourn a regular meeting to any date it may deem proper.
   B.   Special Meetings: Special meetings of the city council may be called by the mayor or by any four (4) council members, by serving a written notice of the special meeting to the city clerk not less than seventy two (72) hours prior to the meeting. Only such business may be transacted at a special meeting as is mentioned or referred to in the notice of the meeting. Special meetings shall be held in city hall, or at such other designated place other than city hall pursuant to subsection F of this section. The city clerk shall deliver notice of the meeting to council members via email and to their city-issued mailbox no later than twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting. Every attempt shall be made to confirm council members are in receipt of the notice of special meeting and are aware that said meeting is to take place.
   C.   Work Session: Work session meetings of the city council may be held on the first and third Mondays of each month at council chambers in city hall, or at such other designated place other than council chambers pursuant to subsection F of this section. When a meeting date falls on a day designated by the city as a holiday, the work session shall be held on the following evening in the council chambers at city hall, or at such other designated place other than the council chambers. City council may hold work sessions to review matters which are expected to come before city council for formal action at a regular meeting or otherwise need study and advance consideration. Items to be considered shall be listed on the agenda and shall state the approximate start time for each item following the first. Any topic discussed during a work session shall not be on the regular agenda on the same date, unless an emergency arises. City council recommendations for future action, when necessary, shall be made in the form of a motion and approved by a majority vote. Motions made during work sessions shall be limited to recommendations for further study, placing a topic on a regular or special session agenda for a vote, to cease further action, or to delay discussing a topic until a certain date. Motions made during work sessions shall not bind council members to vote in favor or against an item on a regular or special session agenda.
   D.   Planning Session: Planning session meetings of the city council shall be held only on the fifth Monday of a month at council chambers in city hall at five thirty o'clock (5:30) P.M., or at such other designated place other than the council chambers pursuant to subsection F of this section. When a meeting date falls on a day designated by the city as a holiday, the planning session meeting shall be held on the following evening at five thirty o'clock (5:30) P.M. in council chambers at city hall, or at such other designated place other than the council chambers. The purpose of the meeting shall be for council to discuss future projects, policies, strategic planning, or any other matter consistent with the purview of the city council. The city council shall not conduct any other business at the meeting except to authorize the payment of bills or to approve emergency agenda items.
   E.   Closed Session: Iowa Code section 21.5 outlines specific instances where cities are allowed to discuss city business in closed session prior to voting on the matter in open session. Before entering into closed session, the city attorney will make a statement to the city council and public noting the reason for adjourning to closed session and that the reason complies with a specific section of Iowa Code. City council must then make an affirmative, public vote equal to the lesser of two-thirds of the members of the body or all of the members present at the meeting to enter into closed session. Once in closed session, discussion must remain germane to the topic for discussion listed on the agenda. Final action on any item must take place in open session.
      1.   Matters discussed in closed session are sensitive in nature, where public disclosure of such information may be detrimental to the city. Elected officials and city staff shall follow article 1-4B of this chapter, with respect to matters discussed and information presented in closed session meetings.
   F.   Change Of Location: Regular, special, work session, or planning session meetings of the city council may be held at such other designated place other than city hall as the city council may deem advisable and necessary; provided, however, such designation of a meeting place other than the council chambers in city hall shall be by city council resolution. Notice of such change of meeting place shall be given to the public by publication as provided by Iowa Code section 362.3.
   G.   Electronic Meetings: A meeting of the city council may be conducted electronically only when a meeting in person is impossible or impractical and only if:
      1.   The council members participating in the meeting at each location by telephone or video can hear and be heard by all council members, provided that if any participant is hearing impaired other suitable means of communication are provided. If the meeting is conducted by email or video, the council members participating in the meeting shall, to the extent possible, have access to a reliable internet connection.
      2.   The city council provides public access to the conversation of the meeting to the extent reasonably possible.
      3.   The city council complies with Iowa Code section 21.4. For the purpose of this paragraph, the place of the meeting is the place from which the communication originates or where public access is provided to the conversation.
      4.   Minutes are kept of the meeting. The minutes shall include a statement explaining why a meeting in person was impossible or impractical.
