1-4-1: Role Of Mayor
1-4-2: Role Of City Council Members
1-4-3: Compensation Of Mayor And City Council Members
1-4-4: Council Member Communications With City Employees
1-4-5: Council Members And The Employee Disciplinary Process
1-4-6: Quorum
1-4-7: Meetings
1-4-8: Standing Committees Of Council
1-4-9: Special Committees
1-4-10: All Meetings And Records Open To The Public
1-4-11: Method Of Keeping Minutes
1-4-12: Gift Law
The mayor is the chief executive officer of the city, head of the executive branch of the city, ceremonial head of the city and, when present at a council meeting, is presiding officer of the council. As head of the executive branch of the city, the mayor oversees the daily administration of the city by supervising and directing all city employees and departments. The mayor shall recommend the appointment of department heads with the consent of council. The mayor shall not vote on any measure. The mayor may appoint city council members to serve as non-voting liaisons to city boards and commissions established under title 2 of this code. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
A. The mayor of the city shall receive an annual salary of ninety-four thousand dollars ($94,000.00) for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2020 and an annual salary adjustment each subsequent July 1 thereafter, starting July 1, 2020, equal to the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Works (CPI-W), current series, U.S. All items, as determined by comparing the December index for the year just ended with the December index for the calendar year preceding it.
B. Each member of the council shall receive an annual salary of nine thousand two hundred seventy-two dollars and twenty-two cents ($9,272.22) for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2020 and an annual salary adjustment each subsequent July 1 thereafter, starting July 1, 2020, equal to the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), current series, U.S. All items, as determined by comparing the December index for the year just ended with the December index for the calendar year preceding it.
C. In the event that there is no percentage change increase as described in subsections A and B of this section in any given year, then the salary of the mayor and the salary of each member of the council shall not be increased in any such year. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
A. Council members shall refrain from becoming directly involved in the administrative activities and daily responsibilities of employees. Council members may make inquiries of department heads or their designee, for the limited, legitimate purpose of informing themselves regarding agenda items or important affairs of an immediate and urgent nature. The mayor may choose to establish formal procedure for council-department head interaction and department head support of council committees. Council members may discuss with the mayor anything pertaining to city affairs.
B. Council members shall avoid situations that can result in city employees being directed, intentionally or unintentionally, by one or more members of the council. While council member interaction with the city's employees is unavoidable, giving direction regarding other city employees, duties, working conditions, supervisors, etc., is discouraged. If an employee voices a concern or complaint with them, council members may listen to such concerns and complaints, and shall then refer any such complaints back to the mayor, or if the mayor is involved in the matter, to the human resources director, for follow up and action if needed. Council members may remind the city's employees that they have a number of resources at their disposal to address employment issues if needed, including the employee handbook, or following the grievance procedures set forth in their collective bargaining agreement in the case of a union employee. This section shall not be construed as prohibiting or discouraging employees from reporting criminal acts or serious acts of personal misconduct that violate the employee handbook.
C. In situations in which an employee approaches a council member and the communication does not involve a complaint or concern with regard to other city employees, duties, working conditions, supervisors, or other terms of employment, council members may freely speak with the employee.
D. Nothing herein shall diminish a council members' constitutional right to free association or speech with any city employee during any city employee's time when not in work status. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)
A. Council members shall not become involved in disciplinary matters and the disciplinary or investigative process except where adopted city policy or state law may allow such participation.
B. Council members shall operate within the city's established chain of command. The established chain of command requires the mayor, department heads, managers, and supervisors to oversee and direct their workforce on behalf of the city. The human resources director and mayor are required to ensure city policies are consistently applied across all departments. This is to avoid inconsistent or political influences in the investigative or disciplinary process, which may lead to arbitration, civil service proceedings, or litigation. (Ord. 5662, 9-19-2022)