   H.   Informal Meetings: Council members may hold meetings other than those outlined in this chapter. At such informal meetings, no legislative business may be transacted, and city business cannot be discussed if four (4) council members are present, unless there has been compliance with open meeting laws. At informal meetings where a quorum is not present, council members may receive informational briefings from staff, make site visits, receive public comments, or engage in informal discussion. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
The mayor may create and appoint no fewer than three (3) council members to standing committees of the council. Committee members shall be appointed at the first meeting in January or at the time a vacancy occurs. A chair shall be selected from the members of the committee. Nothing shall preclude the city council from acting as deemed necessary without the input of a committee in the case of an emergency to conduct the business of the city. Each of the following committees shall specifically be assigned the following responsibilities and other duties as deemed appropriate:
   A.   Finance Committee: This committee shall review travel requests, budget line item amendments, expenditure pre-authorizations, and refund requests for sanitation services in accordance with city finance policies and procedures. The committee shall meet prior to each regular session and planning session. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
   A.   The mayor or a quorum of the city council may appoint members to temporary advisory or ad hoc committees consisting of council members, staff, and/or private citizens, as deemed desirable and necessary to assist and advise the mayor or city council. Members of city council-appointed committees shall abide by Iowa Open Meeting Laws.
   B.   The special committee shall prepare and deliver a final report of its findings to the mayor if created by the mayor or city council if created by the city council. The special committee shall be considered discharged upon delivery of the final report. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
   A.   The city shall comply with Iowa Code chapters 21 and 22 regarding open meeting and open record laws.
   B.   All meeting agendas shall be legally posted on the city website and on the lobby wall, directly outside the city clerk's office located on the first floor of Waterloo City Hall, 715 Mulberry Street, and shall be timely furnished to those media enterprises that have filed a written request for notice with the city. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
   A.   Minutes of all city council meetings shall be maintained by the city clerk as a permanent record. A record shall be made of the names and addresses of persons addressing council and a summary of their remarks. A record shall be made of each member moving and seconding a motion, resolution, ordinance, or amendment. Minutes shall be available for viewing by any member of the public during normal city hall business hours as soon as the minutes of the meeting are complete. Minutes shall be made available no later than the close of business on the Friday prior to the next regular council meeting.
   B.   Council members shall notify the city clerk prior to the start of the meeting if a correction to the previous meeting's minutes is suggested to allow the city clerk time to verify that such a correction is required. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
1-4-12: GIFT LAW:
A public official, public employee, candidate, or that persons immediate family member, shall abide by Iowa Code section 68B.22. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
1-4A-1: Authority
1-4A-2: Interpretation
1-4A-3: Amendments To Rules Of Procedure
1-4A-4: Parliamentary Rules To Govern
1-4A-5: Order Of Seating
1-4A-6: Official Action
1-4A-7: Presiding Officer
1-4A-8: Presiding Officer Debate And Voting
1-4A-9: Council Meeting Decorum
1-4A-10: Speaking During Public Meetings - Council Member
1-4A-11: Council Member Presentations
1-4A-12: Council Member Absence
1-4A-13: Council Participation Via Telephone Or Video
1-4A-14: Placing Items On The Agenda
1-4A-15: Affirmative Motions
1-4A-16: Order Of Business For Regular Meetings
1-4A-17: Mayor's Role In Approving Legislation
1-4A-18: Ordinance
1-4A-19: Resolution
1-4A-20: Motion
1-4A-21: Motion To Call The Previous Question
1-4A-22: Motion To Adjourn
1-4A-23: Motion To Amend
1-4A-24: Motion To Postpone
1-4A-25: Motion To Reconsider
1-4A-26: Motion To Rescind
1-4A-27: Point Of Order
1-4A-28: Tie Vote
1-4A-29: Abstentions
1-4A-30: Conflict Of Interest
1-4A-31: Conflict Of Interest Protest
1-4A-32: General Rules For Public Participation
1-4A-33: Public Comment Section Of The Agenda
1-4A-34: Public Comment During Public Hearings
1-4A-35: Public Comment During Work Session And Planning Session, Meetings
1-4A-36: Public Comment During Regular Session And Special Session Agenda Items
1-4A-37: Violating Rules Of Public Participation And Sergeant At Arms
The city council shall adopt and enforce its own reasonable rules concerning the conduct of city council meetings pursuant to Iowa Code sections 21.7 and 372.13(5). (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
The city attorney or city clerk shall be considered the final authority on any questions regarding the application or interpretation of this article. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)